1)Unpack the bidirection.tar file. This is a qt source project called thi_gui. The build directory needs to be created via the qtcreator build process. A test data directory called Precision.tar is also included and should be included for installation and testing purposes.
2)Install opencv and fftw3 if not already installed. Should be available on windows or linux machines. I have been running only in linux but windows should be ok as well.
3)Edit the thi_gui.pro for includepaths to opencv and fftw if necessary.
4)Build the thi_gui program.
5)The one argument to run the program is the name of an ascii file. An example file is in the distribution directory called ‘filelist0’.
Filelist0 contains the following
Line 1) absolute path of filter file, used to filter out fringes. Filter file included in distribution directory.
Line 2) absolute path of data directory
Line 3) file name only to cold black body.
Line 4) filename of hot black body
Line 5) wavelength file – must be narow band emission data take
Line 6) scan file –
Line 7) absolute path for prefix of output files. If something like /home/harold/junk you will get files with the name /home/harold/junk_*. The directory that it will write to must exist.
6)Run ‘thi_gui.exe filelist0’
7)If all is well, you should now see a window that looks like the screengrab on the next page. Note, I did not take the time to set up the program to read from the config file the Cold and Hot Temp and Wavelength fields. These need to be checked and the correct numbers inserted into the proper fields, if necessary.
8)Click the ProcessBB button. Process BB, processes the hot and cold blackbodies and derives coefficients for the NUC. The various blackbody images, DC and raw can be viewed in the lower right image window.
9)Click the Wavelength Cal button. This will find the peak bin from the wavelength calfft and derive the bin to wavelength relationship.
10)Note: constant offsets is preferred (see #11). The offset Calc and Process button will derive the frame to frame offsets and use this to resample the raw data, stacking it so that the full interferometer path is readily available for processing. This array is then fed in to the processor and the radiance is output in a file with the _spec (and _spec.hdr) suffix in the output directory. The envi header will have wavelength information, helpful for viewing the cube in ENVI. If the motion through the interferometer is opposite to the direction the program accepts, a dialog will open asking you to check (or uncheck) the flipFlag box and rerun the OffsetCalc and Process button routine. Note that you can select the start and number of frames to process.
11)If you already know the offsets or if its on a constant rotation or linear stage, you can manually input the avg x and y frame offset and check constant offsets. Then hit the Process to Radiance button. This does the same as 10 but does not do the feature matching to derive frame to frame offsets.
12)You can also compare a blackbody (other than the cold or hot used by the program) to compare its derived radiance to the blackbody planck radiance at that blackbodies temperature. Click Process BB to radiance, a dialog will open asking for the BB file name and its temperature in degrees C. A 3 column ascii file is created with a prefix_bb_TEMP.txt, with wavelength, planck radiance, and calculated radiance in the three columns.