Casa de la Esperanza
Summer Group Visitation Questionnaire
We look forward to your upcoming visit to Casa de la Esperanza with great anticipation. We trust that those of you who have visited with us before will be pleasantly surprised with the progress that continues to be made here at Casa. At present, 16 churches are scheduled to visit Casa this spring break and summer and we continue to receive inquiries from others for the first time. God is blessing the work in many ways, especially in the ever improving care and progress we evidence in the development of the children.
In preparation for your visit, please take a few minutes and respond to the following questions. Your answers will help us in our planning as well as in our ability to assist you in which ever way possible. We realize that some of your responses are going to be approximations and/or your best guest; however, they will be very helpful to us in this early planning stage. We would like for you to return this questionnaire by March 1st for Spring Break visitors and by April 1st for our summer visitors. Thank you for your timely response.
1. Congregation Name______
2. Address______State______
3. Office Phone ______Email Address______
4. Name of coordinator/primary contact person ______
5. Contact person primary phone number ______
6. Cell Phone from which the contact person can be reached while traveling in the
El Paso or Presidio area ______
7. Border Crossing in; El Paso______or Presidio______
8. Estimated date/time of Arrival at border crossing ______
9. Form of transportation______
10. Will you require assistance with border crossing, documentation, and traveling to
Casa? Yes_____ No_____ (Assistance with related expenses including gas, tolls, etc.
is requested).
11. How many do you estimate will be visiting Casa in your group?
Adult Sponsors ______, Youth______
12. The success of any given mission trip rest largely in the amount of preparation and orientation taking place before hand. Preparing the heart to serve and creating a willing spirit is paramount. Please describe your endeavors to prepare you group for mission work.
13. Departure date to Casa ______Arrival date at Casa______
14. Arrival time at Casa______
15. Will you be conducting any of the evening devotionals with the children and if so would you need translation assistance? Please be as specific as possible, i.e. which nights you would be conducting devotionals; will you require any tables, props or other set up requirements. We want to assist as much as possible and will inform you of any limitations we might have given our resource limitations.
16. Meal Plan
Meal Prices at Casa (per person) are as follows: Breakfast-$3.75; Lunch-$4.25; Dinner-$4.55. Please let us know which days and which meals you are planning on eating with us.
Meal Cost Estimator
Breakfast $4.25 x (#people)______x (# days)______=______
Lunch $4.50 x (#people)______x (# days)______=______
Dinner $4.75 x (#people)______x (# days)______=______
Total ______
Meals / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / SundayBreakfast:
Groups larger than 40 will eat in 2 sessions. The Casa children will also eat in two sessions in order to accompany the visiting group member during the meal.
17. Motel / Camp Casa Information
Hotel / How many 3 bed rooms? / Approx. $ for 3 beds / How many 2 bed rooms? / Approx. $ for 2 beds / How many 1 bed rooms? / Approx. $ for 1 bedTarahumara / $610 pesos / $570 pesos / $N/A
Del Camino / $400 pesos / $350 pesos / $290 pesos
Camp Casa / English Center Accommodations
An alternative to staying in a hotel in town is to stay on Casa campus in the Larry English Center. Bring your own sleeping bag. The facility provides a kitchen, bunk bed sleeping accommodations, separate bathrooms and showers, a large central dinning/meeting area, an outdoor cooking area and a large gazebo in front.
Adults ______x 5.75 x Nights______= ______
Children (under 12 years old) ______x 3.00 x Nights ______= ______