After very succesful 2016, Lifeliqe has greatexpectationsfrom 2017

(San Francisco, CA.) 5th January 2017 -Lifeliqe, a visuallearningplatformincorporatingvirtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and interactive 3D contentsucessfullyclosedtheyear 2016 and islookingintothe 2017 withgreatexpectations. Launchingtwogroundbreakingeducationalproducts, onefor mobile devices and oneforvirtual reality, Lifeliqehopes to furtherpushboundariesofinnovation in educationeven in 2017. The closestmilestonesforLifeliqewillbethelaunchof full versionofLifeliqe VR Museum with more than 1000 interactive 3D models and alsotheheavilyanticipatedresultsofthe study on VR in learningLifeliqeispartnering on withAssociateProfessor Richard Lamb.

Itwas a very busy yearforLifeliqe. In thespringof 2016, Lifeliqelaunchedits mobile app, packedwithmore than 1000 interactive 3D modelsfrom K-12 STEM subjects. Later in June, theCreatorfeaturewasadded to theapp, enablingteachers and students to enhancetheirdocuments and presentationswith 3D modelsinsteadofflatpictures. “LaunchingCreatorwas a huge step forus, sinceteachersrelyheavily on theirlessonplans and wegavethemthetool to createthebestlessonplansoutthere,” says Ondrej Homola, CEO and co-founderofLifeliqe. Lifeliqeoffers more than 200 lessonplans as fornow, created by experts such as Dr. Michael Carter, formeradvisor to SteveJobs.

Simultaneously, Lifeliqestartedexploringthepossibilitiesofvirtual reality in education and itseffortsweresoonnoticed by HTC Vive, world’sleading VR devicemanufacturer, choosingLifeliqe as itsstrategic partner foreducation (see video). In lessthan 3 months, Lifeliqelaunchedthe free versionofeducationalvirtual reality appLifeliqe VR Museum on 29th September on Viveport. “Lifeliqe VR Museum meantwecouldshareourgreateducationalcontentthrough media as immersive as VR, sparkingeven more lightbulbmoments,” explains Homola.

LifeliqestartedpilotingLifeliqe VR Museum evenbeforeitwaslaunched (see video), sincethelaunchtherehavebeennumerousrequestsfromschoolsallaroundtheworld. Lifeliqewasalsopilotedwithspecialneedsstudents (see video) withgreatsuccess. Lifeliqe VR Museum has beendownloaded more than 12,000 times by the end oftheyear. The full versionoftheappiscoming very soon.

Lifeliqeisalsoawareofthelackofscientificresearchoftheeffectof VR. That’s whyitpartnered up withAssociateProfessor Richard Lambfrom University atBuffallo to examinetheeffectsof VR on learningof Science with K-12 students. “We are honored to cooperatewith Richard Lamb to broadentheknowledgeabout VR.I’m positive theresearchwillreaffirmourhypothesisthat VR istheway to go in termsoflearning,” said Ondrej Homola. The resultsofthe study shouldberevealed in the end ofJanuary.


Lifeliqeistheworld'sfirstlearningplatformthatenablesusers to drag & drop anyofits 1,000 interactive 3D & augmented reality modelsintolessonplans, e-books and otherlearningresources. Students, teachers and homeschoolerscanaccesspremium, ready-to-use 3D models and lessonplansforlearning, creating and sharingtheirowncontent.Lifeliqe'smissionis to sparkmemorablelightbulbmoments and create a passionforlifelonglearning in students.

Lifeliqeisnowalsoavailable in virtual reality withLifeliqe VR Museum.For more information on Lifeliqe and LifeliqeCreator,

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Vojtech Sprdlik

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