2017-18 Monitoring Guide—Job Center Certification Monitoring Criteria Checklist

WDA: / Date of Review:
DET Reviewer(s):
Job Center Frontline Staff Interviewed:
Job Center Name:
Job Center Address:

PURPOSE:The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 requires that the State workforce board, in consultation with chief elected officials (CEOs) and local workforce boards, establish objective criteria and procedures for the local boards to use to assess and certify comprehensive on-stop centers.

Each local area is required to have at least one (1) comprehensive job center located within its borders that provides all WIOA required programs and services.

Job Center certification is required for job centers to receive infrastructure funding as described by the standards established in WIOA. Chief elected officials and Workforce Development Boards are encouraged to extend services beyond these standards to better serve customers.


  • WIOA Section 121(g)(1)
  • WIOA Section 121(h)
  • Wisconsin Job Center System Self-Certification Checklist (Issued 5/12/2017)


An MOU was completed, signed by all required partners, and received by DET before 7/1/2017 (verify approved MOU)

The Wisconsin Job Center System Self-Certification Checklist and related documentation was completed and received by DET before 7/1/2017 (verify approved Checklist)

The One-Stop Operator was competitively procured before 7/1/2017 (Desk Review Survey)

Frontline staff demonstrate knowledge of the following:

Services available to local businesses

Describe services available to local businesses.

Provide information on the local labor market, including the current unemployment rate and driver industries/sectors.

Provide information on posting job openings, including jobcenterofwisconsin.com as a primary source, other job boards, local employer events (job fairs/career expos/recruitments), resource room postings, etc.

Policies and procedures for referrals among partner programs

Forms used match those provided in Desk Review Survey

Knowledge of partner program staff and contact information

Use of paper and electronic resources to provide information

Basic program eligibility requirements

Use of paper and electronic resources to provide information

Triage process—what questions are asked to determine customer needs?

Job Center of Wisconsin registration as a requirement for entry into ASSET

Finding Area of Concern Acceptable Positive Practice


The Job Center includes direct access to all WIOA required partners either by having staff located on-site, cross-training partner program staff who are located on-site, or providing a "direct linkage" through technology.

How is Unemployment Insurance accessible through the One-Stop system?

Is DVR co-located? If not, how do participants access DVR services?

How are services provided to veterans who do not qualify for Job for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) services?

Job Center signage and marketing materials reflect the agreed upon "American Job Center" branding, or a plan has been developed to reach compliance.

Branding is visible on the outside of the building (window clings, other signage, etc.)

Participant forms have been updated with branding (Desk Review Survey)

As existing stock is depleted, newly printed/ordered materials include branding.

Finding Area of Concern Acceptable Positive Practice


The Job Center uses customer service satisfaction surveys for participants and businesses. (Desk Review Survey)

The Job Center has a process for responding to the technical assistance and professional development needs of staff and required partners. (WDB Staff and Service Provider Interviews)

Finding Area of Concern Acceptable Positive Practice

2017-18 Monitoring Guide—Job Center Certification Monitoring Criteria Checklist

Final 5/30/2017

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