Ward Action Plan – 2012/13
Ward: Baylis and Stoke Ward Lead Officers: Sarah Stefano Jason HodgeService Plan Priority / Issue / Planned Activities / Anticipated Outcome / Progress
Reduction in Litter/Increasing Profile of the NET / Rubbish or Litter lying around area /
- Targeted Patrols for Litter and dog foulingOffences
- Increased messy garden patrols (wardens)
- Increase in interventions for Littering
- Increased public awareness of the Service & penalties for littering due to increased presence in area
- Visual Improvement
- Reduction in no’s of residents sighting littering as an issue when completing ASB Surveys
- Early morning dog fouling patrols carried out in parks across borough
- Littering Operation carried out July 2012
- ASB surveys planned for Aug 2012 – Done
Reduction in Fly tipping/Increasing Profile of the NET / Rubbish or Litter lying around area /
- Use of litter clearance notices in suitable areas(use the ongoing requirement to keep clear)
- Duty of care inspections (householders & businesses)
- Vehicle stop checks with TVP
- EVA’s to be carried out with Housing Officer
- Warden Leaflets
- Visual improvement
- Increased awareness of team and how to dispose of waste correctly
- Reduction in no’s of residents sighting littering/flytipping as an issue when completing ASB Surveys
- Duty Of Care visits carried out to all domestic and commercial premises in Baylis Parade May 2012
- Householders Duty of care leaflets designed and in use to educate residents re waste disposalJuly 2012
- Gating suggested for area of land in Farm Lane as area is regularly flytipped
- Visit to be made to assess viability of installing overt CCTV camera, unable to install at present as equipment is in use at an alternative location. Aug 2012
- Householders DOC visits, ASB surveys carried out in Northern Road with Housing Service, EH Staff and Community Wardens. Waste stickered and advice given to residents September 2012
Increasing Profile of Team/Communication with Community / Noisy Neighbours/Loud Parties /
- Continue programme of out of hours noise visits
- Noise Action week activities
- You said- We Did Post cards
- Quicker resolution of noise complaints as officers regularly available to visit out of hours
- Increased public awareness of how to deal with noise and who to contact etc
- Increase in requests for service in relation to noise
- Noise Action Week Information Stand was in Stoke Poges Lane at Junction with Oatlands Driveinformation re noise given to 60 residents
- Proactive Out of Hours Noise visits carried out from May - September
- Abatement Notices Issued re Noisy Cockerels
- Gating suggested for rear of Belgrave Parade – request passed to Community Safety Team to assess viability.
- Gating suggested for land next to Spiritualist Chuch in Farm Lane. Request passed to community safety team for viability assessment.
Gathering and Sharing Intelligence in relation to Crime and ASB / People being drunk and rowdy in public places /
- Alcohol seizures by police. PCSO’s & Wardens Regular patrols of the cindertrack (Alcohol Exclusion Zone)
- ASB surveys to be carried out in
- Bottle Marking Schemes
- Reduction in number of people drinking in the open
- More intelligence on locations and times
- Making Shopkeepers more responsible about their impact in their area of trading.
- ManorPark playing field. Issues raised about kids drinking in the park . Police/ Wardens are monitoring the situation. Sept 2012
- Use of can marking scheme being considered in Canterbury Avenue
- Revisit made regarding litter and overgrown vegetation issues on the cindertrack. Issues resolved October 2012