Hollingsworth East Elementary School Cafeteria
March 8, 2010
6:00 p.m.
I.Opening of the Meeting
1.Call to Order– President
2. Roll Call - President
JF ___ DM ___ RM ___ BP___ JR ___
BN___ PD ___ CN___ JI___ SC___ KC___ KP___ PF___
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Adopt the Agenda
Motion by ______, seconded by ______to adopt the agenda.
JF ___ DM ___ RM ___ BP___ JR ___
President declares motion ______
5.Recognition of Visitors
6. Executive Session (only if necessary)
To discuss ______.
Motion by ______, second by ______to convene
executive session.
JF ___ DM ___ RM ___ BP___ JR ___
President declares motion ______.
President convenes executive session at ______p.m.
President resumes open session at ______p.m.
MARCH 8, 2010
7.Other Opening Business
II. Old Business
1.Treasurer’s Business - Priscilla Dodson
A. Approve minutes ofFebruary 11, 2010 Regular meeting.
B.Submission and approval of Bills.
C. Submission and approval of Financial Reports.
D. Submission and approval of Investment Reports.
E.Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax
Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor. (Attachment A)
2.Miami Valley Career Technology Center Report - Doug Mowen
3.Parks and Recreation Board Report – Doug Mowen
4.Superintendent’s Report – Brad Neavin
5.Principal’s Report - Jim Ingham
6.Other Old Business
III.New Business
The Administration recommends acceptance of the following resignations.
A.Kristin Schamel, 8th grade cheerleading advisor (football); 8th grade cheerleading advisor (basketball); 7th grade cheerleading advisor (football); 7th grade cheerleading advisor (basketball), effective June 30, 2010.
Motion by ______, seconded by ______,
MARCH 8, 2010
to approve agenda item III. 1.
JF ___ DM ___ RM ___ BP___ JR ___
President declares motion ______.
2.Employment – Non-Certificated Staff
The Administration recommends the employment of the following personnel. Employment contingent upon certification (where applicable), criminal record check, and all other state and local requirements. Salary and duties per Board Policy, Negotiated Agreement, and Administrative Rules and Regulations.
A.Ursula Gregg, 2.5 hour Cafeteria Worker School, effective, March 9, 2010.
Motion by ______, seconded by ______,
to approve agenda item III. 2.
JF ___ DM ___ RM ___ BP___ JR ___
President declares motion ______.
3.Employment – Certificated Staff – Substitute Teachers/ Tutors
The Administration recommends employment of the following substitute teachers and tutors on a one-year limited contract for the 2009-10 school year. Employment contingent upon certification, criminal background check, and all applicable state and local requirements. Salary and
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duties per Board Policy and Administrative Rules and Regulations with no fringe benefits.
A. Elizabeth Ayers, substitute Teacher and Home Instruction Tutor.
4.Employment – Non Certificated Staff – Substitute Employees
The Administration recommends employment of the following substitutes for the 2009-10 school year. Employment contingent upon certification (if necessary), criminal background check, and all applicable state and local requirements. Salary and duties per Board Policy and Administrative Rules and Regulations with no fringe benefits.
A.Elaine Kolb, substitute Cafeteria Worker
B.Jennifer Christine Baker, substitute Cafeteria Worker
C.Vicki Smith, substitute Secretary
Motion by ______, seconded by ______,
to approve agenda item III. 3 & 4.
JF ___ DM ___ RM ___ BP___ JR ___
President declares motion ______.
5.Employment – Non-Certificated Staff Supplemental Contracts
The Administration recommends the following supplemental contracts for the 2009-10 school year (July 1-June 30, 2010-11). Salaries and duties per Board Policy, Administrative Rules and Regulations and any applicable state requirements.
A. Allison Thompson, Varsity Girls Soccer, head coach
Motion by ______seconded by ______to approve Item III. 5.
JF ___ DM ___ RM ___ BP___ JR ___
MARCH 8, 2010
President declares motion______
6.After-School Tutoring Program
The Administration recommends the approval of an after-school tutoring program for students in grades 3, 4 and 5 at William Bruce Elementary. Teachers will work with identified students in need of intervention in math and reading.
7.Employment of Certificated Staff to Provide After-School Intervention
The Administration recommends the employment of the following staff to provide after-school intervention in math and reading beginning March 9, 2010 and ending April 22, 2010 at the board-adopted rate for tutors of $20.00 per hour. To be paid for fromfederal grant funds.
Mark Anspaugh
Janene Barnhart
Amy Fugate
Cynthia Genth
Jaime Hampton
Jen Iwanski
Jeff Kiracofe
Laura Kochendoerfer
Linda Laufer
Carolyn Martin
Mary Neavin
Martha Puffenberger
Malissa Miller
Bev Richardson
Brian Roth
Emily Schaeffer
Jenny Schmidt
Judy Sullivan
Karen Titkemeyer
Ann Tolliver
Janelle Vargo
Tiana White
8.Contract for Professional Services
The Administration recommends approval of an Agreement for Professional Services,from the following certificated teachers, between the Eaton Community School District and the Preble County Education Service Center, to serve as after school intervention tutors to work in our after-school intervention program beginning March 9, 2010 and ending April 22, 2010 at the Board-adopted rate for tutors of $20.00 per hour, per person.To be paid for from Federal grant funds.(Eaton Community School employees will have priority in the after
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Page 6
school intervention program and ESC staff will be used only in the event of a shortage of available approved Bruce Elementary Staff.)
Motion by ______, seconded by ______,
to approve agenda item III. 6-8.
JF ___ DM ___ RM ___ BP___ JR ___
President declares motion ______.
9.Agreement with Preble County Educational Service Center
The Administration recommends approval of anAgreement with the Preble County Educational Service Center for fiscal year 2011 to provide educational services for children with disabilities, as well as curriculum and instruction support services. The estimated cost of these services to be $1,183,267.00. Adjustments to be made contingent upon state funding, actual program costs and student participation. This amount to be deducted bi-monthly, through fiscal year 2011, through the state foundation payments.
Motion by ______, seconded by ______,
to approve agenda ItemsIII.9.
JF ___ DM ___ RM ___ BP___ JR ___
President declares motion ______.
10.Robotics Club
A.The Administration recommends the approval of the Eaton Robotics Club.
MARCH 8, 2010
11.Approval of Volunteers
The Administration recommends approval of the following volunteers for the 2009-10 school year; contingent upon completion of all state
and local requirements, including criminal background check if necessary.
A.Mike Halderman, volunteer advisor/coordinator of the Eaton Robotics Club for the remainder of the 2009-10 school year.
Motion by ______, seconded by ______,
to approve agenda Items III. 10 and 11.
JF ___ DM ___ RM ___ BP___ JR ___
President declares motion ______.
12.2009-10 Make-Up Day
The Administration recommends approval to amend the 2009-10 district calendar to add April 5, 2010 as a make-up day for staff and students for the 2009-10 school year.
Motion by ______, seconded by ______,
to approve agenda Items III. 12.
JF ___ DM ___ RM ___ BP___ JR ___
President declares motion ______.
13.2010-11 School Calendar
The Administration recommends approval of the 2010-2011 school
calendar as presented (Attachment B)
MARCH 8, 2010
Motion by ______, seconded by ______,
to approve agenda Items III. 13.
JF ___ DM ___ RM ___ BP___ JR ___
President declares motion ______.
14.Post Temporary Positions
The Administration recommends posting the following temporary positions to be filled as needed.
A.One (1) maintenance helper at the rate of $8.00 per hour, not to exceed 40 hours per week, for a maximum of 11 weeks; as needed from June 7 through August 20, 2010.
B.Three (3) painters, at the rate of $8.00 per hour, not to exceed
40 hours per week, for a maximum of 11 weeks; as needed from June 7 through August 20, 2010.
C.Four (4) custodian helpers, at the rate of $8.00 per hour, not to exceed 40 hours per week, for a maximum of 11 weeks; as needed from June 7 through August 20, 2010.
D.Three (3) transportation department helpers, at the rate of $8.00 per hour; not to exceed 40 hours per week for a maximum of 80 hours each; as needed June 29 through July 20, 2010
15.Approval of Professional Development
The Administration recommends approval of the following Professional development activities.
A.Jim Ingham, Ron Neanen and Cindy Neanen to attend a professional development meeting at Indiana University East retroactive to February 26, 2010.
B.Jim Ingham and Ron Neanen to attend a professional training meeting at Ivy Tech in Richmond, Indiana retroactive to March 2, 2010.
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C.Denise Sanders and Ashlee Suder to attend Orton Gillingham training May 3-7, 2010 in Covington, Kentucky, costs funded through Title I.
16.Out-of-State Field Trips
The Administration recommends approval for the following out-of-state field trips and teachers to accompany the field trip.
A.Freshman class, to Indiana University East, Richmond, Indiana on March 10, 2010 for college exposure.
B.Ron Neanen, Dorothy Stoltz, Robin Mirovsky, Shannon Langston and Nick Flynn to Indiana University East, Richmond, Indiana on March 10, 2010 to accompany Freshman class.
C.High School physical education class, bowling trip to Richmond, Indiana April 15 and 16, 2010.
D.Junior class, to Indiana University East, Richmond, Indiana on April 30, 2010 for college exposure.
17.Surplus Items List
The Administration recommends approval to declare certain items as surplus and to dispose of them.
A.Shredder, Tag #04628
The Administration recommends acceptance of the following donations.
A.From Vancrest Health Care Center & Assisted Living for the Vancrest Memorial Scholarship Fund.
B.From Duke Ellington Memorial Fund (Eaton Foundation), for reimbursement for purchase of laptop computers for Eaton High School.
MARCH 8, 2010
19.Other New Business
Motion by ______seconded by ______to approve Items III,14-19.
JF ___ DM ___ RM ___ BP___ JR ___
President declares motion______EATON
20. Executive Session (only if necessary)
To discuss ______.
Motion by ______, second by ______to convene
executive session.
President declares motion ______.
President convenes executive session at ______p.m.
President resumes open session at ______p.m.
IV. Adjournment
Motion by ______, seconded by ______to adjourn
the meeting.
JF ___ TL ___ RM ___ BP___ JR ___
President declares motion ______.
President adjourns meeting at ____ p.m.
2010-2011 CALENDAR
Certificated Staff Professional Development / Thursday, August 19, 2010First day for teachers / Friday, August 20, 2010
First day for students / Monday, August 23, 2010
No School/Labor Day / Monday, September 6, 2010
Interim Reports Issued / Friday, October 1, 2010
No School/Columbus Day / Monday, October 11, 2010
No school for students/all district professional development day / Tuesday, October 12, 2010
End of first quarter / Friday, October 22, 2010
Grade cards issued / Friday, October 29, 2010
Parent/teacher conferences / Thursday, November 11, 2010
No School/Conference make up/Veterans Day observed / Friday, November 12, 2010
No School/Thanksgiving break / Wed. through Fri. Nov 24 through 26, 2010
Interim reports issued / December 3, 2010
Christmas break / December 23, 2010 through January 1, 2011
No school for students/all district professional development day / Monday, January 3, 2011
End of second quarter and first semester / Friday, January 14, 2011
No School/Martin Luther King Day / Monday, January 17, 2011
Grade cards issued / Friday, January 21, 2011
Interim reports issued and Parent/Teacher conferences / Thursday, February 17, 2011
No school/conference make-up / Friday, February 18, 2011
Presidents Day/No School / Monday, February 21, 2011
End of Third Quarter / Friday, March 18, 2011
Grade Cards Issued / Friday, March 25, 2011
Spring Break / Mon., Mar. 28 – Fri., Apr. 1, 2011
No School/Good Friday / Friday, April 22, 2011
No school for students/all district professional development day / Monday, April 25, 2011
Interim reports issued / April 29, 2011
Last day for students and end of fourth quarter / Friday, May 27, 2011
Graduation / Sunday, May 29, 2011
Last day for teachers / Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Grade cards issued / Friday, June 3, 2011
Make up days: January 17, February 21, May 31, etc.
Grading Periods
First (August 23 - October 22)…………… 43
Second (October 25-January 14)……….. 50
First Semester………………………………………… 93
Third (January 18 – March 18)……………… 43
Fourth (March 21-May 27)……..…………… 44
Second Semester…………………………………….. 87
Total (178 days + conference days) 180
Teacher work days 3
Grand Total 183 / Conference Make Up Days
Friday, November 12, 2010
Friday, February 18, 2010
Teacher Work Days
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Monday, August 20, 2010
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The Board of Education adopts this calendar with the provisions that adjustments may be made as necessary and pending approval of professional development days by the Ohio Department of Education.
(Approved by the Eaton Board of Education on ______, 20__)