21 Things Portfolio Work Sheet for 1-7 2013-14
21 Things Portfolio Work Sheet for 1-7
Reflections & Screen Shots—Part A-Completing the “Hands-On Activities” for each “Thing”
Please use this document to complete the activities and include a screen shot of each. Reflections should be 150-300 words minimum.Include additional pages where appropriate to attach additional information.
Make sure to include your time logged at the top of each element.
Participant Name: Susan Laninga District:GVSU
Email address:
Thing Name: Cloud Initiation Thing Number: 1 Time Logged: 3
PRE-ASSESS *this red oval can be copy and pasted to use for your pre and post-assessment score.
1. Before beginning this "Thing", complete thePre-Assessmentofyour technology proficiency. Circle your score below.
Proficiency Score: / Score / Score / Score / Score / ScoreLickert Scale / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
NETS-T Performance Proficiency / ------/ Beginning / Developing / Proficient / Transformative
Complete the following activities for the Cloud Initiation portion of the hands-on activity for Thing 1:
2. Create your own Diigo page; add at least 5 bookmarks with at least three tags per bookmark. Copy and paste the URL to your Diigo page in the portfolio. Take a screen shot of your page and reflect on how Diigo will help you be more productive.
URL Diigo:
Insert a Screen Shot from #2 above:
Reflection question: To effectively reflect and create change, consider what this new practice might look like in your own environment. Create a thoughtful response conveying your reflection of learning for this thing and how it might change your own practice.
I actually could have my students use this tool when they go out on the web to find sites that help to teach Social Studies content. I already have them do something like this, but just have them post it to a forum in Bb. This could be a more robust way of collecting the information. I just don’t know how I could get access to all of their work in order to check their accountability. Would I create a class diigo account and everyone would post there? It seems a little like adding a layer of complexity (web 2.0 tech) to the assignment. I can see how it would be great for them going forward to gather and capture their resources so they’re all in one place.
3. As you learn about new tools from this point forward make sure to bookmark them in Diigo.
I have a lot in my Weebly and in Bb I could transfer over. How would I then give my students access without them being able to change or add? Is there a way to link to Bb?
4. Create an account at Dropbox.com. Create at least three folders in Dropbox for content you may want to upload. Upload at least one document into a folder. Take a screenshot of your page showing what you uploaded into Dropbox and put it into your portfolio.Optional: download the Dropbox application to your computer, tablet, or mobile device
Insert a Screen Shot from #4 above:
5. After completing all of the activities for this "Thing", take thePost-Assessmentof your technology proficiency for this "Thing".
I still feel like a beginner at this – it doesn’t come easily for some reason. I know how to get to it and understand fully how it can be a help, but I don’t have it down yet. I keep losing the screenshots and where to find them.
Proficiency Score: / Score / Score / Score / Score / ScoreLickert Scale / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
NETS-T Performance Proficiency / ------/ Beginning / Developing / Proficient / Transformative
21 Things for 21st Century EducatorsbyCCRESA, IISD, MISD, SRESDis licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Based on a work at21things.weebly.com. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at updated August 15, 2013.