Faculty of Occupational Medicine Training HandbookSection 5
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Training and CPD Record
This Training Record is designed to meet the requirements of the GMC to keep adequate documentary records of training and continuing professional development activities.
The Training Record will also help the monitoring of the trainee’s progress through the period of Higher Specialist Training. It will allow educational supervisors to assess both the achievements and the requirements of the trainee throughout this period.
The Training Record must be retained by the trainee, and maintained in a way that is appropriate to the work routine. Experience gained during the training programme must be collected and recorded as official documentary evidence, to be reviewed at the annual assessment. It should be updated regularly by the trainee.
A Training Record that accurately reflects acquired competencies and professional experience should be able to be used as supportive documentation for professional revalidation with the General Medical Council.
Explanatory Notes
The Training Record should be regularly updated throughout the period of specialist training.
A copy of the Training Record will need to be submitted for each annual RITA. It is recommended that the original document is retained by the trainee for reference during the RITA process.
The Training Record in subdivided into five sections (A to E). Details of the contents of each section are given below. It should be noted that some sections require more frequent updating than other sections. Supporting documentation should, where possible, be typed using a standard word processor package. Tables and charts can be included where this is felt to be helpful. The aim of the supporting documentation is to help demonstrate the acquisition of core competencies.
The Training Record will be kept under review and will be updated to reflect changes in:
- the Faculty’s curriculum for higher specialist training
- the assessment of competencies in occupational medicine
Summary of Contents of Sections A to E
Section A – Personal Information
- Personal details – name, dob, GMC Registration, address
Section B – CV
- a brief CV including details of general professional training, details of employment whilst a trainee in occupational medicine, and details of educational supervisors
Section C – Acquisition of Core Competencies
This information relates to the ‘Table of Learning Objectives’ that is set out at the start of section C. The ‘Table of Learning Objectives’ reflects the syllabus of training competencies as issued by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine. Further details are contained in the Training Handbook.
The ‘Table of Learning Objectives’ contains examples of how competency could be achieved and demonstrated. These are minimum suggestions and a degree of flexibility is anticipated in how trainees can best demonstrate their personal acquisition of the competencies. Early discussions between the trainee and educational supervisor are encouraged.
At the start of each year of training a Learning Plan should be drawn-up jointly by the educational supervisor/trainee. This will identify the learning objectives that need to be completed during the coming year and will take into account information gained from the previous RITA assessment. These plans should be included in the training record
Suggested information to be included in section C:
- four workplace assessments by the end of year 2
- details of advice given on first aid arrangements to two workplaces by the end of year 2
- three clinical case reports for the first three years of training (i.e. 9 by the end of year 3)
- details of the evaluation of two health surveillance programmes by the end of year 4
- details of assessment of environmental impact of two organisations by the end of year 4
- details of the evaluation of a health promotion programme by the end of year 4
- details of two clinical audit projects by the end of year 4
- details of dissertation protocol by year 2 and dissertation by the end of year 4
- details of teaching and policy development undertaken whilst a trainee
Supporting documentation should be inserted in the relevant sections of the Training Record. Summary details of tasks (e.g. workplace assessments, audits etc) should be filled in Section C where indicated.
The ‘Table of Learning Objectives’ includes space for trainees and educational supervisors to indicate when particular objectives have been completed. It is important that this is kept up to date. It will allow easy identification of objectives that need to be completed for the forthcoming year of training.
Section D – Personal Training Information
This section should include loose leaf insertions of any other relevant training documentation. Examples of the types of documents to include are:
- Confirmation of enrolment for Higher Specialist Training with the FOM
- RITA forms
- Personal annual appraisal reports
- Copies of training plans agreed with the educational supervisor
- any other relevant training information
Section E – Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- CPD section including details on courses, conferences, publications, clinical attachments.
The GMC’s revalidation process will require all doctors to maintain a record of CPD activity. This record will help trainees and educational supervisors to plan the forthcoming year’s Learning Plan.
Section A – Personal Details
Full Name:
Date of Birth:
GMC registration number:
Degrees & Diplomas:
Membership of Learned Societies:
Date of commencement of Specialist Training:
Expected date of CCT:
Date of achieving AFOM:
Date of achieving MFOM:
Date of award of CCT:
Educational supervisors name and qualifications:
Regional Specialty Adviser(s):
Section B – CV
This section should contain a brief CV that includes details of qualifications, general professional training, details of employment whilst a trainee in occupational medicine and details of training supervisors.
It should be inserted in loose- leaf form after this page and updated as necessary.
Section C – Learning Objectives & Core Competencies
The first part of section C contains the ‘Table of Learning Objectives’. Further guidance on the use of this table is provided in the summary section on page 4 of the Training Record.
The second part of section C provides further details on how to record the information required for the ‘Table of Learning Objectives’.
The Learning Objectives should be regularly reviewed and signed by the trainee and educational supervisor when they have been completed. Information to support the meeting of these objectives should be included in loose-leaf form on the following pages of the Training Record.
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/How competency could be achieved
Educational supervisor
Occupational Health Hazards1Assessment of workplace hazards
2Evaluation of risks
3Advice on control measures
4Evaluation of specialist assessment of working environment / During years 1 and 2 a written assessment will be undertaken of two work places each year to:
a)identify all potential hazards to health
b)assess existing controls
c)assess any pertinent environmental measurements that have been undertaken
d)undertake some basic environmental measurements, e.g. noise, dust, fume
e)assess risks of the hazards
f)produce a written report for management with recommendations
A copy of each of the four assessments to be included in section D of Training Record. / a)
f) / (1) / (2) / (1) / (2) / (1) / (2)
5General / During years 1 and 2 the trainee will have formal meetings with a) a Safety Officer, b) an Occupational Hygienist, c) Managers and d) Union representatives at one or more work places.
6 / Evaluation of health surveillance programmes / During years 1 and 2 two health surveillance programmes will be assessed for their appropriateness and effectiveness in identifying cases of occupational ill health, e.g. respiratory surveillance, hearing conservation, skin or hand-transmitted vibration. Training in spirometry and audiometry should be provided as necessary. Details of both assessments to be included in section D of Training Record. / (1) / (2) / (1) / (2) / (1) / (2)
7 / Assessment and advice on first aid facilities / During years 1 and 2 two workplaces will be visited and advice given on the appropriateness of first aid arrangements. Details of both assessments to be included in section D of Training Record. / (1) / (2) / (1) / (2) / (1) / (2)
/How competency could be achieved
Achieved / SignedTrainee / Signed
Educational supervisor
Assessment of Disability and Fitness for Work
7 / Advise on fitness for work placement.
Advise on impairment and disability in relation to work
Advise on rehabilitation and redeployment
Advise on absence attributable to sickness
Management of work related ill health
Advise on ill-health retirement
Diagnose work related ill health / Employees will be examined in clinics and cases discussed with the educational supervisor as appropriate throughout their training programme. The trainee should not be expected to spend more than 50% of their time in clinics. Three differing clinical case reports to be written up and included in section D of Training Record for the first three years of training. Cases should include examples of the effects of work on health and health on work.
The trainee will meet with a representative of a disability service such as a Disability Employment Adviser and a representative of the Benefits Agency.
The trainee will become familiar with the process of ill health retirement and injury benefit by gaining knowledge and experience in the operation of pension schemes for a variety of employers.
/How competency could be achieved
Achieved / SignedTrainee / Signed
Educational supervisor
5 / Read, write and converse proficiently in the English language
Organise and write a report
Make a clear oral presentation to an audience with effective use of audio-visual equipment
Communicate with people with different levels of intelligence and understanding
Participate effectively as a member, secretary or chair of a committee / During the four year programme the trainee will:
a)write letters and reports to managers, employees and other doctors
b)write four reports of workplace assessments
c)give a presentation to: i) a medical audience, ii) a group of managers, iii) a group of employees or their representatives
d)attend a safety committee or infection control committee.
e)Keep up to date and reflect on articles in journals relevant to occupational medicine such as Occupational Medicine, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, the British Medical Journal and the Lancet.
f)Have access to the Internet and other electronic databases. Belong to (and participate in) an appropriate Internet-based discussion / news group (e.g. occenvmed)
g)Participate in teaching of OH staff. / a)
/How competency could be achieved
Achieved / SignedTrainee / Signed
Educational supervisor
Occupational Health Law and Ethics
2 / Advise managers, safety reps & employees of their responsibilities under health & safety law
Apply legislative and other ethical requirements for confidentiality. / During the four year programme the trainee will attend a course or meeting relevant to occupational health law and ethics.
By becoming involved in policy development.
By instruction and training from educational supervisor(s) in the Access to Medical Reports, Data Protection and Disability Discrimination Acts and the Guidance on Ethics for Occupational Physicians from the Faculty of Occupational Medicine
Environmental Medicine
Understand the assessment and control of environmental exposures from industrial activities. / During the four years time will be spent with: a) an Environmental Health Officer, and b) a representative of the Environment Agency/ NRA.The environmental impact of the activity of two organisations will be assessed during the four year programme. Details to be included in section D of Training Record. / a)
Health Promotion
2 / Assess needs for health promotion in a workplace
Organise, provide and evaluate a health promotion programme / By knowledge gained from workplace visits the needs for health promotion will be ascertained. During one of the four years a health promotion programme will be delivered to a group of employees, the effectiveness of which will be evaluated by for example a questionnaire survey. Details to be included in section D of Training Record.
/How competency could be achieved
Achieved / SignedTrainee / Signed Educational supervisor
Research Methods
8 / Convert a problem into a researchable question
Carry out a literature search
Plan data collection for simple survey (sample selection, record and storing of data)
Carry out simple statistical manipulations to summarise data
Use a computer for the storage and analysis of data
Interpret scientific data in journals and from own research
Recognise and initiate the investigation of clusters of disease in a workforce
Use of external statistician or epidemiological expert / This will be undertaken primarily in years 3 and 4 of the training programme. During this time the trainee will produce a dissertation for the MFOM and if appropriate also for a MSc. One or more manuscripts suitable for publication may also be written. Protocol of project and draft manuscript to be included as appropriate in section D of Training Record.
The initial proposal for the dissertation must have been submitted to (and accepted by) the Faculty by the end of year 2 of training. / (1)
9 / Undertake clinical audit / Two clinical audit projects will be undertaken during the four year programme. Details to be included in section D of Training Record. / (1)
/How competency could be achieved
Achieved / SignedTrainee / Signed
Educational supervisor
10 / Manage an occupational health department
Identify the occupational health needs of an organisation
Define the goals and objectives of an occupational health service
Define the role of occupational health staff and formulate job descriptions
Organise record keeping using computers as appropriate
Negotiate and manage a budget
Market occupational health services
Evaluate the quality of an occupational health service
Select, appoint, supervise and appraise staff performance
Design a training programme / Management training will be undertaken primarily in years 3 and 4 of the training programme with the help if necessary of an external management training course. Where practicable the trainee will be involved in the management of their own department(s).
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/How competency could be achieved
/Date Achieved
/Signed Trainee
/Signed Educational supervisor
4 / Supervision of training
Supervision of work
RITAs / At the start of each year the trainee and educational supervisor will identify learning objectives and how they will be achieved during the year.
During years 1 and 2 the trainee will spend between one and two hours per week in a formal session with their educational supervisor who will also be their clinical and educational supervisor.
During years 3 and 4 the trainee will meet with his or her educational supervisor less frequently and more informally.
Throughout the 4-year training programme the trainee will: (i) meet with his or her educational supervisor quarterly to review progress in meeting objectives. (ii) Attend local meetings of the Society of Occupational Medicine, the local Postgraduate Medical Centre and other meetings relevant to their occupational health practice, such as ANHOPS, ALAMA or HSE.
The trainee will be encouraged to adopt an evidence-based practice as part of a multi-disciplinary team. He or she will be encouraged to attend MRCP tutorials and ward rounds during years 1 and 2 in preparation for the AFOM exam. Opportunities to attend other specialist clinics for training in, for example, fundoscopy or auscultation will be organised as appropriate. Training in IT skills will be made available throughout the programme. The educational supervisor will help the trainee to prepare for each Record of In-Training Assessment.
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Section C (continued) – Supporting Documentation
WORKPLACE ASSESSMENTS – (Two per year in years 1 & 2)
To include the identification of hazards to health, a description of existing control measures, the interpretation and performance of environmental measurements, a description of any health surveillance programme, risk assessments for each of the hazards identified and recommendations for employer and employees.
A suggested length for each assessment is 2-4 pages. This could be presented as a chart or spreadsheet. Summary details should be included below with the assessments included after this page in the Training Record.
Training YearAssessment NumberTitleDate Undertaken
CASE REPORTS – (Three per year during years 1 to 3)
To include history, examination, investigations, workplace visit (if appropriate) and recommendations. The object of this exercise is to demonstrate your skills of clinical case management and written communication.
A suggested length for each case is 1-2 pages. These should be typed and included in the Training Record after this page. Employee identifiable data should not be included.
Please include a summary of the cases in the space below.
Training YearCase Number Case DescriptionDate
(One per year in years 1 and 2)
To include an assessment of the appropriateness and effectiveness of the programme’s ability to identify cases of occupational ill health.
A suggested length for each assessment is 1-2 pages. The assessments should be typed and included after this page within the Training Record.
Please include summary details of the two health surveillance programmes in the table below.
Training YearType of Health Surveillance Programme Date Undertaken
ASSESSMENT OF FIRST AID FACILITIES – (One per year in years 1 & 2)
A suggested length for each assessment is 1-2 pages. These should be typed and included after this page in the Training Record.
Please include summary details of the two assessments in the table below.
AssessmentType of Workplace & FacilitiesDate Undertaken
1(Year 1)
2(Year 2)
To assess the environmental impact of two organisations during four years of training and should include details of the sources of information used as part of the assessment.
A suggested length is 1-2 pages for each assessment. These should be typed and included after this page in the Training Record.
Please include summary details of the two assessments in the table below.
Assessment Number Description of Organisation Date Undertaken