Topics covered in AP Macro class that will be on the 2014 Final Exam:
- economic growth
- full employment
- price stability and effects of inflation
- GDP versus GNP
- goods versus services
- “win-win” scenarios (as opposed to “zero sum game” scenarios
- what’s included and not included in GDP
- real GDP versus nominal GDP
- real interest rate versus nominal interest rate
- unanticipated inflation
- nominal vs. real income (salary)
- why stable prices are important
- kinds of unemployment
- what is included and what is not included in “unemployment” for purposes of the unemployment rate
- exports versus imports
- net exports
- labor force versus not in the labor force
- the 3 macroeconomic goals of the economy
- the 3 basic economic questions (or coordination questions)
- normative versus positive economics
- i.e. versus e.g.
- definition of economics, macroeconomics, markets, aggregates, models, scarcity, and opportunity cost, PPF, PPC, intermediate vs. final goods
- what is “free” and what one “needs” in economics
- PPF (PPC) graph
- shifts out or in of the ppf
- shape of the ppf: straight-line versus bowed out from the origin
- inefficient, efficient, and unattainable points in a PPC
- rational decision
- anticipated inflation, expected inflation, and inflationary expectations
- country’s production of consumption goods vs. capital goods
- inputs and outputs
- comparative advantage vs. absolute advantage
- ceteris paribus
- demand
- quantity demanded versus demand
- movement along a demand curve versus changes in demand
- determinants that shift demand, including, among other things, normal versus inferior goods and substitutes versus complements
- supply
- quantity supplied versus supply
- movement along a supply curve versus changes in supply
- determinants that shift supply
- equilibrium and equilibrium coordinates
- “circular flow of the economy” economic model
- expenditure formula for GDP and AD
- National Income formula
- closed versus open economy
- who exercises fiscal policy
- two tools of fiscal policy; also budget deficit and budget surplus
- The Fed as central bank, bank for banks, and banks for the US Treasury
- who exercises monetary policy
- business cycle graph
- demand, supply, and market graphs
- AS/AD graph of the entire economy
- GDP per capita
- Nominal versus real interest rates
- short-run aggregate supply curve and its 3 parts
- inflation and purchasing power
- short-run versus long-run
- short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment
- free-market, command, and mixed economies
- sunk versus marginal costs
- Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Keynes
- surplus versus shortage
- fallacy of composition
- correlation fallacy
- economic indicators, including without limitation CPI, GDP Deflator and PPI
- functions of money
- costs of inflation: menu costs, shoe leather costs, and unit of accounts costs
- calculating CPI using market basket method
- calculating total market basket cost/year
- calculating Price Index (CPI)
- what is and role of “base year”
- calculating percentage change in inflation rate (CPI)
- calculating GDP Deflator Index numbers
- CalculatingReal GDP from nominal GDP and GDP Deflator
- current dollars GDP vs. constant dollars GDP
- percentage change in real GDP
- long-term unemployment
- effect of Great Recession on unemployment
- Reason why AD has negative slope
- Determinants that shift AD
- “strings”
- tampering with the price mechanism
- hyperinflation
- progressive income tax and tax brackets
- government budget, balanced budget, budget deficit, and budget surplus
- national debt
- trade deficit or surplus
- transfer payments
- valid reasons for government regulation of the economy
- effect of unanticipated inflation
- the crucial problem of economics
- externalities
- what economic analysis is useful for