Investigation: Pumpkins
Enduring Understandings:
  1. Living things grow
  2. Living things need certain things to survive
  3. We can record our ideas and observations in a variety of ways

Curriculum Outcomes and Indicators
Science Invitation
LTK.1 Examine observable characteristics of plants, animals, and people in their local environment.
Indicators: a, b, d, e
CRK.4 Comprehend, retell, and respond to basic ideas in stories, poems, songs, and informational texts read to them.
Indicators: d, f, h, i, j
PAK.1 Understand and respect the agreed-upon rules of the classroom, playground, and school, and recognize that rules and expectations are designed to promote a state of safety, self-regulation, peace, balance, and harmony.
Indicators: d, f
Discovery Centers
NK.2 Recognize, at a glance, and name familiar arrangements of 1 to 5 objects, dots, or pictures.
Indicators: a, b
USCK.1 Develop basic habits to establish healthy relationships with self, others, and the environment.
Indicators: a, j, k, l
CPK.3 Create sound compositions exploring the elements of music including: • repeating patterns • beat (e.g., clapping and stepping, and counting) • response to fast/slow paces • high/low sounds • loud/soft sounds • sounds with distinct tone colours/timbres.
Indicators: a, e, g, i, k
How will I stimulate learning and hook students’ interests?
  • Bring in some pumpkins for invitation table
  • Discuss the time of year (Halloween/Thanksgiving) and the fun things we get to do at this time of year
  • Take a trip to a pumpkin garden
/ Classroom Environment
  • Pumpkins large and small
  • Pumpkin books
  • Scientist supplies: magnifying glass, microscope, labcoat
  • Pretend pumpkin garden

Students will know…
  • What a question is
  • What an observation is
  • The life cycle of a pumpkin
/ Students will be able to …
  • Pose a question
  • Record observations
  • Select and use appropriate tools
  • Make connections when “reading”
  • Identify important information
  • Retell a story

Assessment Evidence
  • Conversations
  • Observation
  • Checklists developed based on activities
  • photos

Science Invitation
Pumpkins, magnifying glasses, clip board, observation sheets, pencil, pumpkin books, canned pumpkins, pumpkin seeds, scarecrow
Discovery Centers
Writing- pumpkin shaped paper, pumpkin words
Music- pumpkin, Thanksgiving, Halloween songs
Listening- pumpkin books
Reading nook- brown construction paper, pumpkin seeds, watering cans, crows, vines, pumpkins
Open Ended Questions
  1. What does a pumpkin need to survive?
  2. What do you want to know about?
  3. How do you know what to look for?
  4. What do you know about pumpkins?

  1. Pretend pumpkin garden
Day 1- cover the ground with brown paper (soil). Students will plant their seeds.
Day 2- discuss what living things need to survive. Students will water their garden
Day 3- seedlings will start to show.
Day 4- crows will appear in the garden. Discuss the role of scarecrows
Day 5- Vines will grow
Day 6- a flower will appear
Day 7- a green pumpkin
Day 8- orange pumpkin. We will carve for Halloween
  1. 1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little Pumpkins song
  2. Taste pumpkin (canned?)
  3. Group diagram of the pumpkin life cycle
  4. Make a story about a pumpkin
  5. Take a walk to a pumpkin garden
  6. Explore the basic messages of visuals and texts (photos, books)
  7. Practice observing- have students observe their partner and record. What are they wearing, what colour are their eyes, do they have short hair or long hair