Rhode IslandState Police Headquarters Project and E-911 Facility

Phase One, February 2007

Hazardous Materials



at the:

Pastore Complex

Cranston, Rhode Island

Phase One

Rhode IslandState Police Headquarters and E-911 Facility

February 2007



This project involves the demolition of two (2) greenhouses which contain asbestos as found in the two (2) attached environmental studies prepared by Silva Environmental and Associates, Inc. Abatement shall be performedin strict accordance withattached asbestos abatement plans designed by Silva Environmental & Associates, Inc.(herein after referred to as the Environmental Consultant) dated July 26, 2006 entitled Greenhouse “A” and Greenhouse “B” and approved by the Rhode Island Department of Health dated November 1, 2006 (Plan Numbers 020424and 060425) and in full compliance with the applicable regulations, standards, and guidelines defined hereinafter and by he regulatory authority.

The conditions set forth herein shall apply to any and all work that may be issued as a change in scope of services in the event additional hazardous materials are encountered during the demolition process.

General Information

Prospective bidders are required to visit the project site and work closely with the Demolition Contractor and Environmental Consultant to assure required coordination and specific details and variables pertaining to project requirements, and to confirm all conditions affecting the work area, including but not limited to; access to utilities, work site conditions, accessibility to work area, containment boundaries and obstacles, and accessibility of building occupants adjacent to the work area. The asbestos abatement contractor shall also familiarize themselves with the character and quantity of all surface and subsurface materials or obstacles to be encountered within or adjacent to the work area. The asbestos abatement contractor is responsible to review such other publicly available information as it deems appropriate. Any failure by any abatement contractor to acquaint themselves with available information will not relieve them from the responsibly of successfully performing the work.

The asbestos removal contractor shall be financially responsible for any additional air samples that must be collected as a consequence of the abatement contractor not attaining satisfactory clearance air quality levels (criteria set forth by the R.I. Rules and Regulations) as may be applicable and for any accidental fiber release that may occur during the project as a direct consequence of the abatement contractor's activities. The contractor shall also be financially responsible for all associated costs for the project monitor's time on the abatement site due to erroneous completion times (visual inspections beyond the one final visual inspection) based on the project schedule timeframe. Further, the asbestos removal contractor shall be financially responsible for all fines, penalties, assessments or other costs including attorney fees relating to the asbestos removal, contractors failure to perform its work in accordance with the said Plan Numbers020424and 060425 with the applicable regulations, standard and guidelines defined hereinafter.

Materials and labor is to be completed in accordance with all federal, state, local and

asbestos regulations pertaining to this project. By submitting a bid, the bidder agrees and warrants that where the scope of work requires a given result to be produced, the requirements of what is to be achieved are adequate and can be produced. No claim for any extra or any alleged damage due to delay will be allowed because of impossibilities in the production of the results specified.

Plans, surveys, measurements, dimensions, calculations, estimates, and statements as to the conditions under which the work is to be performed are believed to be correct, but the abatement contractor must examine site(s) for themselves. No allowance will be made for any errors, inaccuracies, variations, or other discrepancies that may be found in the plans, surveys, measurements, dimensions, calculations, estimates, statements from the actual conditions encountered. The State of Rhode Island or their representatives do not represent, warrant, or guarantee that they are other than approximations of existing conditions.

Discrepancies - Should an abatement contractor find inaccuracies within the state asbestos abatement plan(s), drawings, documents, and/or these specifications, they must request clarification in accordance with the Bidding Documents (Project Manual) from the Architect and Owner. If it is determined that formal clarification is necessary, then a written clarification will be produced as part of an addendum and mailed and/or facsimile to all perspective bidders.

The contractor shall also be financially responsible for all associated costs for the project monitor's time on the abatement site due to erroneous completion times (visual inspections beyond the one final visual inspection) and after projected scheduled dates.

During the bidding process, if the Owner(s) representatives or any subcontractor of said Owner permits the demolition and/or asbestos abatement contractor to use any of the Owner's equipment, tools, and/or facilities, such use shall be considered gratuitous and the asbestos removal contractor shall release the owner from any responsibility from claims of personal injuries, including death, arising out of the use of such equipment, tools, and/or facilities irrespective of the condition thereof, or any negligence on the part of the owner in permitting the use of equipment, tools, and/or facilities. Asbestos removal contractor shall return all such equipment, tools, and facilities to the appropriate party in the same condition that they were provided and all such items shall be returned free of asbestos.

All equipment, tools, and/or facilities associated with the actual preparation, removal, and disposal of the Asbestos, Window Caulking and mastics shall be provided by the Demolition/Asbestos Abatement Contractor. The Owner will not provide any tools, ladders, staging, and or other resources required for the implementation of the work.

It is the sole responsibility of the asbestos contractor to obtain any and all

Licensing from the state and/or private agencies/firms. The Owner andOwner’s representative(s) assume no responsibility for the failure of the abatement contractor to fulfill these requirements. Copies of those licensing certificates shall be made available to the Owner within two (2) calendar days if requested by the Owner during the Bid evaluation phase. Additionally, proof of asbestos contractor licensed by the Rhode Island Department of Health may be requested by the Owner and such request shall be fulfilled within two (2) calendar days.

The asbestos abatement contractor should maintain documentation, including photographs as desired, to establish the conditions of the work-site area(s) (interior and exterior of the facilities) prior to the start of asbestos abatement activities. If the abatement contractor does not document the work-site area(s) conditions, then all areas and structures located within and adjacent to the existing building are assumed to be in good and undamaged condition. In the event that areas and/or structures in the work area become damaged due to the asbestos abatement activities, the Contractor and the abatement contractor will be financially liable for the costs of repair of all such damaged areas and/or replacement of all imaged materials (in full compliance with the applicable provisions of the Contract Documents) of those damaged items at no cost to the Owner, or the individual on-site project monitor.


The asbestos contractor shall hold harmless, defend and indemnify the Sate of Rhode island, its department directors, agents, consultants and employees from and against any damages, liabilities, losses or claims whether they be property damage, bodily injury including death or personal injury resulting from the work of the contractor to remove, transport and dispose of asbestos containing material. Claims are to include those issued by third parties, the undersigned, or any governmental entity including the Environmental Protection Agency or any other federal, state or local governmental agency, board, department or body having jurisdiction over environmental matters or environmental laws. Expenses shall include reasonable attorney fees, incurred in seeking indemnification here under or defending any claim by a third party, amounts paid in settlement or any claim or suit and costs of cleanup, restoration remediation or removal of asbestos containing material not otherwise properly handled. In addition, taxes, fines, penalties and interests of any kind or nature whatsoever which may be sustained or suffered by the state, its directors, agents or employees arising out of the willful or negligent act, or omission of any duty of the contractors.

Insurance Requirements

Comply with the following Insurance requirements in addition to those delineated in the Project Manual as well as those prescribed by the Rhode Island Department of Health R23-24.5-ASB standard.

Asbestos Remediation:

Comprehensive General Liability insurance of an “occurrence form,” that includes premises/operations, contractual, products, completed operations, and broad form property damage liability. The policy shall specifically include coverage for liability arising out of “asbestos abatement and removal operations.” Limits of liability of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence witha one million dollars ($1,000,000) per aggregate for bodily injury and property damage combined are required. The State of Rhode Island as Owner of the property shall be listed as an “additionally insured.” A deductible will be allowed, however, it may not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) with out the prior written approval of the Owner. In the event of a claim the Contractor shall be responsible for the costs of the deductible.

Hazardous Waste:

Contractors Pollution Liability Insurance covering the Contractor against claims for bodily injury, property damage and cleanup costs at limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and aggregate or five percent (5%) of the contract value which ever is greater, for remediation work at the Project will be required. Coverage is to include both sudden accidental and gradual releases of hazardous waste with the State of Rhode Island an “additional insured.” Insurance includes premises/operations, contractual, products, completed operations and broad form property damage liability. A deductible will be allowed, however it may not exceed twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) without the prior written approval of the Owner. In the event of a claim the Contractor shall be responsible for the costs of the deductible.


Comprehensive automobile liability policy for all owned, non owned or hired vehicles used during the project will have limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence bodily and one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence for property damage or a one million dollar ($1,000,000) combined single limit. Coverage will also include personal injury protection, uninsured motorists, and underinsured motorists coverage. If engaged in the transport of hazardous materials waste, the coverage must comply with the provisions of the Motor Carrier Act with limits of five million dollars ($5,000,000) when required by statute.

Workers Compensation Insurance which complies with all of the highest statutory requirements of these states where work is performed by the Contractor. Employers liability where required by statute, shall also be included with a minimum limit of One

MillionDollars ($1,000,000).


Comply with the prevailing Wage General Laws as prescribed in the Project Manual.

Please note that asbestos contractor is responsible for the identification and payment of the correct hourly wage rate and benefit wage rate to employees assigned to this project. The asbestos industry has two (2) labor wage rates that may apply to this project and the rates are based on the types of ACBM abated.


The following is an outline of the Scope of the Project, it does not abrogate any obligation, standard or requirement set forth in Plan Numbers 020424and 060425 or in the applicable regulations, standards and guidelines defined hereinafter and shall only be construed as establishing a guideline summary of the Scope of the Project and the minimum requirements thereof.


1) Posting of Signs:

ASBESTOS Warning signs to advise the public of the location(s) within the building where any asbestos abatement activity is in progress shall be posted at all building entrances and at least one other conspicuous place per floor. These signs shall be of the same size and dimensions as the Danger signs required as stated below.

ASBESTOS Danger signs in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 shall be displayed at all approaches to any location where airborne fiber levels can be expected to exceed the Indoor Non-Occupational Air Exposure Standard as established within the R.I. Rules and Regulations for Asbestos Control.

Decontamination chamber postings shall consist of a fire escape diagram of the containment area as well as the building exits, procedures that employees must follow in the event of a fire, accident, or medical emergency, and the telephone numbers of

  • The Demolition Contractor
  • The Abatement Contractor
  • TheOwner’sRepresentative
  • LocalFire, Rescue, and Police
  • Owner's contact person, Environmental Consulting Firm
  • ProjectMonitor
  • Laboratory

2) Pre-Cleaning:

As may be applicable the asbestos abatement contractor shall clean all surfaces within the designated containment area of all dust and debris. Wet-wiping and HEPA vacuuming of all surfaces and items within designated containment area shall be completed prior to the construction of wall polyethylene sheeting. All movable items within the containment area shall be removed from the work area by staff members of the State of Rhode Island. All non-movable items within the work area shall be covered with two (2) layers of 6-mil thick polyethylene sheeting.

3) Isolation Barriers:

As may be applicable critical barriers shall be constructed by the asbestos abatement contractor to isolate contaminated areas from un-contaminated areas. These critical barriers shall be constructed of two (2) layers of 6-mil polyethylene sheeting and shall be secured in place with duct tape. These critical barriers consist of all openings or penetrations including, but not limited to, windows, doorways, elevator openings, corridor openings, drains, ducts, grills, grates, diffusers, and skylights.

4) HVAC Lockout/Tag-out:

As may be applicable all HVAC equipment in or passing through the abatement area shall be locked out/tagged out. All intake and exhaust openings, as well as any seams in the system components shall be covered with 6-mil polyethylene sheeting and tape.

5) Negative Pressure Ventilation

As may be applicable negative pressure ventilation units with HEPA filtration, in sufficient number to provide one (1) work-place air change every fifteen minutes. These units shall operate continuously from the time of barrier construction through the time of acceptable clearance air sampling has been obtained. These units shall exhaust filtered air to the outside of the building at all times.

6) Electrical Requirements:

The Demolition Contractor and asbestos abatement contractor shall be responsible for supplying the work-place with electrical power. Where possible the electricity can be obtained from other areas (not associated with the abatement area) of the Project Limits. In the event that no power is available the Demolition Contractor is responsible to provide generators to provide required power to execute the Work Scope. Ground-fault interrupter (GFI) systems shall be used by the Demolition and Asbestos Contractors at all times. All circuits energizing the work-place area shall be lock-out/tag-out for the duration of the removal project. It is the responsibility of the Demolition Contractor and asbestos abatement contractor to coordinate these lock-down procedures.

7) Worker Decontamination:

A worker decontamination enclosure system shall be adjacent to each work area,consisting of a clean room, shower room, and equipment room, each separatedfrom each other and from the work area by airlocks. It will also be accessible through doorways protected with two (2) overlapping polyethylene sheets, and shall be provided and operational in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101and the RIDOH Rules and Regulations. Procedures for the utilization of this system shall be established which prevent contamination of areas outside the work area.

8) Respirator Protection:

All asbestos abatement workers on-site shall, at a minimum, utilize half-faced, HEPA filtered, negative pressure respirators and disposable clothing during the preparation procedures of the containment area(s). The use of powered air purifying respirators (or a high protection factor respirator, as mandated within the contractor's respiratory protection program) and protective clothing is required during gross removal and until final air clearance has been established. This requirement may be amended pending acceptable OSHA personal sampling results.

The asbestos abatement contractor must collect the required personal (OSHA Compliance) air samples during each shift and must make the results available (posted at the job site) to the asbestos abatement worker, project monitor, state and/or federal agency representative(s) within twenty-four hours of sample collection.