1. fracture of the lower fibula that also involves the tibial articulation is called a _____ fracture.
3. a bony growth in the area of the posterior calcaneal tuberosity.
6. The most common fault in lateral alignment of the lower extremity is called _____.
8. an extension deformity of the metatarsophalangeal joint and flexion deformity of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the lesser toes.
10. There are ____ distinct compartments of the lower leg.
11. distal end of the tibia and fibula.
13. Test to evaluate the integrity of the anterior talofibular ligament.
16. heel bruise.
17. fracture to the base of the fifth metatarsal distal to the tuberosity.
19. flatfoot.
22. bands of connective tissue that hold blood vessels, nerves and tendons against the bones of the ankle and foot to prevent 'bowstringing.'
24. calcaneal apophysitis.
25. A mechanism of dorsiflexion and eversion of the ankle can cause an injury to the _____.
26. The _____ reflex should be tested for involvment of S1.
27. With any fracture of the lower leg, the distal _____ should be evaluated.
1. foot type characterized by a high longitudinal arch with limited tarsal motion.
2. The upper end of the talus is called the _____.
4. stress fracture of one of the metatarsals is called a _____ fracture.
5. a tumor or mass growing from a nerve and normally consisting of nerve fibers.
7. sprain of the MP joint of the great toe, normally caused by extreme dorsiflexion.
9. name for the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles combined.
12. fracture of the proximal shaft of the fibula is called a _____ fracture.
14. The _____ test is used to evaluate the integrity of the achilles tendon.
15. concavity just in front of the lateral malleolus.
18. _____ foot is characterized by a short, hypermobile first metatarsal.
20. calcaneonavicular ligament which limits the flattening of the medial longitudinal arch of the foot is commonly called the _____ ligament.
21. a _____ bunion is an enlargement of the MP joint of the fifth toe.
23. The word _____ is a collective term used to describe the seven bones that constitute the midfoot and hindfoot.