WECC-0124 BAL-004-WECC-4, ATEC Modification


Mr. W. Shannon Black, WECC staff, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. on June 13, 2017. A quorum is not required. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A. Mr. W. Shannon Black reviewed the WECC Antitrust Policy.

2.Approve Agenda

The drafting team meeting agenda was approved by consensus.


The minutes from the previous meeting were approved on a standing motion from the drafting team chair.

4.Review of Previous Action Items

  • None


The drafting team considered all comments received in Posting 4 and opted to make no further substantive changes to the project. The drafting team reviewed the Violation Severity Level table and the Guidance section opting to make no changes except for one non-substantive change. In the Background section, third sentence, the phrase “the current” was deleted to correct the tense of the sentence as it applies to “NERC Reliability Standard BAL-004-0.”

Mr. Don Badley voiced concerns that the 150% mark should be adjusted; however, there was insufficient consensus to further adjust the percentage. The conclusion was largely based on the amorphous character of setting and justifying any single percentage.

Minority View

No minority views were expressed in Posting 4.

Action Plan

On June 13, 2017, the WECC-0124 BAL-004-WEC-2 Automatic Time Error Correction (ATEC) Drafting Team (DT) agreed to forward the project to the WECC Standards Committee (WSC) with a request for ballot.

The WSC meets on June 21, 2017.

The final project: 1) relocates the Background section to the preamble of the Guidance section, 2) adds On-Peak and Off-Peak parameters in Requirement R1/M1, ) addresses Western Interchange Tool software successors throughout, 4) conforms the document to current drafting conventions (R1/M1, R4/M4), and 5) addresses non-substantive syntax.

6.Review of New Action Items


7.Upcoming Meetings

No further meetings are contemplated. Hearing no objection, these minutes will be deemed approved as of close of business on June 15, 2017.


The meeting was adjourned without objection.
Exhibit A: Attendance List

Name / Organization / Present
Bart McManus / BPA
Craig Figart / Avista Corporation / X
David Kirsch / Bonneville Power Administration
Don Badley / Northwest Power Pool / X
John Tolo / Tucson Electric Power / X
Paul Morland / Colorado Springs Utilities
Rick Lowther / Salt River Project / X
James Wells[1] / Los Angeles Department of Water and Power / X

Others in Attendance

Name / Organization / Present
W. Shannon Black / WECC Staff / X
Merrill Brimhall / WECC Staff
Antony Franco / X
Adrian Lopez / X
Greg Park / X
Chris McDarment / X

Western Electricity Coordinating Council

[1] To be presented for approval at the December 6, 2016, WECC Standards Committee meeting.