August 15, 1955

Due notice having been given a Public Hearing was held at the Orem City Hall on Monday August 15, 1955 at 8 P.M. relative to the receiving of any protests against the creating of a Special Improvement District on 400 North Street between State Hiway 91 and 600 East Street for the construction of Curb and Gutter and Sidewalk. This Public Hearing was held for the express purpose of explaining to the property owners the decided width of the street before proceeding further with the setting up of this District under Special Improvement.

Mayor LeGrand Jarman conducted. Present were Councilmen Weston Kofford, Howard H. Hall, V. Emil Hansen, Parlell G. Peterson, Manager O. V. Farnsworth, Engineer L. V. Beckman, and Clerk June Kendell.

Present were the following property owners and citizens--Richard Wells, Ralph Knight, Howard H. Egan, Albert Mott, G. L. Hartvigsen, Lowell Prestwich, Kay D. Sorensen, Dean A. Peterson, L. J. Louder, B. M. Jolley, Ed E. Wickman, Albert D. Clark, Dean Farnworth, Lee B. Mendenhall, Allen F. Laney, Don Hales, Verdun Watts, Verl Kofford and Clifton Pyne.

Engineer L. V. Beckman reported that it was deemed advisable to have the street 63 feet from curb side to curb side--30 feet on the north side of the center line of the Present Street and 33 feet on the south side of the center line of the present street. It was explained that there were a couple of places where this width would present difficulties--this would leave but a 9 foot setback of the Thorne home, and the home of Albert Mott (formerly owned by Mayme Wells) just east of the Vermont Ward church, as it is at present would extend 2½ feet of the front porch onto the sidewalk.

Considerable discussion followed as to what should be done in these instances--especially that of the Mott home. Some felt that a narrower street would still be alright--others felt that it would be foolish to have a street any narrower than the 63 feet recommended by the Engineer, and that there should be worked out some way of moving the Mott home back in order to get the wider street. Mayor Jarman explained that Orem City felt that it could not set a precedent of moving houses for street widening projects at the present time. It was also suggested that it might be deemed the advisable thing to put the wide street from the State Hiway easterly to the east line of the Vermont Ward Church, and then narrow the south side of the street in front of the Mott property for the present time, and at this point place the sidewalk on the north side of the street instead of on the south side where it will be between State and this point. Several of those in attendance felt this might be the best solution to the problem at this time. There was also some protest against the need of the property owners on the south side giving three more feet of property than those on the north side. The engineer explained that there were too many obstacles in the way to getting an additional three feet on the north side.

All parties having expressed themselves the meeting was adjourned.

Total estimated Budget Income 1955

Taxes - $146,689.63

Other income 248,037.10

Total income $394,726.73 (including $5,500

in fund transfers)

Previous fund balances totaling 94,212.38

as of Dec. 31, 1954 together with estimated income for 1955 makes a total of $488,939.11 for fund disbursements as follows:

Contingent Fund - $67,974.22

City Hall 3,806.55

Library Fund 5,602.72

Public Safety 65,951.10

Recreation 4,730.80

Parks & Cemetery 20,936.65

Sewer Fund 30,277.69

Sanitation 21,113.90

Water Dept. 168,592.82

Road Dept. 72,536.43

Debt Service 27,416.23

Report of Judge E. H. Johnson was reviewed and noted to be the largest amount collected in Justice Fines for any one month. It was moved by Weston Kofford, seconded by Councilman Peterson that the report be accepted. Motion passed.