Dear Children’s Museum Volunteer Candidate,

Thank you so much for your interest in volunteer opportunities at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. We are very committed to sharing the museum with volunteers who want to help us with our mission “to create extraordinary learning experiences that have the power to transform the lives of children and families.”

It is our vision to be recognized as the global leader among all museums and cultural institutions serving children and families. We continually strive to be the global leader with the help of competent paid and volunteer staff. We consider our volunteers to be a major resource and we are happy that you are interested in sharing some of your time and talent with us.

This Volunteer Application Web Packet contains the following:

· An application

· A limited criminal history check (LCH)

· A preference sheet

· An abbreviated list of the current volunteer opportunities

(The application and LCH must have real hand written signatures (not typed). You may fax them, along with your preference sheet, to us at 317-924-2042 or mail them to the following address:

The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

P.O. Box 3000

Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-3000

Once we have received your application and LCH you can expect the following:

· A phone call from a staff member in the Adult Volunteer Center inviting you in for an interview if your LCH has been cleared through our security department

· A scheduled interview to discuss the following:

* Are you and the museum a good match?

* Why did you pick The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis?

* When are your preferred days and times to volunteer?

* What are your specific volunteer opportunity interests?

* Which scheduled dates for orientation and training are best for you?

* When can you meet with your potential staff supervisor to discuss the

specific work for which you have shown an interest?

We look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to call with any questions or concerns.


Debbie Young Mary Batrich Linda Huotilainen

Manager of Volunteer Services Volunteer Coordinator Volunteer Coordinator

317-334-4140 317-334-4603 317-334-3817

The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

Adult Volunteer Application (Please fill out both sides of this paper.)

Last Name______________________________First Name_____________________________Middle Initial___

___Mr.__Ms.__Mrs.__Miss__Dr. Preferred Nickname (For use on badge)______________________________

Street Address________________________________________________________Apartment Number________

City_______________________________________State________________Zip Code_____________________

Home Phone__________________ Business Phone________________ Cell Phone_______________________

Email address________________________________________________________________________________

I prefer to receive phone calls at: ___ Home ___Business ___Cell

Have you volunteered with us before? ___Yes ___No If yes, in what year and where?_______________________

Why do you want to volunteer?___________________________________________________________________


How did you hear about our volunteer program?_____________________________________________________

Have you volunteered elsewhere? ___Yes ___No If yes, where?________________________________________


Education (Check all that applies)

___High School

___Undergraduate Degree



___Graduate Degree



Employment Status

___Employed ___Unemployed ___Retired ___Student

Employer or Retired from_______________________________________________________________________


___My employer offers work time-off to volunteer ___offers team volunteer opportunities


Please enter the times you are interested in or available. The museum is open 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. seven days a week and until 8:00 p.m. the first Thursday of each month, March – September. The museum is closed on Mondays after Labor Day - March.



Please list 2 – 3 people, other than relatives, who are willing to serve as personal references including, if applicable, someone for whom you have volunteered.

1. Last Name_________________________________________First Name_______________________________


City__________________________State_______________Zip Code________Phone Number________________

2. Last Name_________________________________________First Name_______________________________


City__________________________State_______________Zip Code________Phone Number________________

3. Last Name_________________________________________First Name_______________________________


City__________________________State_______________Zip Code________Phone Number________________

Please list the following information for your three closest living relatives including your spouse or partner.

1. Last Name_________________________________________First Name_______________________________


City__________________________State_______________Zip Code________Phone Number________________

2. Last Name_________________________________________First Name_______________________________


City__________________________State_______________Zip Code________Phone Number________________

3. Last Name_________________________________________First Name_______________________________


City__________________________State_______________Zip Code________Phone Number________________

Please read and sign (Application must be hand signed, not typed.)

I certify that the information provided in this application is true and correct, and has been given voluntarily. I understand that this information may be disclosed to any party with legal and proper interest, and I release The Children’s Museum from any liability whatsoever for supplying such information. I understand that I will NOT be paid or otherwise compensated for my services as a volunteer. I agree to abide by any and all museum policies and understand if I do not abide by the museum policies, rules and regulations, I may be dismissed from my position as a volunteer.

Applicant Signature__________________________________________________Date______________________

Parent or Guardian Signature__________________________________________ Date______________________

(If under the age of 18 years)



DATE: ____________________ POSITION: _______________________________________

NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________


IF CONTRACTOR, COMPANY NAME_________________________PHONE____________________

COMPANY ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________


ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________




ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________


Date of Birth _____________ S.S.# _________________ County of Residence __________________

RACE: ______ HEIGHT: ______ WEIGHT: ______ SEX: ______ HAIR: ______ EYES: ______

By indicating below I authorize The Children’s Museum to conduct a background investigation for the

following areas. A Limited Criminal History check will be run on all applicants considered for

employment. I understand that the information from this investigation may be used in the determination

of employment.

Please check all that apply

All Areas: ____ yes ____ no (By indicating yes here you authorize a check of all areas)

Current Employer: _____ yes _____ no

Previous Employer(s): _____ yes _____ no except: ____________________________________

Education History: _____ yes _____ no

Professional Licenses: _____ yes _____ no License # ________________ Date Issued: ________

Bureau of Motor Vehicles (Driver History): _____ yes _____ no

(mandatory for positions requiring the operation of a motor vehicle)

Driver’s License #_____________________ State: __________________

Financial /Credit History: _____ yes _____ no

References: _____ yes _____ no

Other: ____________________________________________________________________________



SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________ DATE: ______________

INTERVIEWER: _______________________STATUS: FT PT VOL OTHER_______________



Spring 2004-05




Daily Shifts: AM - 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. and P.M. 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Help direct activities, interpret exhibits and instruct visitors in

the museum’s newest gallery. Training required in all areas where

interpretation occurs. Volunteers will learn new activities, materials

and techniques at their own pace as they volunteer.



Saturdays, Shifts 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. and Sundays 12-3:00 p.m.

Welcome and greet arriving visitors near entrance area. Handle visitors

concerns and answer questions. A friendly, pleasant, enthusiastic

personality is needed along with the ability to approach visitors in a

busy environment. Visual, oral, hearing skills needed along with the

ability to move quickly and stand for periods of time. Knowledge of

the museum important. Customer services skills very important.



Daily: Shifts: 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and/or 1:30 p.m. - 4:30pm.

Engage visitors in various projects with different textures and mediums

to help visitors learn to value the process not the product. Help to

maintain area, monitor for safety and organize materials.

Select from the following galleries: Passport to the World or Playscape Training required.

ASSISTING STAFF WITH Daily: Shifts: 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and/or 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

PROGRAMS Programs scheduled throughout the museum require more than

one person to facilitate activities. Assisting would include helping

participants with tasks, crafts, maintaining order in the areas,

helping in the preparation and set up of programs and helping small

groups within the program.

Select from the following areas:

ScienceWorks Gallery: Rock Wall or Biotech Lab. Training required.

FACILITATION OF Daily: Shifts: 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and/or 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. GALLERY ELEMENTS Facilitators use background information and script outlines to

explain gallery elements to visitors to help them to engage in and enjoy a space. Volunteers help maintain areas, assist visitors to use equipment

and materials and inter-act with guests.

Select from the following galleries:

ScienceWorks (Crane, Mad Scientist) or Mysteries in History (Log Cabin)

Training required.

GREETING Daily: Shifts: 10 a.m. -1:30 p.m. and/or 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Greeters create a friendly, welcoming environment, set the stage

for what is in the gallery and encourage visitors to explore.

Volunteers direct visitors to areas in the gallery, answer questions,

point out ongoing programs and activities and help maintain order in

the space. Select from the following galleries:

Carousel Wishes and Dreams, Puppets, ScienceWorks, and What If..?

Training required.



Daily: Shifts: 10:00 a.m - 1:30 p.m. and/or 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Using books, props or small activities, Storytellers create a friendly,

welcoming environment. Stories relate to the themes of the

spaces. Volunteers interact with visitors, engage them in

activities and help maintain order. Select from the following spaces:

All Aboard Gallery or the Water Clock space in the Welcome Center.

Training required.

TALKS Daily: Shifts: 10 a.m. -1:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Volunteers share their love and knowledge of some of the

artifacts and information in a gallery and verbally facilitate inquiry,

discussion and information with visitors.

Select from the following areas: Passport to the World (Plains

Indian Tipi and Native American Life), What If…? (Ocean Reef).

Training required.

PRESCHOOL CLASSES Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday PM shift

Shifts: 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Assist teachers with small classes and two through five year old children.

Help direct crafts and other activities.

EVALUATIONS Daily during November & December A.M. or P.M.

OBSERVATIONS Conduct informal interviews of age designated visitors to evaluate subject

of future exhibits. Quietly observe visitor’s interaction in galleries.

Forms and training provided. Ability to approach and talk to people necessary.

SCHOOL SERVICES Tuesdays 9:00 a.m . to noon; Jan., Feb, March, April, May.

CURIOUS SCIENTIFIC Three (3) Tuesdays per month.

INVESTIGATION PROGRAM Work with 3-5 students for two hours, in a science related pilot program

“CSI” while the teacher attends a museum workshop. Direct students’

investigation of museum galleries and hands-on science activities.

Science background not required! Initial training provided; also

additional ongoing training prior to each program during the year.

RESTAURANT HOST Daily: Shifts: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Assist families find tables, carry trays for parents with babies

and strollers and help expedite lines. No busing tables or cleaning.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at The Children’s Musuem of Indianapolis!

Volunteer Opportunity Preference Sheet

Please complete this form and return with your application and LCH. Thank you!

(Please print.)

Name: _____________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________

City: ____________________________________________ Zip Code: _______________

Telephone: _____________________________Cell Phone: ______________________

Email Address: ____________________________________________________________

Please list 2-3 choices only by order of preference.

Available volunteer positions:

_______Visitor Services

_____ Museum Hospitality Team

______ Gallery Interpretation – Arts and Crafts

_____ Passport to the World

_____ Playscape

_____ Dinosphere/Lanzendorf Gallery

______ Gallery Interpretation – Assisting Staff with Programs

_____ Rock Wall in Science Works

_____ Biotech Lab

_____ Gallery Interpretation – Facilitation of Gallery Elements or Programs

_____ Dinosphere/Lanzendorf Gallery

_____ Log Cabin (Mysteries in History)

_____ Crane (Science Works)

_____ Mad Scientist (Science Works)

_____ Gallery Interpretation – Greeting

_____ Carousel Wishes and Dreams

_____ Dinosphere

_____ Puppets

_____ Science Works

_____ What if…..?

_____ Gallery Interpretation – Storytelling

_____ All Aboard

_____ Dinosphere

_____ Water Clock

_____ Gallery Interpretation – Talks

_____ Dinosphere

_____ Passport to the World

_____ What If

_____ Collections

_____ Facilities

_____ After School Homework Helper

_____ Infozone

_____ Lilly Theater

_____ Museum Store

_____ Pre-school Class Assistant

_____ Reflections Restaurant

_____ School Services

_____ Curious Scientific Investigator Museum Friend

_____ School Group Greeter/Exiter

_____ School Programs Facilitator

_____ Special Events

_____ Member/Donor Events

_____ African American Celebration Events

_____ Neighbor’s Star Point Program

_____ Story Avenue Gallery

Preferred Day:

____Sunday ____Monday ____Tuesday ____Wednesday ____Thursday ____Friday ____Saturday

Preferred Shifts:

_____ AM Shift (Usually 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.)

_____ PM Shift (Usually 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

_____ AM or PM Shift

_____ All day

_____ After 5:00 p.m. only

Thank you so much. We look forward to seeing you soon!