2018 Community Garden Rules have been established for community gardeners to understand how the garden operates and what is expected of the new gardeners as well those returning gardeners.
- Community Garden has 20 designated plots which are approximately 8x18 feet, the entire garden is protected by a chain link fence, and coded padlock. There are two water faucets, gardening hoses and sprayer attachments for use. There aretwo compost bins (black gold soil) in the garden, for use by the gardeners who have contributed the previous season,
The cost of the plot is $25(check only) per year.This garden plot check must be dated January 2, 2018.The garden cleanup fee is an additional $35.00. The second check; garden cleanup fee check will be post-dated to Nov. 18, 2018. BothCHECKS NEED TO BE ATTACHED/WITH SIGNED RULES AND ARE DUE BY JANUARY 17TH, 2018, The latter check will be returned if the plot is completely cleared by the 11/18/2018 RAIN DATE*.) The $35.00 FEE WILL be imposed, to any gardener who has not meet thefinal cleanup deadline of November 17, 2018*. There will be a gardeners’ meeting, held in the garden, on the final cleanup date, November 17th, 2018to make certain everyone has accomplished the task. The cleanup check deposit will then be returned or voided with photo copy and an email will be sent back to the gardener to those who meet this deadline.
Garden plot checks, dated January 2, 2018 will not be cashed if we have to conduct a lottery. If applicant does not receive a plot, checks can be voided/photo copied, and an email will be sent back to those who do not receive a plot.
- Two dates that will require everyone’s participation will be:
Opening Day: May 19, 2018; initial spring cleaning Rain date: May 20th
Closing Day: November 17, 2018 Final closure Rain date: Nov. 18th
Meeting will be at 10:30 in the Community Garden
- Gardeners from the previous year will have the opportunity to renew their same plot every succeeding year, according to the Garden Rules voted and adopted by the Walden Woods Conservancy Board in 2015. Rules Subsection 17.1 Garden
- Remaining available garden plots will be offered to community residents with notice through Walden Woods Communications( or Elite Property Management for those who are not signed up for the Walden Woods Communication,) in which the garden committee will provide garden rules,a current application form and information, explaining the lottery system, and the availability of any remaining unused plots. Only one lottery application may be submitted per household.
- Garden Committee may seek an agreement with Conservancy or Townhome Council for gardeners to pay the total water usage at the end of the season. Since this is our first season paying for water usage the committee will seek the most effective and efficient way for all gardeners to pay this cost.
- Another option for paying our water bill will be tocollect additional money monthly from each gardener to cover the water bill. It is possible that this option would be quite time consuming to process so we will research all options. (This is the first year we are incurring this cost and we are not certain what the projected will be.) Water meters will be attached to faucets beginning this season. The Garden Committee is reviewing options and will have more information to share Opening Day.
- In the event there are still names within the lottery once garden plots are filled those names will remain on the waiting list for the current year.
- Gardener is responsible for maintenance and upkeep of garden plot this includes: preparing the soil, raking, planting, weeding, tending plants, controlling bugs, fungus and disease,watering, harvesting and any other garden related cleaning maintenance done throughout the season.
- Failure to maintain the garden will result in forfeiting your plot and the plot will be reassigned toan existing name on the lottery waiting list. Money paid for the plot is nonrefundable, and a cleanup fee imposed in the amount of $35 is nonrefundable as well.
1st Offense: Warning with 4 days to correct/ A2nd / final warning is then imposed .after 4 days have passed from the initial warning Plants will be pulled within 3 days from this plot. This will be strictly followed. Other community garden plots can’t be subjected to non-beneficial bugs or diseases as it would wipe out the entire community garden.
The garden committee and other experienced gardeners will be supportive in providing suggestions and advice on how to have a weed free, bug free garden, without disease. Training will be provided at the opening garden day meeting session. The garden season is short and a successful harvest is a good outcome.
- The only exception would be for unforeseen illness:
Person must put in email writing why they are not caring for their garden. If no response is given at all, on the 7th day the plot is cleared.
- Plots are not transferable; no refund will be awarded to any gardener who decides to give up their plot during the gardening season.
- A prospective gardener who opts out, after registering to garden must do so priorto when the actual garden community plantingbegins. That perspective gardenermust inform the garden chair of his/her decision to withdraw their intentionsof gardening. To do so it must in writing/email, in order to receive a payment refund. The garden committee will then review it and approve the request.
- Garden tools: gardeners are responsible for bringing their own tools to the garden as well as sturdy supports for their plants such as stakes, and trellises.
- Visitation: Ideally garden plots should be visited every day or every other day to insure proper maintenance.
- Gardener’s responsibility is to notify another gardener whose plot is near theirs, if they are going away, and need assistance in watering and tending to their garden while they are gone.
- Garden gate is to be kept closed at all times. When exiting garden the gate, it must be locked and the numbers need to be spun.
- Children in gardenmust be accompanied by adult and supervised at all times.
- Pets, smoking, music, and running are prohibited in the garden.
- The application of herbicides (weed killers) to the garden is prohibited. Organic food, organic fertilizers, organic fungicides and any organic materials are allowed and encouraged.
- Landscaping cloth, garden cloth, or plastic sheeting on garden soil is not allowed; as it creates a haven for bugs, weeds, and disease. However, burlap covering/straw for winter garlic bulbs, herbs, and fruits is permitted as a weather protector.
- Produce must be picked regularly.
- Organic waste, that is NOT DISEASED, and small amountsof weedscan be disposed in the compost bins. Large bags of weeds, woody sticks, thick stems (i.e. tomato stalks) diseased plants cannot be placed in bins and should be taken away by the gardener No garden debris is allowed to be dumped on council or conservancy property.
- Watering faucet must be turned off once your garden is watered.*There will be a mandatory meeting on Water Faucet Training on the initial opening date for both new and returning gardeners.
- Clean up at the end of the season will be the responsibility of each gardener. Garden debris will be disposed of properly in the Russo Bin. The bin will be scheduled to arrive on October 25, 2018. Plant supports must be taken down and removed from the garden site,unless; they are being used for perennial vegetables that are wintering over in your garden. (An example is garlic bulbs, as they will need straw and burlapcovering for weather protection).
- Gardeners will rake out and level their plot beginning October 25- November 17deadline of given year.The Russo Bin will be removed promptly on November 14, 2018.
- Garden email correspondence must be checkregularly with a response if necessary. A prompt response should be submitted back to the garden committee, so that we know you are aware of any changes/updates in the garden.Gardeners will notify the committeeif they change their email address.
All garden plots for 2018 season have been filled per Rules 17.1 and application deadline.
2018 Garden Committee