Digital Marketing Requirements Checklist



The purpose of the Digital Marketing Website Standards Checklist is to ensure all new website projects adhere to the enterprise standards captured within this document.All sites are required to align with legal standards and best practices around design, analytics, search engine optimization (SEO), accessibility and quality assurance to drive site consistency across multiple teams. Note: All projects will not require every item listed within the document. This checklist is a required deliverable and will be needed to pass the Land O’Lakes’ SDLCPhase Gate Review process.


The Digital Marketing Website Standards Checklist should be completed after the intake of a new project and prior to project kick-off or release planning during the “Define” phase. The checklist is used as an input to creating a Business Requirements Document (BRD) and can be used as a helpful resource for creating estimates. Adherence to the checklist will be evaluated during user acceptance testing for approval for the website to go live.


  1. Business Analyst, Scrum Master or Project Manager to schedule Digital Marketing Website Standards Review with Kirsten Salmanowicz. Timing is after project intake and prior to project estimate or project kick-off meeting or before sprint planning for agile methodologies.
  2. Digital Marketing Checklist to be used as an input to creating BRD.
  3. Digital Marketing team to be included in User Acceptance Testing to verify standards identified are in place.
  4. Digital Marketing to perform final sign-off that items are included and the site is approved to go live.


Contact Kirsten Salmanowicz regarding Digital Marketing standards and Elizabeth Mills for Browser Standards and Analytics.

Project Name:
Origination Date:
☒ / Design (HTML & CSS)
☒Custom 404 Page(Page Not Found)
☒Custom 500 Page (Server Error)
☒Web Safe Fonts
☒Font color contrast of 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text.
☒Hyperlink color is consistent
☒Use CSS to display navigation
☒Image file size < 100KB
☒Mobile friendly with responsive design and breakpoints
☒Standard Footer
☒Copyright (Year Stamp)
☒Privacy/Terms (Link to terms on
☒Land O’Lakes Inc. Logo (Link to
☒CA Transparency Disclosure in Supply Chain Act(Link to disclosure on
Color contrast checkers available here: / ☒ / Browser & Operating Systems Standards
Reference Marketing Browser Standards maintained by Analytics Manager, Biz Mills.
☒OS: Windows 7 & Windows 8, Mac OS X
☒Browsers:IE11+, FF43+, Chrome 47+, Safari 8+
☒Screen Resolution: 1920x1080, 1600x900, 1366x768, 1280x1024, 1280x800
☒OS: iOS7+, Android 4.1+
☒Browsers: Mobile Safari, Mobile Chrome
☒Screen Orientation: Portrait, Landscape
☒Screen Resolution Tablet:1024x768, 768x1024
☒Screen Resolution Phone:640 wide and less
☒ / URL/Redirect Strategy
☐Domain Name:______
☒Redirects in place (vanity, legacy and core domains)
☒Friendly/Descriptive URLs with clear hierarchy structure
☒Development & Stage URLs
☒Site (URL) added for Monitoringvia IT Service Gateway
☒Site (URL) added as a “Digital Marketing” Configuration Item (CI) with Silver or Gold Status
☐500 Outage Error Page Configured
Azure Error Page
☒301 permanent redirects for www and non- http to https and no trailing slash to trailing slash
☒404 error page returns 404 HTTP status.
☒URLs should resolve to a single case (upper case, lowercase, camel case) / ☒ / Analytics
For assistance with Digital Measurement, please reach out to Digital Marketing Analytics Manager, Biz Mills
☐Measurement strategy defined – To be completed in partnership with Analytics Manager, Business and third party vendors (if applicable)
☐Analytics Platforms
☐Adobe Analytics
☐Google Analytics
☐Account created with LOL user ID (Google Analytics Only) – To be completed by Analytics Manager
☐Report suite created (Adobe Analytics Only) – To Be completed by Analytics Manager
☐Tag Management script created – To be completed by Analytics Manager
☐Tags Management Deployed – To be completed by Developer
☐Tags Created – To be completed by Analytics Manager
☐Tags Deployed To Dev environment– To be completed in partnership with Developer and Analytics Manager
☐Data validation and QA-To be completed by Analytics Manager
☐Tags Deployed to Production
☒ / SEO
☒Unique Title Tags
Descriptive, unique, Title Case, 35-70 characters
☒Meta Descriptions
Descriptive, unique, easy to read, include CTA, within 100 to 135 characters
☒XML Sitemap
Create sitemaps for pages, video and images
Include content you want users to find through search
Exclude non-200 pages, non-canonicalized pages, PPG pages, blocked (noindex) pages)
Place in the public web-root folder
Submit to search engines
Follow protocols defined at
☒Alt Text –Required as a contributable field for contributor for all images
☒Header tags on every page
Header 1: Major Section
H2: Sub-section 1
H2: Sub-section 2
Block Site Search results
Block Dev or Stage site
Allow .js
Allow .css
Indicate location of all sitemaps (pages, video, images)
Create Robots.txt file to the root domain
Follow protocols defined at
☒Avoid duplicate content.
Ensure pages are not being duplicated by .aspx extension.
☒No Follow
Links to pages you don’t control
Excessive external links
☒No Index
Pages not intended to be user-facing
Pages that shouldn’t be found in search
Security pages
CMS pages
Conversion Pages
☐Optimized file names
Proper case separate with dashes (-) between words (Blueberry-Coffee-Cake.jpg
☐Appropriate pagination (rel=”prev/next”)
☐Add canonical tags
☐ Hierarchy/Semantic Markup
Business Address
Organizational information
☒Keyword in URLs
☒Site Speed Score >85 (Mobile and Desktop)
Page size <33 KB
HTTP requests <20 per page
Leverage page caching
Minify .js and .css
☐Onsite SEO – Content Optimized
Unique descriptive content
Pages should not overlap in targeted keywords
☐Google Technical Recommendations
☐Webmaster Tools / ☒ / Accessibility
☒WCAG 2.0 Level “A” Compliance (Measured by Site Improve)
☒Alt text for all images (Contributable field within CMS)
☒Appropriate heading structure on all pages
☒Form field descriptions and labels
☒Set language of page
☒Font color contrast of 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text
☒Avoid presentation attributes (bold, italics, align) – presentation attributes should be managed by CSS
☒Avoid non-distinguishable links (Read More, Click Here)
☐WCAG 2.0 Level “AA” Compliance (Measured by Site Improve)
☐ADA Compliance (Section 508)
☐ / Social Media
☐Onsite Sharing Functionality
☐Google Plus
☐Blog functionality
☐Account created with LOL user ID / ☒ / Quality Assurance
☒Site (URL) added to Site Improve for Quality Assurance tracking – All Broken Links and Misspellings corrected prior to go live
☒Navigation is working as expected
☒Rich Media (video, banners, etc.) are working as expected
☒Hyperlinks – Hyperlinks have been tested for broken links
☒Forms function as expected
☒No JavaScript errors are generated
☐ / Site Search
☐Search Tool Selected by IT
☐Search parameter used ____
☐Customization to tool needed / ☒ / Security
☒Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
☒Captchaor Honeypot (Preferred) is required on all forms to block spam
☒Adhere to Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Standards
☐ / Login
☐Describe proposed login process ______/ ☐ / Internationalization
Content Localization
☐ / E-commerce
☐Describe E-commerce site______/ ☐ / Integrations/APIs
☐Locator Utility Tool
☐Third-Party tools/data sources______
☐ / Site Decommission Process
☐Assets in DAM
☐Disabled from monitoring tool
☐Disabled from SiteImprove
☐Site Decommission Database tasks completed / ☐ / Video
☐Custom Player
☐Video platform (YouTube/Vimeo)
Videos should be HTML 5, self-hosted or properly linked back to website with supporting text
☐ / Knowledge Transfer:
☐Transfer to AOM completed
☐CMS Contribution Guide Created
☐CMS Training Completed / ☐ / Content Publishing
☐Publishing Workflow (Content and Media)
IT to work with the business to define publishing workflow and roles.
☐ / Vendor Partners: / ☐ / Advance Notice, Approval or Distribution Required:
☒ / Checklist Review
BA/PM Lead:
Digital Marketing Lead:
Comments: / ☒ / Checklist Approval
BA/PM Lead:
Digital Marketing Lead:


Custom 404 Page

500 Error Page



Standard Footer


Browser & Operating Systems (OS) Standards

Internal Customers
OS: Windows XP & Windows 7
Browsers: IE10+
Connectivity: LAN, Wifi, VPN

External Customers
OS: Windows 7 & Windows 8, Mac OS X
Browsers: IE11+, FF43+, Chrome 47+, Safari 8+
Connectivity: DSL, Cable, 3G, 4G, LTE

Screen Resolutions
Desktop/Laptop: 1920x1080, 1600x900, 1366x768, 1280x1024, 1280x800
Tablet: 1024x768, 768x1024
Phone: 640 wide and less

OS: iOS7+, Android 4.1+
Browsers: Mobile Safari, Mobile Chrome
Screen Orientation: Portrait, Landscape

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