Newcastle University

2017-18 Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships

Newcastle University offers partial scholarship awards to encourage applicants assessed as international for fees purposes to undertake Undergraduate and Master’s level study. Each award is worth £3,000 for one year payable to the student’s tuition fee account.

Enquiries regarding these scholarships should be sent to:
Financial Support

Newcastle University


Telephone: +44 191 208 5537/8107


  1. Applications for Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships must be made electronically on theVice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships application formwhich will be emailed to candidates identified as being eligible to apply within 10 working days of an Academic offer being made
  1. There will be three closing dates for applications; 28th February, 5th May and 31st July 2017: late applications will not be considered. Any incomplete applications received after midnight on the 31st July will be declined: awards will be based on fully completed applications received by that date
  1. The University will allocate a proportion of available scholarships to the highest scoring valid applications received by 28th February, 5th May and 31st July 2017. Unsuccessful candidates will be carried-forward from the first and second award cycles and may receive scholarships in the following award cycles.
  1. An applicant can only apply and be considered for a scholarship after they have been offered a place to study on their chosen eligible Undergraduate or Master’s course and have been assessed as international for fees purposes. Applications cannot be considered in advance of applicants meeting these two criteria.
  1. The scholarships are valued at £3,000 andpayment will be made as a credit to each student’s tuition fee account. Part-time students will receive pro-rata awards.
  1. Repeat year students will not be considered and deferred entry students must reapply for the following academic year.
  1. 2017/18 awards cannot be deferred until the 2018/19 academic year.
  1. The University will consider each individual application and allocate scholarships based on its strategic

and diversity priorities which may alter from time to time.

  1. Each scholarship award will be tenable for the first year of study only. Studentsstudying an Undergraduate course or a two-year Masters’courses will receive funding for the first year only.
  1. Applicants will be sentan e-mail acknowledgement to confirm that their scholarship application has been received.They will also be notified by e-mail confirming iftheir application has been successful or unsuccessful after the closing date.
  1. Applicants should note that only students meeting the following criteria areeligible to receive Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships:
  • registered to study at Newcastle University city centre campus for the 2017/18 academic year.
  • registered for one of the following eligible courses:

Undergraduate - All undergraduate degrees including integrated Masters

Masters - MA; MArch; MBA; MClinDent; MClinRes; MEd; MFA; MMedEd; LLM; LLM (by research); MLitt; MMus; MPH; MRes; MSc

  • wholly or partially self-financing
  • defined as ‘international’ for fee purposes
  • students new to the University and not those transferring or repeating courses
  1. Applicants should note that the following students are not eligible to receive Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships:
  • UK or EU students assessed as ‘home’ for fee purposes.
  • MPhil, doctoral (eg,PhD, Integrated PhD, EngD, DClinPych), Postgraduate Certificate,Postgraduate Diploma, Newcastle University intercalating students orplacement, study abroad or exchange students.
  • holders of fully-fundedscholarships (full payment of fees and living expenses) such as Chevening Scholarships, Commonwealth Scholarships or other fully sponsored awards.
  • students in receipt of India Great Scholarships or Santander Scholarships
  • pathway students progressing to the University from INTO Newcastle
  • current students, registered in 2016/17 or earlier, who have already commencedUndergraduate or Masters’ studies at the time of award: awards cannot be made retrospectively
  • applicants initially assessed as international for fee purposes but whose fees change to ‘home’.
  1. Applicants must state on the Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarshipsapplication whether they have applied for or have been awarded any fully-funded scholarship/sponsorship and immediately inform Student Financial Support of the award of any such award after an application has been submitted. (A fully-funded scholarship or full sponsorship covers fees and maintenance.) Students breaching this regulation will have their scholarship award suspended and the University reserves the right to recover any previous payments.
  1. The International Family Discount, Alumni Tuition Fee Discount, school or faculty awards may be held in conjunction with these scholarships. Scholarships will be applied in the following order: 1.Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships 2. Faculty/school scholarship, 3. Alumni Tuition Fee Discount, 4. International Family Discount, 5. 2% discount for full payment.
  1. Successful applicants cannot be in receipt of a Vice-Chancellors International scholarship AND an award from any of the following scholarship schemes operated by the University: Business Excellence Scholarships; Chinese Business Excellence Scholarships; MBA Business Excellence Scholarships; MBA Leadership Scholarships;any Elite Sports Scholarships; Medical Sciences International Masters Excellence Scholarships. Applicants may apply and/or be considered for more than one award but if successful in the Vice-Chancellors International Scholarship and one of the schemes listed thenthey would receive the Higher of the awards with the lower value award reallocated to another applicant. The list of schemes is not exhaustive and there are funding opportunities that are not applicable if you are in receipt of a Vice-Chancellors International Scholarship. Applicants should check the regulations for all funding opportunities to which they apply to ensure eligibility.
  1. The University reserves the right to vary scholarship and discount awards and regulations at any time and at its sole discretion.
  1. The University’s decision on all Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship awards and interpretation of rules and regulations shall be final: appeals will not be considered.