Park Conservation District
General Membership Meeting
June 16, 2014 at 7:00 PM
St. Margaret’s Church, Clyde Park
PEOPLE PRESENT: (20 people total)
Daryl Shehan, Chair Jessica Anderson, Coordinator
Joe Lawellin Cecilia Welch, BSWC – Park CD
Mike Dailey Amelia Johnson
Barbara Gobler Tracy Mosley, MSU Extension
Norton Cross Daryl Stutterheim
Dick & Gay Junkhe Alan Johnstone
Mark Sinnard Kerri Strasheim, Montana DNRC
Ken Younger Gary Hoyen
Jim & Lexi Marsh Steve Tomschin
Daryl Shehan called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m.
Kerri Strasheim, a Water Rights Specialist with the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC), gave a presentation regarding the fundamentals of water rights and how to update and maintain your water right. Strasheim opened with basic refreshers on water rights including a review of the priority doctrine (“use it or lose it”), Water Use Act, the DNRC complaint process, and an enforcement map of Montana. She also introduced the “Water Right Query System” on the DNRC website for locating the status of your water right. The system is open to the public, meaning all water rights are open for viewing. Once the water right has been located, the water right file in its entirety can be viewed and accuracy verified. Strasheim also discussed water right maintenance which includes: ownership/address, priority date, purpose, source, diversion rate (cfs/gpm), volume (acre-ft/year), point of diversion, period of diversion/use, and place of use. Each water right owner needs to make sure all those elements are up to date and accurately reflected in the DNRC file. Strasheim also covered Statement of Claims and making sure there are no unresolved issue remarks. Maintenance of water rights helps maintain the value of water rights. In order to avoid potential non-use burden (10 years of non-use), it is important to maintain a current water right.
Strasheim discussed the recent adoption of Senate Bill 355, which states that non-filed water rights can now be filed, and encourages filing as soon as possible. Obtaining a new water right involves many forms. Those interested can find those forms on the DNRC website. The Yellowstone Basin is still open to new water rights. If water rights owners want to change their water rights, changes in point of diversion, place of use, purpose of use, or place of storage all require a change of appropriation. Types of change applications and other details can also be found on the DNRC website. For further questions about anything water rights related, Strasheim encouraged those interested to either visit the DNRC website at or email/call Strasheim at the Bozeman office (covers Park County) at /556-4504.
A. Weeds
Shehan and Lawellin are working on sprayer repair; there is a crack in the tank that needs fixing. Clay Williams indicated parts could potentially be replaced through the Park County Weed District. A 200 gallon tank will probably cost $200-300, although Stu’s Chemical could may have a reduced price. Stuttherheim indicated Park CD will reimburse Shehan for his out-of-pocket repair costs. Lawellin showed an invasive species found in his hay field which Tracy Mosley identified as bulbous bluegrass. Mosley indicated it behaves like cheatgrass; greens early in the spring like most annuals.
B. Water Quality
Johnstone attended the Department of Agriculture/DEQ conference in Helena regarding nitrates in water. Mosley reported MSU Extension Water Quality Specialist (Adam Sigler) has been conducting nitrate testing in wells for a while. At the conference, Sigler talked about current nitrate testing in central Montana.
C. Forestry
No update was provided.
D. Wildlife
Tomschin provided an update on a project for fish shocking on the Shields coming up in early July.
E. Livestock
No update was provided.
A. 2014 BSWC Member update:
Ceci Welch provided an update on her recent ArcGIS trainings and development of a stream jurisdiction map of Park County. She also touched on some of the trainings and workshops she has attended recently including the Montana Watershed Coordination Council’s annual Spring Training and a Streambank Restoration and Bioengineering workshop held in Dillon.
B. 2014 Noxious Weed Fair:
This year’s annual Noxious Weed Fair was a success with over 100 attendees. There were various speakers, most prominent of which were two representatives from Utah State Univeristy’s Poisonous Plant Lab who talked about plants poisonous to cattle, particularly larkspur species and how to identify and avoid grazing in those areas. The CWMA also gave an update on their recent success with acquiring grant money and potential projects they plan to undertake in the area.
C. Park Branch Canal Water Efficiency Project update:
Anderson reported the project was completed a few weeks ago.
D. DNRC RRGL grant proposal update: Anderson reported the Park CD, in conjunction with SVWG and Carol Endicott, submitted an application to the DNRC Renewable Resources Grant and Loan program for a fish barrier project in the upper Shields.
E. Current snowpack updates:
Current snowpack is at 130% of the 30 year average, as opposed to last year where the Shields Valley was in the red.
F. Shields Valley Baseline Water-Quality Data Collection project update: Anderson reported the remaining samples and analysis for the Shields River Watershed Baseline Water Quality Monitoring project will be done in July.
G. Park CD/SVWG/UYWB website update: Following several years without a sufficient/current website, Anderson reported the Park CD/SVWG/UYWB website,, is currently being developed/updated.
H. Park CD Water Reservations policy update: The Park CD will now accept reservations for water reservations on the Shields River and tributaries. Please contact Jessica for more information.
I. Park County CWMA discussion of upcoming projects:
Mosley provided an update on an upcoming project to monitor invasive salt cedar on the Yellowstone in early August. It will be a one day event and volunteers are giving their boats and time to the cause.
J. Montana Range Days:
Montana Range Days will be held in Havre from June 23rd-25th.
K. Youth Range Camp:
The Youth Range Camp will be held in Dupuyer from July 7th-11th.
Carol Endicott provided an update in fisheries projects in the area. They have a fish screen project going on up at Mulherin Creek. There are also projects focused in the Shields where landowners are responsible for maintaining the fish screens. Lastly, there is a turbulent fountain screen working up the Shields that is keeping spawning fish from getting trapped in ditches. Abby Nelson provided a update in wolf monitoring in the area. T here are proposed changes for the wolf hunting season mainly around Yellowstone NP. The 315 area will drop from 4 to three wolves, and the 316 area will stay at 3 wolves. 2013 counts have shown that the population has stabilized (there have been about the same number harvested in the last two years). Also, the new Senate Bill 200 added a new quota for wolf management area 313: It is now year-round and limited to 100 wolves statewide. The bill also allowed people to take action on wolves who are threatening to pets, property, or people.
Joe Lawellin made the motion to approve the March 3, 2014 meeting minutes. Mike Dailey seconded and the motion passed.
DEQ has given a grant to MACD to administrate small water quality projects within a few watersheds around the state. The Shields and Upper Yellowstone werDEQ has given a grant to MACD to administrate small water quality projects within a few watersheds around the state. The Shields and Upper Yellowstone were mentioned DEQ has given a grant to MACD to administrate small water quality projects within a few watersheds around the state. The Shields and Upper Yellowstone were mentiDEQ has given a grant to MACD to administrate small water quality projects within a few watersheds around the state. The Shields and Upper Yellowstone were mentioned (mostly because they have active groups not because they have the worst water qua
Stutterheim talked about the CD considering providing a cost-share on concrete blocks. The CD board will discuss this at the next board meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 9:07 P.M.
Next Meeting: TBD
5242 Hwy. 89 South Livingston, MT 59047
(406) 222-2899x111 or