08thApril 2018

2nd Sunday after Easter


Risen Christ, for whom no door is locked, no entrance barred; open the doors of our hearts, that we may seek the good of others and walk the joyful road of sacrifice and peace, to the praise of God the Father.


Old TestamentActs 4. 32-35

New Testament1 John 1. 1-2.2

GospelJohn 20. 19-end.

I have a friend who became a Christian after a string of coincidences. It began when she came to a church she didn’t know for a memorial service for her father. It continued through friendships she made with people she met then. The coincidences carried on as she went overseas, and her marriage broke up, and she was virtually imprisoned in an Arab Gulf State – yet kept meeting people who helped her find out about Jesus. Back in the UK, I was (coincidentally) her local vicar, and I had the privilege of baptizing her. William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury during the Second World War, had a great quote:“When I pray, coincidences happen. When I don’t, they don’t.”Far more people than we realize are interested in Jesus and Christian faith. WhenA Vicar’s Lifewas broadcast on BBC2 at the start of the year, it attracted audiences of two million – twice the number in Church of England churches on a Sunday. What would it take for that extra million people to encounter Jesus?Archbishop Justin Welby, like his famous predecessor, believes that he knows the answer. He helped to createThy Kingdom Come.As its website says, it is “a global prayer movement, which invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension and Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus Christ.”From May 10th– 20ththis year, our diocese will join Christians everywhere in praying. There is a final prayer celebration in Hereford Cathedral on Pentecost Sunday. We will pray specifically for more people to become Christians. Who knows what coincidences will happen as a result? Ven.Paddy Benson - Archdeacon of Hereford

Services Next Sunday – 15th April3rd Sunday of Easter

Weston-under-Penyard / Family Communion / 11.15 a.m.
Hope Mansel / Village Praise / 9.30 a.m..
The Lea / Parish Communion / 9.30 a.m.
Aston Ingham / Parish Communion / 9.30 a.m.
Linton / Holy Communion / 8.00 a.m.
Upton Bishop / Evensong / 6.00 p.m.

Annual Parochial Church Meetings:

Linton / Tues 10th April / Church / 7.30 pm
Weston-u-Penyard / Wed 11th April / Village Hall / 7.30pm
Upton Bishop / Sun 22ndApril / Church / 11.00 am
Aston Ingham / Mon 23rdApril / Village Hall / 7.30 pm
Hope Mansel / Tues 24th April / Church / 7.30 pm
The Lea / Wed 25th April / Church / 7.30 pm

Forthcoming Services & Events

Water Aid Lent JarsPlease let Helen Morris have your jars back at the Linton Family Service on 13th April 11:15amat any other Linton service please give to Liz or Rogerany other service please give to David.

Many thanks andmay Water Aid benefit greatly from our gift!

Confirmation 20th May @ St Marys, Ross. Anybody wishing to be confirmed please contact David at the Rectory 01989 568736

The Lea Sat 21st April A Royal Coffee Morning (to commemorate Queen Elizabeth’s Birthday) 10.30am-12 noon, Lea Village Hall. Light refreshments for sale. Bring & Buy Stall, ‘Bimble &Tootle’ (local crafts) Lea Art Group Neal’s Yard Products - free entry - all proceeds to Lea Church.
The LeaFri 11th May Pudding Evening at Lea Village Hall, 7.30pm start £7.50 entryproceeds to be shared between Lea Church and Christian Aid.

Upton Bishop ChurchHealing Service15 April at 6 pm.Whoever needshealing,restoration,reconciliationat a healing service many people find peace and strength to deal with pain, sickness, injuryand sadness.All are welcome: churchgoers andnon-churchgoers

“Wanted: German conversation with Michael Fass! Call: 01989-780339”

Please be aware that if you have any events you would like to advertise here, do please contact Debs directly (details below) and she will be pleased to include them.

Please pray for all who are sick,

And remember all who have died:Jade Smith (WuP)

Rev David Howell 01989 568736 email:

If you would like to receive this pewsheet via email please email Debs