Course Expectations 2016-2017

Program Approach to Career Education (P.A.C.E.)

Instructor: Cassandra Barcelo

SPTA/Assistant: Marc Atkinson

LHS Room P623

Phone: (702) 799-1777 cell phone 702-371-6646


Website Address:

Course Description:

The P.A.C.E. program is a Post-Secondary Transition Program that focuses on vocational and independent living skills. The goal of the P.A.C.E. Program is to enable students to become independent, productive members of their communities. The goal of this program is to provide job placement in entry-level jobs, ongoing support services and agency linkages to assist the students within the employment. Career and educational activities are based on student’s individual needs as well as program traits. Upon completion of the program, students will receive a Competency Certificate.

Course Scope:

Students participating in the P.A.C.E. program are provided with occupational hands-on training that includes the following:

1.  Safety

2.  Sanitation

3.  Identification of Vocational Items and Procedures

4.  Storage Methods

5.  Employability Skills

6.  Measurements of Liquid/Dry Ingredients

7.  Vocational Tasks related to Building Maintenance and Culinary Arts

Program Requirements:

In order for student to become aware of and be prepared for jobs/careers in various vocational fields, they need to be able to demonstrate the following:

*learn and practice required sanitation practices

*an appropriate level of productivity

*acquire and demonstrate work safety practices

*proper storage procedures

*acquire and demonstrate work habits and behaviors

*demonstrate appropriate employability skills

*demonstrate and practice good personal hygiene

*demonstrate the ability to work as part of a team

*obtain necessary identification cards(Nevada Identification Card, Health Card, etc.)


Students in the P.A.C.E. Program will receive instruction in functional reading, writing, and math as each pertains to daily living, employment and mobility. Functional Academics will be integrated with community based instruction activities that will include on and off campus work experiences, job tours of potential employers in the community, consumer shopping, budgeting and mobility training. This functional approach to teaching not only integrates classroom instruction with community based instruction, but with the active involvement of family members, employers, and community service agencies in cooperatively preparing and equipping with the skills necessary to become independent, successful adults.


There are no textbooks assigned to PACE. A variety of hand-outs will be provided throughout the year.

Student Supplies

Students are expected to have and maintain the following supplies all year:

*Notebook and pencil for materials taught in class

*Uniforms for various work sites

Tardy Policy

Tardiness is a serious disruption to the educational program. Every student is required to be in his/her seat when the tardy bell rings. With that in mind, the Legacy High School Tardy Policy will be strictly enforced. On the first tardy, the student will be warned; on the second tardy, the parent will be contacted; on the third and all subsequent tardies, the student will be sent to the deans’ office and placed on a Required Parent Conference. In addition to the Legacy Tardy Policy, Legacy will utilize a Tardy Lockout System.

Grading Policy

Students in the Post-Secondary Transition Programs such as P.A.C.E. do not receive traditional grades or report cards as they have already graduated from high school. Students will receive quarterly I.E.P. Progress Reports.

Basis for Citizenship

Although the PACE students do not receive grades/report cards, they must not exhibit behavior that interferes with teaching/learning process and must adhere to all CCCSD and Legacy High School rules.


Students are expected to attend daily. Students must telephone the instructor to report an absence or tardy (799-1777). This is a critical employability skills and work habit to develop and practice. Upon return, students will be required to present written documentation of absence in order for the absence to be excused. This is a Clark County School District mandate.

·  Hours of Availability- I will be available after school for questions, telephone conferences, parent meetings, IEPs, etc. Generally, my hours will be 6:45-1:56 in room 805. Special appointments may be scheduled on an individual basis. Since I need to monitor students who are on my caseload but off campus working different hours, I will need to adjust my schedule according to their needs.

School-Wide Testing:

Post-secondary students do not attend school wide standardized testing (Proficiency Exams) or semester exams.

Classroom Behavior Expectations

The most successful students/employees are those who put forth their best efforts to follow directions, complete tasks, and work cooperatively with others. The students in the P.A.C.E. program are the only post-secondary students on campus. Thus, it is important that they set a good example for the students still pursuing their high school educations. Inappropriate and/or disruptive behavior will prevent students from continuing in the P.A.C.E. program and moving on to successful employment. All Clark County School District regulations concerning behavior, attendance and dress code apply to students in the P.A.C.E. program. The following progressive discipline plan will be implemented for all students in the P.A.C.E. program:

1.  Verbal warning

2.  Conference with Student

3.  Phone call to Parent or Guardian

4.  Required Parent Conference- Suspension from work site

5.  Alternative Placement

P.A.C.E. Program Rules

*Be respectful of yourself and others

*Listen carefully when someone else is talking

*Follow directions

*Practice safety at all times

*Practice good personal hygiene

*Be prepared

*Have a good attitude

*Ask questions if you do not understand directions

*Report all absences (799-1777)

Unique Items Pertinent To Your Class

1.  Appropriate Uniforms/clothing as required(schedule will be sent home)

2.  Health Card $20 on day of appointment

3.  Social Security Card (copy needed for file in classroom)

4.  NV ID (copy needed for file in classroom)

5.  Copy of Medical Insurance Card to have on file

Requests of teacher:

1.  Dry Erase Markers

2.  Tissues

3.  Personal Hygiene Bag labeled with student’s name (deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, and pads/tampons(if needed)

Please complete this page, remove from packet and return to school by September 2nd, 2016.

Acknowledgement of Course Expectations

P.A.C.E. Program

We have read and discussed the course description and expectations.


Student’s name [last, first] Student’s Signature


Parent Name Parent Signature


Home phone Work/Cell phone

Email Address: ______

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