DRAFT Page 2 of 3
December 10, 2013
7:00 P.M.
Members Present – Mayor Bryan Standifer, Mayor Pro Tem Bobby Jacobs, Councilmembers Cornell Williams, Katherine Alexander, and Larry Thurman. Councilmember Strozier was unable to attend.
Staff Present – City Manager Tim Sweezey, City Clerk Peggy Billerman, and Police Corporal Elkins.
Media Present – Hannah Pope of the Monticello News.
Regular Meeting - Mayor Standifer called the meeting to order. Reverend William Gibson offered the invocation. Mayor Standifer led the pledge of allegiance. City Clerk Peggy Billerman called the roll.
Agenda Approval – Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander, to approve the agenda as presented. All in favor.
Citizens Present –David Wease, Bobby Sutton, Reverend William Gibson, Nancy Johnson, Roberta Anderson, Jacqueline Smith, Robert Ross, Doris Tripp, Ken Kight, John Alexander, Tracy McMichael, and Ella Heath.
Citizen Comments I – None
Liquor Store Licenses – Motion by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Thurman, to approve 2014 licenses for The Hide-A-Way and McMichael’s Package Stores. All in favor.
City Manager’s Report – Mr. Sweezey reported that the January police reports would include the number of ‘stops’. Mr. Sweezey also reported that he had created a list of 183 action items to be addressed and that the Hospice had cleaned up their premises, as requested. Mayor Standifer advised that Norton should have a ribbon cutting in February.
LMIG/GDOT – Council had requested three bids on the reclamation of 147th St at the December meeting, but City Engineer Robert Jordan advised that the bids would not be received until the end of December.
GDOT/Gas Lines – Keck and Wood had requested approval to move forward with bids for the mandatory relocation of gas lines in Gray. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander, to ask Keck and Wood to send a representative to the January meeting. All in favor.
Probation Services – Mayor Standifer stated that Council had voted to cancel the contract with JAG and contract with CSRA Probation Services at the October meeting.
Motion by Councilmember Thurman, seconded by Councilmember Williams, to authorize Mayor Standifer to sign the contract. Councilmembers Williams and Thurman voted to approve the authorization. Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs and Councilmember Alexander voted against the authorization. To break the tie, Mayor Standifer voted for the motion to authorize the contract. Motion carried, 3-2.
Municipal Competitive Trust – Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Thurman, to adopt Resolution 2013-012 to allow the 4th quarter drawdown of $45,344, as budgeted. Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs and Councilmembers Thurman and Williams voted to approve, Councilmember Alexander voted to deny. Motion carried, 3-2.
Municipal Competitive Trust – Annual election of investment returns. After discussion of the need to conserve the money in the Short Term Portfolio, motion by Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander, to continue to place investments into the Short Term Portfolio. All in favor.
Consent Agenda –Motion by Councilmember Thurman, seconded by Councilmember Williams, to approve payables in the amount of $136,982.99, and the minutes of the November 12, 2013 meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs abstained due to his absence from the November meeting. Councilmembers Williams, Thurman, and Alexander voted to approve.
Christmas Bonuses – Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander, to approve bonuses for full-time employees at a total not to exceed $3600.00. Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs and Councilmembers Thurman and Alexander voted to approve. Councilmember Williams voted against. Motion carried.
Citizen Comments II – Ken Kight of JAG Probation Services thanked Council for having let his probation company work with the Municipal Court. JAG is to be replaced by CSRA Probation Services. Jacqueline Smith complained of low water pressure on Benton Street and stated that part-time City employees should get a bonus, as well. She also questioned how and where to apply for a job at Norton Plastics. She was told to contact Norton’s manager, Jim Skinner. Reverend William Gibson stated that there was a water leak on Van Buren and that there was the odor of gas on Culver Street near Washington Park.
Council Comments – Councilmember Alexander wished the City a Happy Birthday and everyone Merry Christmas, as did all of the Council. Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs requested bids on painting City Hall. Councilmember Williams extended a welcome to Councilmember-elect David Wease. Councilmember Thurman thanked all of the voters of District 1, Post 1 for electing him to another term. Mayor Standifer stated that it had been a joy to work with Randy Strozier, outgoing councilmember from District 2, Post 1, and that he was looking forward to working with David Wease. Mayor Standifer also commented on the successes of bringing Norton, Family Dollar, and Subway to Monticello.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm.
______, Mayor ______, City Clerk
City of Monticello
123 West Washington Street
Post Office Box 269
Monticello, GA 31064