2016-2017 World Geography Syllabus


Welcome to Ms. Aguirre’s World Geography class. The course is covered conceptually and explores topics such as Physical Geography, Human Geography, Change, Political Geography, Economics & Globalization. This course will include lecture, note taking, independent practice, group projects, cooperative learning, student led projects, document based question analysis, independent reading and writing assignments. Students will be required to take the primary role in their own learning. Though the teacher will be available at all times for help, the student must take the initiative to be successful in this course. At any point that the student feels that they need individual or more detailed instruction they must directly contact the instructor for help. Do not fall behind, if you need help – ask for it!

Important Things a Student Must Learn:

Though you will receive instruction on how to do each of these tasks, it is important to understand that many of these take practice and effort on the part of the student.

·  How to evaluate and support a point of view

·  How to take notes from a lecture

·  How to take notes from reading a book

·  How to study for an assessment

·  How to read for content

·  How to analyze an image

·  How to analyze a primary source document

·  How to create a thesis statement

·  How to create a basic historical essay

·  And Finally . . . .

·  How to create a complete a Document Based Question

Classroom Policies:

1.Be prepared and ready to learn when you walk in the door.

2. Be on time and please be in your seat with needed materials before the tardy bell rings.

3. Show respect for all; Ms. Aguirre, yourself, school property, fellow students, and for all school staff.

4. No food and drinks are allowed in our classroom.

5. No cell phones OR any other electronic devices allowed to be seen or used at any moment unless authorized by the teacher when doing research.

6. Never procrastinate.

7. Always complete homework and outside readings on your own.


8. Wear student ID at all times!

·Be prepared

·Be willing to participate

·Take care of all personal needs before you walk into class

·BE AN ACTIVE, POSITIVE, and ENTUSIASTIC participant in the classroom


1. Warning to student.

2. Conference with student and teacher.

3. Telephone conference with parent/guardian and teacher.

4. Referral to assistant principal.


Daily assignments=50 %, Tests and Mini Mark Assessments = 30%, Comprehensive Final Test = 20%

Grades will be posted in class every Monday. Parents and students may monitor their grades through the parent/ student portal. Do NOT inquire about a grade during class. If you have questions or concerns about your grade please come by before school, during A lunch or after school.

Late Work: It is the student’s responsibility to turn in work on time; moreover, any late work will be deducted 10 points each day it is turned in late. If the student is absent, it is also their responsibility to talk to the teacher and pick up the assignments missed along with their due dates.

Tutoring/ Contact: If you need extra help or need to contact me, you may stop by room cc126 during my 2nd period conference period, during “A” lunch, or after school Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00- 4:30PM. Tutoring may be available other days upon request.


The following supplies are REQUIRED for this class:

- paper/pens (blue/black ink)/pencils/ colors or markers

- Highlighter (any color)

- 5 subject notebook (preferably with plastic cover for durability) with college rule paper

Any problems with a student not following the Student Code of Conduct for will be referred directly to the administration. We are all a proud part of Eastlake High School, and we are here to learn about ourselves, our world, and to grow mentally, emotionally, and physically. I am excited to be your teacher this year and I hope you learn so much about our amazing world, and how you can be an important part of its future. GOOOO FALCONS!!!

Student Signature: ______Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent contact information: Phone ______Cell number ______Email ______


First Semester

Unit 1 – The Basics of Geography

Unit 2 – The United States and Canada

Unit 3 – Latin America

Unit 4 – Europe

Unit 5 – Russia and the Republics

Second Semester

Unit 6 – Africa

Unit 7 – Southwest Asia

Unit 8 – South Asia

Unit 9 – East Asia

Unit 10 – Southeast Asia, Oceania, and Antarctica


1st Six Weeks…………………………………………………Aug.26-Sept.27

-Geographical Basics

-Five Themes of Geography

-North America: United States, Canada, & Mexico

2nd Six Weeks…………………………………………………Sept.30-Nov.1

-North America: United States, Canada, & Mexico

-Latin America

3rd Six Weeks………………………………………………….Nov.4-Dec.20


-Russia & the Republics

4th Six Weeks………………………………………………….Jan.6-Feb.14

-North Africa and the Middle East

-Sub-Saharan Africa

-PBL: Travel Documentary

5th Six Weeks…………………………………………………Feb.17-Apr.11

-South Asia

-East Asia

-Southeast Asia

-Year-long Project on Ancestry due BEFORE Spring Break

6th Six Weeks…………………………………………………Apr.14-May 29

-Australia, Oceania, & Antarctica

-Media & Literary Project: American Values Project

**This is a tentative schedule, updates will be given throughout the year!**