Senate-Board of Undergraduate Studies Form B: COURSE CHANGE

2018/2019 Associate Diploma Calendar

Submission Timelines/Deadlines

Course changes include revisions to title, semester offering, lecture and lab hours, descriptions, prerequisites, co- requisites, course restrictions (including instructor consent), and course equates.

Note: course level changes (e.g. 3000 level to 4000 level) and/or requests for course renumbering imply significant changes to course content and require a new course addition template (FORM E).

In certain circumstances, evidence of consultation with other units may be required. Please check with your Program Committee Chair or Secretary.

Template-Specific Notes

Semester Implemented: Indicate in which semester the changes indicated on this form are to take effect. For example, if a course is regularly offered in the Summer, Fall and Winter semesters, the semester to be implemented would be Summer 2018. If the course is only offered in the Winter semester, the semester the changes would be implemented would be Winter 2019. This form should ONLY be used for course changes in the 2018-2019 calendar year, (i.e. Summer 2018, Fall 2018 and Winter 2019).

Course use in diploma programs: BUGS requires identification of programs and specializations this course currently serves and how it is used (e.g. core requirement, restricted elective, etc.). This information is available through the PIMS screen of Colleague. Cross-reference this with the diploma information in the Associate Diploma Calendar. For assistance with PIMS, contact Liz Southwell, Colleague Specialist, Enrolment Services:

Proposed Change: Copy all the information from the calendar description into the space below. To indicate changes, use bold text to add text to the description and use the single strike through formatting for text to be deleted. Please ensure the course description is grammatically correct (i.e. is formatted in complete sentences). Use approved 2017-2018 calendar copy; NOT the 2016-2017 copy. This is available in draft format in November 2016 or in advance through the Administrative Secretary or the Secretary to the ADPC.

When pasting directly from the calendar, right click in the desired cell to view the pasting options. Choose option “keep text only.”

Submit completed template only. Please refrain from submitting instruction page.
Course Code and Title:
Semester Implemented: / Choose an item.
Course use in Diploma Programs: (eg. core requirement, restricted elective, etc)
PROPOSED CHANGE (2017-2018 Calendar Description with Revisions): for revisions, use bold to add text and strikethrough to delete text
REVISED – CLEAN COPY (2018-2019 Calendar Description): provide clean copy, with no mark-ups.
Approved by ADPC: / Date: Click here to enter a date.
Approved by Director: / Date: Click here to enter a date.
Approved by OAC Dean or Designate: / Date: Click here to enter a date.