Medical University of Warsaw

2nd Faculty of Medicine - English Division

61 Żwirki i Wigury Street

02-091 Warsaw

Phone: + 48 (22) 5720 502 Fax:+48 (22) 5720 562




6-year program

Warsaw, 2010/2011


Department of Anatomy, Centre of Biostructure Research

Address: 5 Chałubińskiego Street, 02-004 Warsaw

phone/fax: 022629 5283,

Head: Prof. Bogdan Ciszek, MD, PhD.

Curricular affairs: Adam Koleśnik, MD

Number of teaching hours:

lectures - 60 hrs

practical classes - 240 hrs

Assessment of student performance:

On completion of the course student are expected to take final examination which consist of two parts: practical (PIN test) and theoretical (MCQ test)

The aim of the course:

Is to teach students fundamental anatomical knowledge with strong emphasis on clinical aspects and radiological anatomy (eg. X-ray, CT, MRI)

Topics of lectures:


Introduction to the Gross and Clinical Anatomy.

Anatomy of the vertebral collumn

Anatomy of the joints

Development and general structure of the skull

The spaces of the skull and their communication

Foramina, canales and fossae cranii

Temporal bone

Radiological anatomy of the bones and joints

MRI and CT anatomy of the bones and joints


Classification of the central nervous system. Development of the central nervous system. Cerebro - spinal fluid and ventricular system of the brain.

Cerebral hemisphere. Frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, limbic lobes. Anatomy of gyri and sulci.

Lateral and third ventricle, basal nuclei, diencephalon.

Brain stem, cranial nerves, cerebellum.

Sensory pathways and centers in the central nervous system.

Motor pathways of the central nervous system.

Anatomical base for MRI, CT and angiography of the brain and spinal cord.

Vascularization of the central nervous system. Clinical microanatomy.


General topography of the neck. Cervical plexus. Triangles of the neck. Interfascial spaces.

Arteries, veins, lymphatic system of the neck. Thyroid gland, parathyroid glands.

Larynx - topography, structure, vascularization, innervation.

Facial nerve.

Trigeminal nerve, parasymphathetic ganglia of the head.

Autonomic system of head and neck. Vagus nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, symphathetic trunk.

Nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses.

Oral cavity, soft palate, pharynx.

Visual system, optic pathway.

Middle ear and vestibulo-cochlear system.

Head and neck - X-ray, CT, MRI images.


The thoracic wall and the thoracic cavity. Congenital and acquired defects of the thoracic wall. Vessels and nerves of the thoracic wall. Mammary gland (breast) and lymphatic drainage. Development of the trachea, bronchi and lungs. The lungs and the pleura. The respiratory cycle. Mediastinum. Topography and subdivisions. The heart. Vessels and nerves of the heart. Development of the heart. Cardiac malformations. Applied anatomy. X-ray, CT and MR imaging of the thoracic cage.


Abdomen, abdominal cavity, walls of the abdominal cavity, inguinal canal, inguinal hernia.

Development of the peritoneal cavity and alimentary tract. Structure and topography of the liver, bile ducts and pancreas. Vascularization of the abdominal organs, vena portae. Lymphatic system of the abdominal cavity. Innervation of the abdominal cavity. Coeliac plexus. Radiological anatomy of the abdomen.


Retroperitoneal space and its contents. Urinary system. Male reproductive system.Female reproductive system. Floor of the pelvis (diaphragms, interfascial spaces, fossea and canales) Perineum - applied anatomy. Perineum - applied anatomy. Urogenital system in X-ray, CT, MR and USG.


The development of 5he locomotory apparatus. Topographical and practical anatomy of the back. Topography of the pectoral girdle. Topography of the arm and forearm. The hand - practical and topographical anatomy. Syndromes of the nerve and vascular injury to the hand. X-ray, MRI of the upper extremity.


General topography of the pelvic girdle, thigh, leg and foot. Surgical spaces of the lower extremity. Vascularization and innervation of the lower extremity. X-ray, MRI, CT, arteriography of the lower extremity.

Topics of practical classes:


Lab session 1 I. Introduction to anatomical terminology, anatomical nomenclature, anatomical position, anatomical orthogonal axis, anatomical planes, terms of relationship, terms of movement
II. Introduction to osteology and arthrology. Classification of bones, classification of joints
III. The axial skeleton, the vertebral column, ribs, thorax

Lab session 2 I. Skeleton and joints of the shoulder girdle, the clavicle, the scapula, the sternoclavicular joint, the acromioclavicular joint

II. Skeleton of the free upper limb. The humerus, the shoulder joint, the bones of forearm, the ulna, the radius, the elbow joint, the bones of hand, the carpal bones, the scaphoid, the lunate, the triquetral, the pisiform, the trapezium, the trapezoid, the capitate, the hamate, the wrist joint, the metacarpal bones, bones of the figers, proximal phalanx, middle phalanx, distal phalanx, the midcarpal joints, the carpometacarpal joints, the interphalangeal joints, proximal, distal

Lab session 3 I. Skeleton and joints of the pelvic girdle, the ilium, the pubis, the ishium, the joints of the hip bones, the pelvis as a whole

II. Skeleton of the free lower limb, the femur, the patella, the hip joint, the bones of the leg, the tibia, the fibula, the knee joint, the bones of the foot, the tarsal bones, the calcaneus, the talus, the navicular, the cuboid, the cuneiform, medial, intermediate, later, the ankle joint, the subtalar joint, the talocalcaneonavicular joint, the calcaneocuboid joint, the metatarsal bones, the talometarsal joints, bones of the toe, proximal phalanx, middle phalanx, distal phalanx, the metatarsophalangeal joints, the interphalangeal joints, proximal, distal

Lab session 4 Bones of the skull, the occipital, the parietal, the frontal, the sphenoid, the methodical

Lab session 5 Bones of the skull, the maxilla (the upper jaw bone), the palatine, the zeugmatic, the lachrymal, the nasal, the voter, the inferior nasal conch, the temporal bone, the mandible (the lower jaw bone, the hyoid bone

Lab session 6 The skull. The joints of the skull, (sutures & temporomandibular joint), the walls, cavities and fossae of the skull. The communication of the spaces of the skull

Lab session 7. I. Summary of osteology. II. CT, MR Imaging in osteology


Lab session 1 General structure of the encephalon and spinal cord. Cerebral arterial circle. Spinal nerve.

Lab session 2 Telencephalon. Detailed structure and classification of cerebral hemisphere.

Lab session 3 Lateral and third ventricle, basal nuclei, diencephalon.

Lab session 4 Brain stem, cranial nerves, cerebellum. Fourth ventricle.

Lab session 5 Sectional anatomy. Computed Tomography.

Lab session 6 Sectional anatomy. Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Lab session 7 Structural base of the sensory and motor pathways.

Lab session 8 Structural base of the sensory and motor pathways.


Lab session 1 Skin, structure, skin appendages. Neck limitations and regions. Triangles of the neck. Fascies of the neck. Interfascial spaces of the neck. Platysma muscle. Cervical plexus. Veins of the neck.

Lab session 2 Muscles of the neck: sternocleidomastoid, suprahyoid, infrahyoid, scalenus muscles. Thyroid gland. Parathyroid gland. Carotid vagina. Common carotid artery.

Lab session 3 Larynx and trachea - topography, structure, vascularization, innervation. Branches of the first part of external carotid artery: superior thyroid, lingual and facial arteries. Cervical part of the vagus nerve. Accessory nerve. Cervical ganglia of symphathetic trunk.

Lab session 4 Expressional muscles of the face. Facial artery - main part. Facial nerve - signs of central and peripheral palsy. Parotid gland.

Lab session 5 Infratemporal fossa - limitations and contents. Maxillary artery. Masseter muscles. Nasal cavity - paranasal sinuses and their openings. Trigeminal nerve.

Lab session 6 Oral cavity - walls. Teeth and gums. Teeth occlusion. Tongue - shape, structure, function, vascularization and innervation. Sublingual nerve - signs of palsy.

Lab session 7 Cerebral dura mater - view after removing cranial vault, sinuses of dura mater. Outlet of cranial nerves in the cranial fossae. Palate - classification, structure, vascularization and innervation. Isthmus of the fauces. Palatine tonsils. Glossopharyngeal nerve. Pharynx - localization, topography, structure, vascularization and innervation. Division of pharyngeal cavity. Parapharyngeal space.

Lab session 8 Organ of vision - eyeball muscles, their innervation and signs of paralysis. Lacrimal organ. structure of eyeball. Visualization of the orbit contents after removal of its superior wall.

Lab session 9 Vestibulo-cochlear organ - external and middle ear (limitations of tympanic cavity and contents). Internal ear - membranous and osseous labyrinth.


Lab session 1 Landmarks of the thorax. Musculature of the thorax and fascia of the thoracic wall. Neurovascular bundle of the thoracic wall, arteries of the thoracic wall, veins of the thoracic wall, nerves of the thoracic wall. Structure, vessels and nerves of mammary gland (breast) and lymphatic drainage.

Lab session 2 Structure of the axilla. Structure of the brachial plexus. The subclavian and brachial vessels.

Lab session 3 The thoracic cavity. Divisions of the mediastinum. Structure of the diaphragm, arteries supply of the diaphragm, venous drainage of the diaphragm, lymphatic drainage of the diaphragm, innervation of the diaphragm. The trachea, bronchi and lungs. The lungs and the pleura.

Lab session 4 Structure of the heart. Vessels and nerves of the heart. The main vessels of the heart (caval veins, aorta, pulmonary arteries).

Lab session 5 The esophagus. Parts and branches of the aorta. The main branches of the arch of aorta. Thoracic part of the vagal nerve. The sympathetic trunk. The thoracic duct and main lymphatic vessels.


Lab session 1 Regions of the abdomen, muscles of the abdominal wall, vascularization of the abdominal wall, inguinal canal.

Lab session 2 Peritoneal cavity, general topography of the abdominal organs, classification of the alimentary tract, lumbar plexus.

Lab session 3 Celiac trunk- topography & branches, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, superior mesenteric artery.

Lab session 4 Large intestine, liver, gall bladder, inferior mesenteric artery.

Lab session 5 Pancreas, spleen, portal vein, autonomic plexuses of the abdomen.


Lab session 1 Retroperitoneal space, organs of retroperitoneal space, muscles of posterior abdominal wall, nerves of lumbar plexus, kidneys, suprarenal glands, urethra, abdominal aorta, inferior vena cava, internal iliac artery, sacral and lumbar part of sympathetic trunk.

Lab session 2 Anatomy of the pelvis - bones, ligaments, planes and conjugates (repetition); female internal genital organs; broad ligament of uterus, ligaments of ovary and uterus; ovary gland; uterine tube; uterus; vagina; female urethra.

Lab session 3 Male genital organs; prostate; testis; ductus deferens; ampulla of the ductus deferens; seminal vesicles; spermatic cord; penis; male urethra; scrotum; superior and inferior hypogastric plexus.

Lab session 4 Floor of pelvis; perineum; diaphragm of pelvis and urogenital diaphragm; interfascial spaces of pelvis; obturator canal; pudendal canal; internal pudendal artery; pudendal nerve.


Lab session 1 The back - muscles, innervation, fascia, topography, vertebral collumn. The upper extremity - the muscle of the pectoral girdle, nerves of the brachial plexus, fascia of the arm, superficial veins and nerves, muscles of the arm, axillary vessels, axillary and musculocutaneus nerves - topography. Syndromes of the nerve and vascular injury to the arm.

Lab session 2 Erector spinae muscle, thoracolumbar fascia. Greater and lesser occipital nerves, occipital muscles - function and innervation. Suboccipital triangle. Upper extremity: the muscles of forearm - lateral, anterior and posterior groups - function, innervation, injury symptoms. Cubital fossa. Vessels of forearm: radial and ulnar artery. Ulnar and carpal arterial network. Median and radial nerve.

Lab session 3 Vertebral canal - anatomical basis for spinal punction. Upper extremity - retinaculum of flexors and extensors of the hand, carpal canal. Cutaneus nerves of the hand. Venous network of the hand. Muscles of the hand - function, innervation and injury syndromes. The distal portions of the radial and ulnar arteries in the hand. Superficial and deep palmar arches. Flexors and extensors tendon sheaths and their function. Distal portions of the median and ulnar nerves to the hand muscles. Injury symptoms of the nerves of the upper extremity on different levels. Points of palpation of vessels and nerves in upper extremity for consideration of injections and anesthesia.


Lab session 1 Regions of lower extremity, pelvic girdle, muscles of thigh, hip joint, femoral and obturatory canals, femoral artery and vein, femoral nerve, sacral plexus.

Lab session 2 Knee joint, popliteal fossa, popliteal artery and vein, tibial nerve, common peroneal nerve, muscle of the leg, anterior and posterior tibial artery, compartments of leg.

Lab session 3 Muscles of foot. Vascularization and innervation of the foot. Mechanical features of the foot.

Basic textbooks:

1.  Grey’s Anatomy

2.  Clinical Anatomy, Richard S. Snell

3.  Clinical Neuroanatomy for Medical Students, Richard S. Snell

Complementary textbooks:

1.  Anatomy, A.W. Rogers

2.  Synopsis of Gross Aantomy, Christensen

3.  Sobbota Atlas of Anatomy

4.  Atlas of Anatomy, Yokoshi/Rohen

5.  Atlas of Anatomy, McMeen

6.  Terminologia Anatomica, Thieme 1998

7.  Latin-English Anatomical Dictionary, Aleksandrowicz, PZWL 1997


1.  In order to complete a semester, a year and to pass Final Anatomy Examination student should participate actively in lectures and practical classes and obtain at least satisfactory grade after each practical classes and credits.

CAUTION: During the course of anatomy, the student is supposed to have the knowledge acquired from all previous practical classes.

2. The course of anatomy is divided into eight following parts:

- bones, joints and ligaments, - central nervous system, - neck, head and sensual organs, - thorax,
- abdomen, - perineum and urogenital organs, - upper limb and beck, - lower limb.

Immediately after the last practical classes of each part credit will be administered (first term).

Retake of the failed credit (second term) follows during next two practical classes and it is organized by a teaching assistant. Third attempt of the credit (commissionary retake) is organized at the end of the second semester (second half of May) after the completing of the entire anatomy course. The commissionary retake of the failed credit is administered by two examiners without participation of teaching assistant.

3. After each semester follows the practical intermediate (semestral PIN-test) which is not obligatory but highly recommended as a preparation to the final practical exam. Only student who wants receive early term (zero term) of Final Anatomy Exam have to complete each semestral PIN-test with the score of 100 points or more (max. possible -120 points).