Assignment #2 CSc 4810/6810 Artificial Intelligence
Due Feb. 26 Thursday
Major necessary steps are needed, Concise, Complete and Creative solutions are expected!
1. 100 points (Undergraduates):
Please design a small logical agent using Boolean logic for an online shopping center called Please design (1) a small knowledge base with 8 different rules, and (2) a simple inference engine. Finally, please show one example to show how it works. Please feel free to make any creative solutions.
(5 extra points: based on originality and creativity)
2. 100 points (Graduates):
Please design a small security logical agent using your own approximate logic (i.e., different from Boolean logic) at each gate for Atlanta H-J International Airport. The agent can make a decision (alarm, or normal) based on input data of a passenger (such as scanned data from the passenger, please define your own data items). Please design (1) a small knowledge base with 10 different rules, and (2) a simple inference engine. Finally, please (1) describe how it works, and (2) show one example to show how it works. Please feel free to make any creative solutions.
(5 extra points: based on originality and creativity)