Mercy Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Program Questionnaire

Interested in bariatric surgery? Complete this form and return to us to be considered for evaluation:

Sara Maduka, Mercy Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Program Director

Office: 319.688.7693 | Cell: 319.325.8739 | Fax: 319.688.7881
540 East Jefferson Street Suite 205
Iowa City, IA 52245

**Note: complete the entire form or it will be returned to you**

Name: / Date:
Age: / Date of Birth: / Sex:
Address: City:
State: / Zip:
Home: ( ) - / Work: ( ) -
□ African American □Caucasian □Hispanic □Native American □Asian □Other
What procedure are you interested in:
□ Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band □Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
□Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Insurance #1:
ID #: / Group #:
Policy Holder: / Relationship:
Customer Service Phone #:
Insurance #2:
ID #: / Group #:
Policy Holder: / Relationship:
Customer Service Phone #:
How did you hear about our program?
□ Web □ TV □ Radio □ Newspaper □ Seminar □ Mercy Employee □ Family/Friend
□ Mercy Patient □ Insurance Company
□ My Physician: Name: Phone #: ( ) - )
Do you currently smoke? □Yes □No
Current Height: feet inches / Current Weight:
Highest weight since age 18: / Lowest weight since age 18:
Age when obesity began:

Current Medications: Include prescription and over the counter:

□ None
Medication: / Dosage: / How often:
Medication: / Dosage: / How often:
Medication: / Dosage: / How often:
Medication: / Dosage: / How often:
Medication: / Dosage: / How often:
Primary Care Provider:

Surgical History (ALL surgeries and procedures, including those that are bariatric/for weight loss):

□ None
Type: / Reason: / Date:
Type: / Reason: / Date:
Type: / Reason: / Date:
Type: / Reason: / Date:

Drug Allergies:

□ None
Drug: / Reaction:
Drug: / Reaction:

Currently or in the past six months, have you experienced any of the following:

Yes/No / Condition / Yes/No / Condition / Yes/No / Condition
□ □ / Abnormal belly pain / □ □ / Headache / □ □ / Rectal bleeding/pain
□ □ / Blood in stools / □ □ / Hearing loss/ear pain / □ □ / Shortness of breath
□ □ / Bowel habit changes / □ □ / Indigestion / □ □ / Sore throat/cough
□ □ / Chest pain / □ □ / Itching/rash / □ □ / Sweats
□ □ / Depression/anxiety / □ □ / Loss of sleep / □ □ / Unexplained weight loss
□ □ / Dizziness/fainting / □ □ / Nausea / □ □ / Vision changes/eye pain
□ □ / Excessive thirst / □ □ / Numbness / □ □ / Vomiting
□ □ / Excessive bleeding / □ □ / Pain/problems urinating
□ □ / Fever / □ □ / Poor appetite / □ □ / Other

Health issues, past and present (please mark all that apply):

Past/Present / Condition / Medication/Treatment
(name, dose) / Notes
(Office use)
□ □ / High Blood Pressure
□ □ / Diabetes
□ □ / Sleep Apnea
□ □ / Daytime Sleepiness
□ □ / Snoring
□ □ / Reflux/Heartburn
□ □ / Heart Disease
□ □ / High Cholesterol
□ □ / High Triglycerides
□ □ / Joint Pain
□ □ / Back Pain
□ □ / Hip Pain
□ □ / Knee Pain
□ □ / Ankle and Foot Pain
□ □ / Foot Swelling
□ □ / Urinary stress/Incontinence
□ □ / Blood Clots
□ □ / Stroke
□ □ / Shortness of breath
□ □ / Asthma
□ □ / Emphysema
□ □ / Headaches
□ □ / Migraines
□ □ / Kidney Disease
□ □ / Seizures
□ □ / Rashes
□ □ / Arthritis
□ □ / Cancer
□ □ / Irregular Periods
□ □ / Eating disorder
□ □ / Other (please explain)
Past/Present / Psychiatric History / Medication / Hospitalized* Dates / Explain (next pg.)
□ □ / Depression / □ No □Yes
□ □ / Severe depression / □ No □Yes
□ □ / □ Schizophrenia/ □Bipolar / □ No □Yes
□ □ / □Anorexia/ □Bulimia / □ No □Yes
□ □ Do you see a psychologist, psychiatrist, or counselor for mental health issues?
□ Yes* □ No (If so, please include a recent psychiatric evaluation including history, diagnosis, and treatment.)

Continued Psychiatric History – Explanations*:


Medical History: (list any other conditions not already listed):

Condition: / Medication: / Dosage:
Condition: / Medication: / Dosage:
Condition: / Medication: / Dosage:

Family History: (Please mark all that apply)

Severe Obesity / Heavy / Normal Weight / Bariatric Surgery / Diabetes / Heart Disease / Cancer / Hyper-tension / Blood Disease
Paternal Grandfather
Paternal Grandmother
Father’s Brothers
Father’s Sisters
Maternal Grandfather
Maternal Grandmother
Mother’s brothers
Mother’s sisters

Personal History of Weight Gains and Losses (since age 18):

□ No pattern

□ Steady, gradual increase of weight

□ Sudden increases of weight with pregnancies

□ Variable weight gains and losses due to diet and exercise fluctuations

Exercise History:

□ I am unable to exercise due to:

□ severe joint pain □ shortness of breath □ wheelchair/bedridden

□ I am able to exercise but I do not have a regular routine

□ I walk/run _____ times per week for _____ minutes

□ I swim _____ times per week for ______minutes

□ I lift weights _____ times per week for ______minutes

□ Other (please describe): ______

Dietary History: Please check all that describe your daily eating pattern

□ Less than normal □ Normal □ Overeat □ Binge □ Serious eating disorder □ Excessive snacking

Do you eat/snack just before bed? □ Yes□ No

Which meals do you regularly eat? □ Breakfast □ Lunch □ Supper □ Snacks

What do you eat for breakfast, and how much? ______

What do you eat for lunch, and how much? ______

What do you eat for supper, and how much? ______

What do you eat for snacks, and how much? ______

Do you drink soda? □ No □ Yes: How many 12 ounce servings each day? Diet: _____ Regular: ______

Do you drink juice? □ No □ Yes: What kind? ______How many 12 ounce servings each day? _____

Social and Personal History:

Highest level of education: ______

Occupation: ______□ Part-time □ Full-time

Employer name: ______

Do you have children? □ No□ Yes: how many? ______

Marital Status: □ Single□ Married□ Separated□ Divorced

Have you ever smoked tobacco? □ No □ Yes

If yes, do you currently smoke?

□ No: when did you quit? ______How many packs per day? ______

□ Yes: year you started? ______How many packs per day? ______

Have you ever used chewing tobacco: □ No □ Yes

If yes, do you currently chew?

□ No: when did you quit? ______How many cans per day? ______

□ Yes: year you started? ______How many cans per day? ______

Do you have a history of alcohol abuse?□ No □ Yes: when was your last drink? ______

Do you consume alcoholic beverages? □ No □ Yes: how many drinks per week? ______

Do you have a history of drug/substance abuse? □ No □ Yes

Do you currently use drugs?

□ No: What drugs have you used?______When did you quit?______

□ Yes: What drugs are you using? ______

Female Reproductive History:

Current method of birth control: ______

Number of: Pregnancies: ______Vaginal deliveries: ______C-Sections: ______

1st Pregnancy: ______(year) ______(age)______pounds gained

2nd Pregnancy: ______(year) ______(age)______pounds gained

3rd Pregnancy: ______(year) ______(age)______pounds gained

Age at first period: _____Did you breastfeed your babies? Yes/NoHow long? _____

Have you ever taken birth control pills? Yes/NoHow long? ______

Date of last menstrual period? ______Date of last PAP? ______

Date and location of last mammogram?______Family history of breast cancer? Yes/NoWho? ______

Summary of Weight Loss Attempts: Provide a list of supervised diet attempts over the past five years (start with most recent). Most insurers require monthly documentation for at least three to six months.

  1. Medically Supervised: Monitored monthly by a licensed clinical professional (physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, licensed/registered dietitian)
  2. Supervised by commercial program staff (Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, etc.)
  3. Self-Monitored

1) Name/type of diet: ______

Dates diet practiced (month/year): ____/_____ to ____/_____ (# of months: ______)

Beginning weight: ______Pounds lost: ______Pounds gained: ______

Supervision: □ Medically□ Licensed/Registered Dietitian□ Commercial Program□ Self

2) Name/type of diet: ______

Dates diet practiced (month/year): ____/_____ to ____/_____ (# of months: ______)

Beginning weight: ______Pounds lost: ______Pounds gained: ______

Supervision: □ Medically□ Licensed/Registered Dietitian□ Commercial Program□ Self

3) Name/type of diet: ______

Dates diet practiced (month/year): ____/_____ to ____/_____ (# of months: ______)

Beginning weight: ______Pounds lost: ______Pounds gained: ______

Supervision: □ Medically□ Licensed/Registered Dietitian□ Commercial Program□ Self

4) Name/type of diet: ______

Dates diet practiced (month/year): ____/_____ to ____/_____ (# of months: ______)

Beginning weight: ______Pounds lost: ______Pounds gained: ______

Supervision: □ Medically□ Licensed/Registered Dietitian□ Commercial Program□ Self

Dietitian Assessment:

Food allergies or restrictions:______

Vitamins and herbal supplements:______

History of eating disorders: ______

Diet and Weight-Loss History

Weight 1-year ago: ______

Lowest adult weight: ______Age at that weight: ______

Highest adult weight: ______Age at that weight: ______

Was there a specific event or set of events that corresponded with your weight gain? (Overweight since childhood; gained weight after an injury; gained weight after pregnancy) ______

Which weight-loss plan(s) worked best for you, and why? ______

Weight loss surgery goals, why are you interested in weight loss surgery? ______


Weight-loss medications:

Medication / Dates Taken / Amount of Weight Lost / Amount of Weight Regained / Duration of Weight Loss
Xenical (Alli, Orlistat)
Meridia (Subutramine)

Occupation: ______Any travel involved? Y / N how much ______

Day-to-day Schedule: (work hours if applicable): ______


Does your schedule affect eating and lifestyle behavior? If yes, please list how: ______

Who does the shopping and cooking: □ me □ spouse □ other

Are there other people in the home, please list:


Meals eaten outside of home (frequency and location): ______

≤3 times/week3-5 times/week5-10 times/week>10 times/week

List any frequent cravings: ______

Beverage consumption, please list what you drink and how much daily:

Coffee / Tea / Juice / Soda/pop / Water / Milk / Other

24 hour recall, please list everything you ate and drank yesterday for the whole day plus quantity or amount eaten:


I certify that the information I have provided is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: ______Date: ______

I have reviewed the preceding health history.

Physician’s Initials: ______Date: ______