2018Lakers Swim TeamRegistration

DueJune 1st, 2018

The Swim Team is open to all members of the Old Mill Pool between the ages of 5-17. Beginners MUST pass the Old Mill Deep Water Test. Swim team is NOT swim lessons. Registered swimmers receive team shirts and end-of-season celebration! All swim parents, especially those of new swimmers, are highly encouraged to visit for further information.

Registration: Fee is $80.00 per swimmer. Please complete a Registration Form for each swimmer.

Parent meeting: Saturday June 2, 2018 @ 11am at the Old Mill Pool Pavilion.

Practices:Begins MondayJune 25, 2018 and continue daily Monday-Fridays.

Swim Meets:MondaysWednesdays in July. Swimmers MUST check in by 4:30pm in order to swim in meets.

**All swimmers are REQUIRED to swim in at least 3 of the 5 meets.

Team Swim Suit Sale: Wednesday, June 27, 2017 Old Mill Poolthis is the only team-sponsored sale where swimmers can try on purchase the team suit at the Old Mill. Cash, Check & Credit Cards accepted.

Volunteers:The continued success of our team depends on parent volunteers at all at swim meets. One parent per familyMUST volunteer to assist in at 2 meets as a condition of their child/children’s participation on the team. If parents so wish, they may “opt-out” of 1 or both volunteer commitments by paying $25 per meet, in addition to the standard registration fee. Parental “opt-out fees” will be used to hire college students to perform the multitude of roles which are necessary to ensure smoothly run, STRESS FREE meets!

Questions: Visit our team website:

Swimmer information: Please Print  Returning New
Child’s First Name: / Child’s Last Name:
Child’s Birthdate: / Gender: / F M
Parents’ Names:
Parents’ email:
Home #: / Parent Cell #:
Special allergy/medical information coaches should be aware of:
Youth M
Youth L
Youth XL / Adult Women S
 Adult Women M
Adult Women L
Adult Women XL /  Adult Men S
 Adult Men M
 Adult Men L
 Adult Men XL
*To receive complimentary team shirt you MUST register by JUNE 1, 2018.
All Parent Volunteer Dates & Positions will be scheduled through SIGN-UP GENIUS and communicated to parents by mid-June. Please visit for meet schedule & complete descriptions of all volunteer positions.
I understand that pool membership is required in order for my child to join the Lakers Swim Team. All registrations will be cross checked with WCL Parks & Rec Department by June 1st. If I am not registered as a member of the Old Mill Pool by June 1, 2018, my check will be refunded and my child/children may be unable to partake in the 2018 team season.
· Parent Volunteer Commitment: (Initial 1 line)
  • I understand that I am obligated to volunteer at 2 meets and promise to do so ______
  • I opt-out of volunteering and have enclosed an additional $25/$50 w/ my child’s registration fee.
Please hire staff to work in my place at the meet(s). ______
Photo Release: I authorize the use of still photographs taken at swim meets or other swim team functions. I recognize these photos may be posted on the team website, Facebook, other social media outlets, or used by news media in covering swimming events. Children’s names will NOT appear on social media.
Circle 1: Yes or No
I waive any claim against the Woodcliff Lake Swim & Dive Association or any of its agents for any damages that may arise as a result from my child’s participation in this program. In the event that my child is injured and I cannot be readily reached, I give permission to my child’s coach or assistant to authorize the medical attention recommended by a registered physician. Further, I understand that any expenses that may arise will be my responsibility, as the WCL Swimming/Diving Association does not carry insurance for these purposes.
Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature:______Date: ______
*Make checks payable to WCL Swim & Dive Association
Mai to: Angela Maday, 24 Balsam Rd. Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677