Swatara Middle School
8 – Gold Homework
October 9, 2014
English / 1. Donations for guest speaker tomorrow2. Page 85 adjective clauses.
History / Review Constitutional Convention Packet:
- Second set of Convention Vocab due tomorrow (column 2 in packet)
- Second letter to your home state due Monday Oct. 13
Math / Dubbs / Intro to Algebra / Alg study guide 2-4
Algebra / p. 325 #7 – 22
Kratz / None
Science / Advanced Science / Bohr Models for elements 1-18
Science / Bohr Models for elements 1-18
Reading / Luckenbill / SAT vocab words due tomorrow. Remember for each word: Word ( pronunciation), speech function, ALL definitions, synonym, antonym, and writing a sentence that shows meaning.
Keneske-Shuey / SAT words due October 10
Word (pronounciation) speech function, All definitions
PE / Jackson
English / Gliem