Council Minutes 19th April 2010

30.3'Healing Hands' Painting - Copyright (Confidential)

Moved Cr Oliver Seconded Cr Medlyn that in accordance with the 1999 Local Government Act, Section 90 subsection (2) and (3):

(2)A Council or Council Committee may order that the public be excluded from attendance at so much of a meeting as is necessary to receive, discuss, consider in confidence any information or matter listed in subsection (3)

(3)The following information and matters are listed for the purposes of subsection (2):

(g)matters that must be considered in confidence in order to ensure that the council does not breach any law, order or direction of a court or tribunal constituted by law, any duty of confidence, or other legal obligation or duty.

With the Deputy Chief Executive and other relevant officers remaining in the Chambers.

File Ref:9.24.1

Officer (full name):Kim Vivian

From:Council meeting 18 January 2010 – Item 34

Officers Consulted (full name):John Coombe, Mike Shelley

Strategic Plan Outcome Nbr:1.6 Cultural, arts and learning opportunities that contribute to vibrancy and diversity in the community

Budget Allocation:NilBudget Spent to Date:

Chart of Account:N/AJob Number:

ESD Impact/Benefit:-

* Environmental:N/A

* Social:Positive, adds value to the social and cultural fabric of the community.

* Economic:Unbudgeted additional cost to Council.


The “Healing Hands” painting by Stanley Geebung is a significant painting which was purchased by Council in September 2006.

Council requested an investigation into the possibility of Council undertaking the production of a limited print (signed by the painter) and also have “normal” copies available to the public, with all funds going to the Tim Stokes Memorial Fund.


30.3'Healing Hands' Painting - Copyright (Confidential)


Council officers have met with the painter and he has indicated that he is agreeable to selling the copyright for the painting outright to Council for the amount of $5,000.

Council would also need to have a legal agreement drafted that would facilitate this and the cost of this is estimated to be $2,000 for a suitable contract with the indigenous artist.

In addition the cost to print a limited edition print run would be in the vicinity of $1,800 for 500 copies.

It is estimated that the signed copies could be sold for $50each and the unsigned copies could be sold for $25 each.

Total cost to Council would be approximately $8,800 with the likelihood of a long term total income of $13,000 (based on the sale of the entire print run).

No Council staffing or other internal resource costs are included in these figures.

At this point in time it is not known whether the demand for these prints is likely to achieve the sales detailed above.

ACS1081Moved Councillor Frank Tuckwell seconded Councillor Grant Gartrell that:

1. Council not proceed with this proposal at this time, but to review this after 6 months to determine if the demand for the prints warrants the expenditure of the establishment costs required to produce them.

2. the report remain Confidential for a period of six (6) months under Section 90(3)(g) of the Local Government Act 1999.

3. the minute remain Confidential for a period of six (6) months under Section 90(3)(g) of the Local Government Act 1999.

4. Kim Vivian be the responsible officer to review this item at the end of the confidential period.