2018 FREE VANL (SCIO) Membership

A visit to our website ( will give you a flavour of what membership of VANL could offer your organisation and your volunteers.

Organisation Name:

Organisation Type: (please tick)

Voluntary Organisation Place of WorshipUniformed Group

Educational Establishment Statutory Partnership/Network
Organisation Address:

Phone Number: ______Post Code:______

Website: ______

Organisation Email: ______

Is your organisation a Social Enterprise? Yes No don’t know

Is your organisation Saltire Registered?Yes No don’t know

Does your service have charitable status in Scotland?Yes No

If so, what is your charity number? SC0______

What is the legal status of your organisation?Please tick one of the following statements:

Unincorporated association (community group)Industrial Provident Society

Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) Trust

Company Ltd by guarantee please state your Company Registration no: ______

In whichyear was your organisation (or branch project) established______


Please select up to 3areas of your organisations activity:
Addiction / Community Forum / Helpline / Physical Disability
Information / Community Safety / Heritage / Poverty
Advocacy / Community Transport / Horticulture / Refugees/ Asylum Seekers
Agriculture / Counselling / Housing Association / Residents Association
Animal Welfare / Credit Unions/ Community Banking / Housing/ Homelessness / Self-Directed Support
Arts & Culture / Drug/Alcohol Issues / Law & Justice / Self-help/ Support
Mentoring / Education/ Learning/ Training / Learning Disability / Sensory Impairment
Black/Minority Ethnic / Emergency Response/ Disaster Relief / Lunch Club / Sexuality
Campaign/ Lobbying / Employment / Marketing / Single Parent
Carers / Environment/ Recycling / Media / Social Care
Charity Shop / Equality / Men / Social Economy/ Social Enterprise
Children Services / Faith/ Religion/ Belief / Mental Health / Sport Leisure /Recreation
Community Council / Family Support / Money/Debt Advice / Volunteering
Community Development / Food Banks / Offenders/
Ex-Offenders / Welfare Rights and Benefits
Community Event / Fundraising/ Funding / Older People / Women
Community Facilities / Health / Overseas Aid/ Developing World / Young People


The third sector is a major contributor to Community Planning in North Lanarkshire. Community Planning is the process by which the local authority and other public bodies work together with local communities, businesses and voluntary groups to plan and deliver better services and improve the lives of local people.

Which of the following key areas of Community Planning in North Lanarkshire do you feel that your organisation contributes to? (Please tick all that apply)

Community Safety & Environment Regeneration
Health & Social Care Integration Don’t Know
Health & Wellbeing None



In which geographical area do you operate?(Please tick)

Internationalo You UK Wide Scotland Wide Local Authority Wide

More than 1 Local Authority area Specific local neighbourhoods

If you answered yes to specific neighbourhoods, which locality?(Please tick)

Airdrie & Villages Bellshill & District Coatbridge

Cumbernauld & Northern CorridorMotherwell Wishaw


Please provide a brief statement about your organisation’s main aims and objectives (e.g. a mission statement), as you would like others to read about you. This should be no longer than 100 words.


What hours are your organisation open?

Mon: Tues: Wed: Thurs: Fri: Sat: Sun:

Do you have dedicated disabled parking spaces at your premises?

Yes No Partial Plan in Place

Do you have disabled access at premises?

Yes No Partial Plan in Place

Do you have dedicated toilets at your premises?

Yes No Partial Plan in Place


Contact Name: ______

Contact Position with Organisation:______

Contact’s Home Address: ______

______Post Code: ______

Contact Tel no: ______Mobile Tel No: ______

Contact Email: ______

Can this person’s details be shared with other voluntary or statutory organisations?

Yes No

Can this person’s details be published on the web as a contact for the organisation?

Yes No



What was your total income from all sources in the last financial year? £______

What was your total expenditure from all sources in the last financial year? £______

Date of financial year end? ______

Are figures approximate? Yes No


How many paid members of full time staff do you currently employ? ______

How many paid members of part time staff do you currently employ? ______

How many paid members of sessional staff do you currently employ? ______


Are volunteers involved in service delivery? YES NO

If so how many volunteers are involved in delivering services? ______

How many hours did the average volunteer involved in the service delivery contribute

to your organisation this year? ______

How many hours did the average management committee or board member contribute to yourorganisation this year? ______

VANL are committed to reducing the volume of paper we use as part of our efforts to be a greener organisation. Where possible we will always choose to send information by email.

Preferred address for email correspondence (please tick)

Organisation Contact

Preferred address for standard mailcorrespondence (please tick)

Organisation Contact

Name of Individual who would hold voting rights at VANL Annual General Meeting?

(n.b. please state one name only)

Name: ______Designation: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Thank you for taking up membership with Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire and for your continued support. We look forward to working with you and for you in the year ahead.