日本語3030 JAPN 3030: Advanced Japanese II中級の日本語II

University of North Texas

Spring, 2012


Yayoi Takeuchi, M.A. Email:

(竹内弥生)Office: Language 405GOffice Phone: 940-369-5182

Office Hours: Mondays 3:15-4:00 pmTuesdays: 1:00-1:45 pm

& by appointment

JAPN 3030-001 MWF 1:00-1:50 LANG 201

JAPN 3030-002MWF 2:00-2:50 LANG 114

Course Description & Objectives:

Japanese 3030: Advanced Japanese is a course engaging the content of intermediate Japanese (中級ちゅうきゅう). It is a new starting point to develop the skills and understanding of Japanese language and the culture beyond the basic level of studies.

This course covers new forms essential to Japanese communication in conjunction with extensive review of fundamentals from Genki I and II textbooks. In this course, you will read and discuss about topics of interest in Japanese as well as focusing on the language itself. Building as much vocabulary and kanji, as well as gaining more control in Japanese with additional grammar will be the key to be successful in this course. Reading aloud will be employed extensively to develop a strong ability to help understand the language.

JAPN 3030, in conjunction with JAPN 3020 offered in the Fall, is the course that marks what is considered the final stage of basic (初級しょきゅう) Japanese. It introducesapproximately 200 new kanjiand 300 new vocabulary words each semester. In addition, we will discuss important cultural aspects such as gift-giving and proper use of language in consideration of status differences in Japanese society. Also, practical and functional expressions will be discussed such as explaining physical conditions, making reservations, organizing thoughts to tell past experiences, as well asconducting appropriate ways toexpress own opinions and asking for others’, expressing complaints and/or gratitude, etc..

By the end of Japanese 3030 you should be able to:

-Read authentic Japanese text in a functional speed

-Listen and understand/respond to the content of Japanese in natural speed

-Lead discussions and presentations on selected topics

-Use Japanese extensively in communication

-Express opinions clearly, appropriately with feeling

-Speak and write with appropriate humility and respect in formal or work situations

-Understand the language along with the culture/ history

-Read texts at an intermediate level (420 kanji)

-Write essays based on personal experience and the ideas from reading

After this course, you will be ready for intermediate (中級ちゅうきゅう) level Japanese, in which you can read and discuss about topics of interest in Japanese rather than focusing so much on the language itself. At this point, it will be a matter of building as much vocabulary and kanji as possible, and gaining more control with additional grammar as you go. You will have an opportunity to continue with this type of study in JAPN 3040 and JAPN 3060: Advanced Topics in Culture, in which students focus on reading and discussion on various aspects of Japanese culture today.

Required Materials:

Textbook: Miura & McGloin. (2008). An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese [Revised Edition] 日本語の中級[改訂版]. ( with two CDs accompanying the textbook )

Workbook: Miura & McGloin. (2008). An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese [Revised Edition] Workbook 日本語の中級[改訂版]ワークブック

J< >E dictionary (recommended: Kodansha’s Furigana Japanese Dictionary ISBN4-7700-2480-0)

Additional Optional Materials:

Nelson’s Kanji Dictionary (ISBN0-8048-2037-6)

Kodansha’s Essential Kanji Dictionary(ISBN4-7700-2891-1)

Kodansha’s Kanji Learner’s Dictionary(ISBN4-7700-2855-5)

Kodansha’s Compact Kanji Guide(ISBN4-7700-1553-4)

*All dictionaries mentioned above are available for students to use in Foreign Language Learning Center (LANG 105) and Willis Library.


(1) Attendance

Class attendance is mandatory. For JAPN 3020, assigned reading, listening and speaking practices before coming to each class are VERY crucial in participating in class. Lacking the preparation may result in receiving lower attendance points. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to obtain missed material from a classmate and follow the schedule to catch up on your own.

(2) Participation

Active participation is expected at all times (including speaking with partners, taking notes, asking questions, and active listening). You will be working in pairs or groups extensively. You will be asked to maintain a Japanese-only environment as much as possible.

(3) Homework & Outside Study

Students are expected to study outside of class at least 5 – 6 hours per week. In addition to doing and checking assigned homework, it is imperative that you review what was covered in class, memorize new vocabulary and characters, and continually review previous material. The Foreign Language Learning Center also has movies, magazines, satellite TV, and other resources that you may find helpful for individual study.


Class Participation15% (10% participation, 5% attendance)

Homework Assignments15% (workbook & reading worksheet)

Quizzes15% (5% each: grammar, kanjivocabulary)

Project & Materials 10%

Short essays & writing10%

Oral Exam 5%(project presentation)

Chapter Tests 15%

Final Exam15%

Class Participation (15%):

Full attendance credit (10 points per class) will be given to those who are present and fully participating for the entire class. Tardiness will result in the loss of at least 1 point. Partial attendance or lack of participation will also result in deduction of points. Although absences may be unavoidable due to personal emergencies or illnesses, your FIRST THREE(3) class hours missed will not be counted against you to accommodate those cases. After that, the absences are only excused in the case of required attendance at an activity for another class or extended illness with documentation. It is not necessary to provide excuses for other absences.

NOTE: If you have TWO (2) or more MISSING class period in any CHAPTER, you will loose the privilege to take the chapter test automatically unless instructor’s approval otherwise.

Homework Assignments (15%):

Homework for each chapterfrom workbook is due on or before the day of the Chapter Test as noted in the attached schedule. Additions and/or modifications may be made at the discretion of the instructor. You are responsible for checking your answers against the answer key and clearly correcting your mistakes. The homework is important practice and should display your effort and learning by showing your attempts and your corrections. Please use the answer key as a learning tool, not as a way to get out of doing your homework! (Remember that plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses.) Free-answer sections will be checked by your instructor. Homework will be graded on completeness and how thoroughly you checked your answers. No credit will be given to homework completed during class time nor to the homework simply copied the KEY without an evidence of trying on your own.

Homework procedure:

Complete the Workbook pages and assignments as listed on the schedule.

Check closed-answer type questions on your own using the answer key. To check, use a colored pen and make the necessary corrections to your answers. If all items in the section are correct, draw a large circle over the section. Ask questions in the margin of the homework pages so the instructor can correspond the specific question on the spot in writing regarding the exercise. Turn your homework in at the beginning of the class on due date.

Review your homework when it is returned to you.

Late homework:

Late homework (except for each chapter workbook pages) will be accepted five times with full credit. After that, late homework will receive a maximum of 50% credit. Late homework must be submitted by the last day of each chapter.

Quizzes (15%; 5% each for grammar, kanji, and vocabulary):

There will be one grammar, kanji and vocabulary quizzes per chapter. The lowest quiz scores of each category will be dropped. These quizzes will be a study guide to Chapter tests and Final exam. Grammar quizzes are done on Blackboard during each assigned date and time. They are open book quizzes and possible to try up to two times within the scheduled time for each chapter.

Chapter Tests (15%):

There are seven chapter tests (Ch. 9-15). The tests will cover vocabulary, kanji and grammar patterns introduced in the chapter. The lowest of the tests will be dropped.

Final Exam (15%):

There will be a cumulative final exam at the end of the course with extra weight on the Ch.15 material.

Oral Exam (5%):

Individual project presentation in class will serve as the oral exam for this course. During the presentation, the instructor and classmates will evaluate the presenter’sperformance. Details of exam will be announced the week prior to the exam.

Make-up Policy for Quiz and Exams:

There are NO make-ups for quizzes and exams. The lowest quiz scores from each type will be dropped to accommodate occasional illness or other absences. Mid-term tests, oral exams or final exams will only be granted in the cases of extended illness or emergency and only if appropriate documentation is submitted.

Grading Scale:

90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C

60-69% = D 59% or below = F

Academic Honesty:

We expect the homework assignments you turn in and the answers on your tests to be true representations of your effort and learning. Please respect us, yourself, and the other students by maintaining integrity in this area. Plagiarism (i.e., copying another person’s work and presenting it as your own work) or cheating (i.e., providing answers for someone else or getting answers from someone else) will not be tolerated. Consequences of any breach of academic integrity may include lowering of grade and/or failure of the assignment and/or the course.

Extra Help or Disability Accommodation:

(1) Office Hours

Visit your instructor during office hours for individual help or study suggestions. If the scheduled times don’t work for you, call or email for an appointment.

(2) Tutors

The Learning Center has volunteer tutors that will work with you individually at no charge. Visit

(3) Disability Accommodation

The University of North Texas is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation; reference Public Law 92-112 – The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. With the passage of new federal legislation entitled Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), pursuant to section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, there is renewed focus on providing this population with the same opportunities enjoyed by all citizens.

Our department cooperates with the Office of Disability Accommodation to make reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. Students must follow the Procedure for Requesting Special Accommodation, as indicated in the UNT Policy Manual, Volume 3, 18.1.14, part II. According to these guidelines, "[w]ithin the first week of class, qualified students must notify the instructor or academic unit liaison for disability accommodation that options to standard methods of educational access will be needed" (part II, section B).

Study Abroad:

UNT promotes study abroad through various programsin Japan. For more information, please contact or visit the Global Experience and Learning at Information Science Building (940-565-2207) for more information


Use this schedule to follow course topics, homework, assignments and keep track of quiz and test dates.The schedule is subject to change. We announce information extensively through Blackboard; please pay attention to the announcements via Blackboard as well as in class.「宿題しゅくだい」means homework to be done after that day’s lesson. Do corresponding pages after each class and check them with KEY before turning in. All workbook pages of each chapter are due on the day of Chapter Test. No workbook points are granted if no evidence of grading your own homework as well as submitting them after the due date.

Honor Society:

UNT has established the college chapter of the Japanese National Honor Society (JNHS). The mission of the society is to recognize our outstanding students and encourage their scholastic achievement and excellence in the study of Japanese language. In addition, we aim to promote ways for students to use Japanese on campus and in the community. Certificates of Excellence and red-and-white cords to wear at graduation will be given to students who are granted membership in the society.

The following is the criteria for the membership of JNHS:

  1. Completion of 5 semester courses of Japanese language at the college level.
  2. GPA of 3.5 in Japanese language courses; and an overall GPA of 3.0.

There will be activities to associate with the members of JNHS throughout the school year.

Enrichment Activities & Resources:

Japanese Film Series: Bi-weekly Japanese film viewing

Japanese-English Language Exchange: Weekly meeting for language exchanges

Japanese Cultural Organization:Bi weekly meeting & さくらまつりin April. Some presentation at the festival will be linked to the class project
日本語3030:Spring 2012 - Schedule

Date / CH / Lesson Topics/ Contents / テスト / 提出ていしゅつ / 宿題
1 / 1/18
水 / Ch.8 / Course introduction
中級の日本語I 復習(ふくしゅう)
新しい言葉/漢字の言葉の練習れんしゅう / Blackboard -
Ch.9 文法ポイントクイズ
Ch.9 新しい言葉と文法&漢字の言葉のリスト
2 / 1/20
金 / Ch.8 / 第九課−2
新しい表現/漢字の言葉/会話練習 / Ch.9 WB
Project topic & outline
3 / 1/23
月 / Ch.8 / 第九課−3
漢字の言葉と文法表現 / 文法
クイズdue / Ch.9 WB
4 / 1/25
水 / Ch.8 / 第九課−4
文法表現の練習 / Vocab Qz / Ch.9 WB
Ch.9 小作文
5 / 1/27
金 / Ch.8 / 第九課−5
会話練習とまとめwrap-up / Kanji Qz / Project topic & outline / Ch.9 WB
Ch.9 読み物ワークシート
6 / 1/30
月 / Ch.9 / 第九課 小テスト
新しい言葉/漢字の言葉の練習 / Ch.9 テスト / All Ch.9 WB / Blackboard -
7 / 2/1
水 / Ch.9 / 第十課−1
新しい表現/漢字の言葉/会話練習 / Ch.9 小作文 / Ch.10 WB
8 / 2/3
金 / Ch.9 / 第十課−2
新しい表現/漢字の言葉/会話練習 / 文法
クイズdue / Ch.10 WB
Ch.10 小作文
9 / 2/6
月 / Ch.9 / 第十課−3
漢字の言葉と文法表現 / Ch.9 読み物ワークシート / Ch.10 WB
10 / 2/8
水 / Ch.
10 / 第十課−4
文法表現の練習 / Vocab Qz / Ch.10 WB
11 / 2/10
金 / Ch.
10 / 第十課−5
会話練習とまとめwrap-up / Kanji Qz / Ch.10 WB
12 / 2/13
月 / Ch.
10 / 第十課 小テスト
新しい言葉/漢字の言葉の練習 / Ch.10 テスト / ALL Ch.10 WB / Blackboard –
13 / 2/15
水 / Ch.
10 / 第十一課−1
新しい表現/漢字の言葉/会話練習 / 文法
クイズdue / Ch.10小作文 / Ch.11 WB
14 / 2/17
金 / Ch.
10 / 第十一課−2
新しい表現/漢字の言葉/会話練習 / Ch.10読み物ワークシート / Ch.11 WB
15 / 2/20
月 / Ch.
10 / 第十一課−3
漢字の言葉と文法表現 / Project 1st draft / Ch.11 WB
Ch.11 小作文
16 / 2/22
水 / Ch.
11 / 第十一課−4
文法表現の練習 / Vocab Qz / Ch.11 WB
17 / 2/24
金 / Ch.
11 / 第十一課−5
会話練習とまとめwrap-up / Kanji Qz / Ch.11 WB
Plan of 3030 Study material
18 / 2/27
月 / Ch.
11 / 第十一課 小テスト
新しい言葉/漢字の言葉の練習 / ALL Ch.11 WB / Blackboard -
19 / 2/29
水 / Ch.
11 / 第十二課−1
新しい表現/漢字の言葉/会話練習 / 文法
クイズdue / Ch.11小作文 / Ch.12 WB
20 / 3/2
金 / Ch.
11 / 第十二課−2
新しい表現/漢字の言葉/会話練習 / Ch.12 WB
21 / 3/5
月 / Ch.
11 / 第十二課−3
漢字の言葉と文法表現 / Vocab Qz-A / Ch.10読み物ワークシート / Ch.12 WB
22 / 3/7
水 / Ch.
12 / 第十二課−4
文法表現の練習 / Vocab Qz-B / -Project draft-1
-Plan for 3030 Study material / Ch.12 WB
23 / 3/9
金 / Ch.
12 / 第十二課−5
会話練習とまとめwrap-up / Kanji Qz-A / Ch.12 小作文
24 / 3/12
月 / Ch.
25 / 3/14
水 / Ch.
26 / 3/16
金 / Ch.
 春休み 
27 / 3/26
月 / Ch.
13 / 第十二課 小テスト
新しい言葉/漢字の言葉の練習 / Kanji Qz-B / -Ch.12 WB
-Ch.11読み物ワークシート / Blackboard -
28 / 3/28
水 / Ch.
13 / 第十三課−1
新しい表現/漢字の言葉/会話練習 / 文法
クイズdue / Ch.12小作文 / Ch.13 WB
29 / 3/30
金 / Ch.
13 / 第十三課−2
新しい表現/漢字の言葉/会話練習 / -Project draft-2 / Ch.13 WB
Ch.13 小作文
30 / 4/2
月 / Ch.
13 / 第十三課−3
漢字の言葉と文法表現 / Vocab Qz-A / Ch.12読み物ワークシート / Ch.13 WB
31 / 4/4
水 / Ch.
13 / 第十三課−4
文法表現の練習 [International Week] / Vocab Qz-B / Ch.13 WB
32 / 4/5
金 / Ch.
13 / 第十三課−5
[International Week] / Kanji Qz-A / -Ch.13小作文-Project final script / Ch.13 WB
33 / 4/9
月 / Ch.
13 / 第十三課 小テスト
[International Week] / Kanji Qz-B / ALL Ch.13 WB / Blackboard -
34 / 4/11
水 / Ch.
14 / 第十四課−1 プロジェクト発表の日&
さくら祭りPresentation in class and display presentation boards after class at SakuraMatsuri @ One O’Clock Lounge in UNION [International Week] / Presentation w/ board in class> @
さくら祭り / Ch.14 WB
35 / 4/13
金 / Ch.
14 / 第十四課−2
[International Week] / 文法
クイズdue / Ch.13読み物ワークシート / Ch.14 WB
Ch.14 小作文
36 / 4/16
月 / Ch.
14 / 第十四課−3
文法表現の練習 / Vocab Qz-A / Study material in-progress product / Ch.14 WB
Ch.14 読み物ワークシート
37 / 4/18
水 / Ch.
14 / 第十四課−4
文法表現の練習 / Vocab Qz-B / Ch.14 WB
38 / 4/20
金 / Ch.
14 / 第十四課−5
会話練習とまとめwrap-up / Kanji Qz-A / Ch.14小作文 / Ch.15小作文
39 / 4/23
月 / Ch.
14 / 第十四課 小テスト
新しい言葉/漢字の言葉の練習 / Kanji Qz-B / ALL Ch.14 WB / Ch.15文法ポイントクイズ
40 / 4/25
水 / Ch.
15 / 第十五課−1
新しい表現/漢字の言葉/会話練習 / 文法
クイズdue / Ch.14読み物ワークシート / Ch.15 WB
41 / 4/27
金 / Ch.
15 / 第十五課−2
新しい表現/漢字の言葉/会話練習 / Ch.15小作文 / Ch.15 WB
42 / 4/30
月 / Ch.
15 / 第十五課−3 文法表現の練習 / Vocab Qz-A / Study material DUE / Ch.15 WB
43 / 5/2
水 / Ch.
15 / 第十五課−4 文法表現の練習 / Vocab Qz-B / Ch.15 WB
44 / 5/4
金 / Ch.
15 / 第十五課−5 会話練習とまとめ
Fill out SETE*(20 min. @LANG106 lab) / Kanji Qz-A / Ch.15 WB
第十五課 小テスト
Peer Review w/ study material / Kanji Qz-B / ALL Ch.15 WB
Review for final exam
Peer Review/ Reading & writing
期末試験 / 001 / Friday, May 13th, 10:30am -12:30pm
002 / Monday, May 9th, 1:30pm - 3:30pm

* The Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (SETE) will be available at the end of the semester, providing you achance to comment on this class. The SETE is a requirement for all organized classes at UNT and responses are used bythe department in evaluating the faculty. We work to continually improve our courses, so we appreciate your feedback!

2012年 春学期

二年生と三年生のための会話テーブル 水曜日午後3:00〜 @LANG 410 Lounge

(2/1,22, 3/14, 4/11は映画の日)

1/18 Conversation会話テーブル1

1/25 Conversation会話テーブル2

2/1 Film #1: Limit of Love: Umizaru (日本映画の日1)

2/8 Conversation会話テーブル3

2/15 Conversation会話テーブル4

2/22 Film #2: Love*Com (日本映画の日2)

2/29 Conversation会話テーブル5

3/7 Conversation会話テーブル6

3/14 Film #3: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (日本映画の日3)


3/28 Conversation会話テーブル7

4/4 Conversation会話テーブル8

4/11 Film #4: The Professor’s Beloved Equation (日本映画の日4)

4/18 Conversation会話テーブル9

4/25 Conversation会話テーブル10



JAPN 3030 Syllabus: Spring 2012