Mr A Elliot
/ Freedom of Information
Civic Offices
Coach Central
Contact: / Freedom of Information / Telephone: / (01952) 382006 / Fax: / (01952) 383991
Your Ref: / Our Ref: / TWC-05773 / Date: / 18 June 2010
Dear Mr Elliot
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000
Information Partly Withheld
I am sorry for the delay taken to reply to your information request. Further to our recent correspondence, your request has now been assessed under the FOIA and we are pleased to be able to enclose some of the information you requested, as follows:-
3. All agencies currently supplying Telford & Wrekin Council with agency social work professionals
We currently have a neutral vendor scheme in place with Comensura via which we place our temporary staff requirements.
4. The total number of qualified social work professionals currently working on an agency basis at Telford & Wrekin Council
The total number of qualified social work professionals currently working on an agency basis through Comensura at Telford & Wrekin Council as at 19th May 2010 is 19.
6. The number and grade of qualified social work professionals currently working on an agency basis at Telford & Wrekin Council by department
Adult Services
- Advanced / Senior Social Worker 2
- Social Worker 5
Children Services
- Advanced / Senior Social Worker 5
- Social Worker 7
10. The total fiscal spend on agency qualified social work professionals by department for the last 12 months
Adult Services £290,709.89
Children Services £930,997.22
11. The total fiscal spend on agency qualified social work professionals by agency for the last 12 months
We currently have a neutral vendor scheme in place with Comensura via which we place our temporary staff requirements. However, on certain occasions we may use other agencies directly. Please find attached the Policy for use of Consultants and Agency Workers. The information you requested is below:
Agency Provider / £(F)AIR SOCIAL CARE / 38,112.73
(F) ARK LOCUMS / 28,938.54
EDEN BROWN LTD / 2,523.13
(F) MEDICARE FIRST / 19,042.59
PULSE / 6,096.36
RS LOCUMS / 26,087.57
VISS LTD / 289.38
COMMENSURA / 337,395.22
Total Agency Spend on Social Workers / 930,997.22
However, we are sorry to inform you that we are unable to release the following information you also requested as an exemption(s) applies. Therefore, this letter constitutes a Refusal Notice under s17 of the Act.
1. A copy of the Comensura, "Neutral Vendor", contract and fee schedules for recruitment to Telford & Wrekin Council
7. The pay and agency charge rate of each qualified social work professional currently working on an agency basis at Telford & Wrekin Council by department
Exemption: - s43 Commercial Interests
The reason(s) for this is:
(2) Information is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it).
The public interest test has been conducted in respect of this refusal and on balance, the Council considers that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosure.
Additional information
Please find attached a copy of the contract, excluding the pricing schedule. Although we cannot provide the exact breakdown details you have requested, we can provide that we currently have a neutral vendor scheme in place with Comensura via which we place our temporary staff requirements. The fee’s we pay to supplying agencies (through Comensura) range from a 12% - 15% mark up above the rate to the candidate.
2. All agencies on the Comensura contract for the supply of social workers, senior practitioners, assistant team managers, team managers and service managers (referred to from now as "qualified social work professionals") to Telford & Wrekin Council
5. The number and grade of qualified social work professional currently working on an agency basis at Telford & Wrekin Council by supplier
Exemption: - Procedural – Information Not Held
The reason(s) for this is:
(1) As we have a neutral vendor scheme in place with Comensura, we do not hold this information. Please contact Comensura directly who may be able to provide you this information.
8. The fiscal budget for qualified social work professional recruitment through agencies for 2009-2010
9. The fiscal budget for qualified social work professional recruitment through agencies for 2010-2011
Exemption:- Procedural - Information not held
The reason(s) for this is:
(1) No budget is held to meet these costs as the funding would come from the salary savings through the vacant post.
If you are dissatisfied with this outcome and wish to Appeal, please set out in writing your grounds for the Appeal which must be received on or before 18 September 2010, which is three months from the date of this letter. Please write to: Information Governance Manager, Freedom of Information – Appeal and send it to the address above or email: , remembering to quote the above reference number.
If you are unhappy with the way your request has been handled and wish to make a complaint about the service you have received, please write to: Customer Quality Manager, Freedom of Information – Complaint, and send it to the address above or email: , remembering to quote the above reference number.
In the meantime, if you have any other queries then please do not hesitate to contact us, details above.
Yours sincerely
On behalf of Freedom of Information
Customer Quality Team