30th January 2018

2018 Dance Classes Payment - Year 2 to Year 6

Dear Parents/Carers,

Dance classes will resume on Monday 5th February. All classes are taught by a qualified dance instructor with students working towards developing their dance skills. Dance lessons will run as follows:

MONDAY8:00amSenior Girls Dance Group for girls in Years 5 and 6

8:40amJunior Girls Dance Group for girls in Years 3 and 4

THURSDAY8:00amPrimary Boys Dance Group for boys in Years 3 to Year 6

FRIDAY8:40amYear 2 Dance Group for girls and boys in Year 2

The annual fee of $120, is inclusive of all lessons and extra rehearsals for the year and is payable by Week 6, Term 1.

Payment of $120 can be made by cash, cheque or POP (via school website)

Please understand that to be a member of the dance group, regular attendance and commitment for the year is mandatory. Students will have many opportunities to perform throughout the year which can include –

Kurrunulla Eisteddfod

Sutherland Shire Music Festival Dance Extravaganza

Sutherland Shire Music Festival – audition criteria

Night of Stars

An additional costume fee for performances will be payable in Term 2.

Please complete the attached permission slip to confirm your child’s participation in the dance group. Please not the annual payment of $120 is due by Friday 9th March.


Miss RichardsPeter Banks

Dance CoordinatorPrincipal

2018 Dance Classes Payment - Year 2 to Year 6

I give permission for my child ______in class______to participate in dance lessons at school.

I understand the lessons are before school in the hall and will be taught by a qualifier dance teacher.

I understand the commitment to be a member of the dance group and will attend lessons regularly.

Please tick –

Payment of $120 has been made as follows:





Signed (parent/carer) Date