Contact: Kathie B. Martin
1-800-239-5233, ext. 188
BIRMINGHAM, Ala.—January 23, 2009— Parents of students in pre-kindergarten through high school are now able to register for Alabama Public Television’s powerful online learning service—APTPLUS™—previously only available to teachers. The free serviceprovides a wealth of multimediaassets that enhance and stimulate learning.
APTPLUS™, which spans all pre-K through adult education subject areas,offers full-length videos, video clips, audio files, still images, clip art and other materials (including teacher guides, lesson plans and print media articles). Using a single sign-in, parents and their children can simultaneously search multiple databases including PowerMediaPlus, Thinkfinity (Marco Polo), as well as adult education programs including GED Connection, Workplace Essential Skills, TV 411 and APT local productions. Materials correspond to Alabama state curriculum standards, the Alabama High School Graduation Exam and the Stanford Achievement Test (SAT).
Nancy Hill, vice president of education services at APT, describes the service asa resource for parents that can spark their child’s imaginationand make learning more meaningful. “Is your child studying the Roman Empire? Go to APTPLUS™ and you will find content that includes dozens of videos. APTPLUS™ can provide you with the history of the civilization, how the people lived, and their religious and cultural beliefs.”
APTPLUS™ was rolled out to public, private and home school K-12 teachersin 2003 and APT’s statistics show that91percent of all public K-12 schools are using the service—and that only represents Alabama’s public schools. Registering for the service is as simple as contacting APT at clicking on the “Parent” icon to request a username and password.Using it is as simple as loggingonto the APTPLUS™ homepage ( and clicking on “Sign in Now” with your username and password.
About Alabama Public Television
Since its founding in 1955 as America’s first statewide educational television network, Alabama Public Television has focused its efforts on education. Funded by viewers and the State of Alabama, the nine-station network presents local and PBS-produced programming,community outreach activities andonline services for individuals and educators. APT serves as a seven-day-a-week educational resource for every Alabamian.
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