2018-19 Special Program of Study Application Package

Use this document to compile all information required to complete the 2018-19 special program of study application.

Special Program of Study (SPOS) applications and all supporting documentation must be submitted through this online formby close of business (COB) on May 4, 2018. Any application received after this date will not be considered for approval. CTE directors will be notified via email of final approval status within six weeks of submission, provided requests for additional information are addressed by the district in a timely manner. Please direct questions about special programs of study to .

School District: / School(s):
CTE Director: / Email:
SPOS Name: / Career Cluster:
  1. Provide a brief description and rationale for the proposed SPOS:

  1. Upload a SPOS description document, which includes the following required information:
  2. SPOS description
  3. SPOS course sequence (indicating early postsecondary and industry certification opportunities as appropriate)
  4. Local/regional labor market outlook for occupations/careers aligned to the proposed SPOS (including references to labor market sources)
  5. List of references/sources used in developing the SPOS
A template containing all required sections is located on page two of this application package.
CTE Director Assurances: [Note: This will appear as a list with check boxes in the online form.]
I verify and affirm that:
  • The information contained in this application and supporting attachments is accurate and complete.
  • I understand that assigning a proposed instructor to this SPOS does not preclude having all state board-approved courses taught by appropriately endorsed teachers.
  • I understand that approved SPOS are valid for three years from date of approval.

January 2018

2018-19 Special Program of Study Description Document

This template contains all information required to upload a complete SPOS Description Document. Districts may choose to use this template, or upload all required information in a different format. Exemplars of this information can be found in the program of study justification documents on each career cluster web page.

[Name of SPOS]

Career Cluster

[Insert the career cluster name here.]

SPOS Description

[Provide a brief description and rationale for the SPOS here.]

SPOS Course Sequence

Fill out the table below, listing course names and course codes. Add additional columns to the table if the SPOS contains more than four courses. Where appropriate, identify special courses, early postsecondary opportunities (including type of EPSO and postsecondary partner), and industry certifications.

Special Program of Study / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
SPOS Name / Course Name
(Course Code) / Course Name
(Course Code) / Course Name
(Course Code) / Course Name
(Course Code)
Industry Certification

Aligned Postsecondary Pathways

In the table below, explain thelocal/regional postsecondary programs and industry certifications students expect to pursue upon completion of this SPOS at all types of postsecondary (TCAT, community college, four-year). Specify each institution where aligned programs are available (e.g., TCAT-Anytown), and add additional rows if necessary.

Program of Study / TCAT / Community College / Four-Year / Industry Certification
SPOS Name / TCAT Program / Associates Degree / University / Course Name

Local/Regional Labor Market Outlook

[Identify the occupation(s) and careers aligned to this SPOS, and summarize and interpret the local/regional job outlook for the identified occupation(s)/career(s), including labor market data and citation of multiple sources. Districts may insert charts/figures from labor market sources that support the implementation of the proposed SPOS.]


[List all references used.]

January 2018