Christkindlmarkt German Crew Activity
Thursday, 30 November 2017
Dear Parents & Students,
Our German Crew has the opportunity to participate in the Christkindlmarkt (German Christmas Market) at This Is the Place Heritage Park in Salt Lake City on Thursday, 30 November 2017. We are one of only a few select schools invited to participate in the Lantern parade at 6:00 p.m. that evening. Below is the itinerary.
2:40 PM – Bus picks up students from T.H. Bell Junior High and goes to Bonneville High to pick up more students.
2:50PM – Pick up Bonneville High School.
3:45 PM—Visit the Christkindlmarkt, Eat (you will need money for your food and other spending cash).
5:30 PM – Line up for the Lantern Parade.
6:00 PM – Participate in the Lantern Parade.
7:00 PM – Leave for home.
8:00 PM—Drop offat Bonneville High
8:05 PM – Drop off T.H. Bell .
The cost for riding the bus will be paid for by your German Club fee.German students who are not yet members of the German Crew/Clubwill need to pay $10 to the main office, or they may join the German club and ride for free. All students riding the bus to the event will also be required to ride the bus home.
As noted, dinner will NOT be provided. Students may bring their own dinner from home; however, there will NOT be a cooler provided to keep food cold. Students wishing to eat at the Christkindlmarkt should be able to eat a nice dinner for $10. Students may want additional spending cash for the market.
Please understand that this is a German Club activity for cultural enrichment and is not required for yourson’s/daughter’s grade. Attendance at this event is optional (but REALLY fun).(It will count for the cultural assignment for Bonneville High School students.)
Please fill out and sign this form indicating that your son/daughter has your permission to attend and participate in this field trip.This form must be completed, returned, and the German Club money must be paid by Thursday, 16 November 2017. German Club money and payment for the bus is non-refundable. After the 16th of November you may be unable to secure a seat on the bus. Seats will be assigned on a first come basis and we have many students and few seats.If you turn this form in, We assume that you are serious about attending.We look forward to attending this German cultural event with you.
Thank you!
Herr Jackson and Frau Sandstrom
Cut off and return:
Student’s Name (print first and last) ______Class Period ______
Parent’s signature ______Date signed ______
Dear Student,
We will be invited guests at the Christkindlmarkt. This is a big event. You must be on your absolute best behavior. It reflects on you, us and your school. If you are involved in ANY horseplay or inappropriate behavior, your parent will be called to pick you up and your citizenship grade will be lowered.Don’t risk it.
Herr Jackson and Frau Sandstrom
I understand the expectations and I agree to demonstrate exemplary behavior during this activity.
Student’s signature: ______