May 2015 CE

Site code # 107200E-1215


Objectives by

Reviewed/revised by Sharon Hopkins, RN, BSN, EMT-P

To view on the Advocate Condell website visit:

Date of CE presentation: May, 2015

Topic: Pediatrics

Behavioral Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this module, the EMS provider will be able to:

  1. Recall and be able to apply the components of the Pediatric Assessment Triangle to determine if the child is sick or not sick.

2.  Distinguish between the patient in respiratory distress versus respiratory


3. Identify the components to tabulate for the GCS in the pediatric population.

4. Distinguish the stages of shock for the pediatric population.

5. Identify what could constitute an episode of ALTE (apparent life-threatening


6. Identify the pain management plan for the pediatric patient and successfully

calculate dosing.

7. Actively participate in review of selected Region X SOP’s related to the

topic presented.

8. Actively participate in review and correct identification of a variety of

EKG rhythms.

9. Actively participate in case scenario and group discussion at your

respective licensed level.

10. Actively participate in calculating and drawing up pediatric doses of


11.Successfully complete the post quiz with a score of 80% or better.


American Academy of Pediatrics. Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals 3rd Edition. Jones and Bartlett. 2014

Bledsoe, B., Porter, R., Cherry, R. Paramedic Care Principles & Practices, 4th edition. Brady. 2013.

Mistovich, J., Karren, K. Prehospital Emergency Care 9th Edition. Brady. 2010.

Region X SOP’s; IDPH Approved April 10, 2014.

Pediatric Assessment Triangle – PAT


Work of Breathing


IO Needles

Math Calculation

Formula #1: Mg ordered = mg on hand

X ml ml on hand

Line up mg across form mg and ml across from ml

Cross multiply

With fraction result, divide numberator (top number) by

denominator (bottom number)

Answer is ml needed

Formula #2: D = D V Desired ml = desired dose in mg x volume on hand

H dose on hand (mg)

Lidocaine Discussion

Lidocaine packaging 100 mg / 5 ml

Patient weight 88 pounds; dose desired = 40 mg

Patient weight 130 pounds; dose desired = 50 mg

Patient weight 50 pounds; dose desired = 23 mg

OPQRST Assessment

O – onset

P – provocation / palliation

Q – quality in patinte’s words

R – radiation

S – severity on 0 – 10 scale or age appropriate scale

T – time started

Case Scenario #1

Fentanyl dose – for 132 pound 13 year-old

Packaged: 100 mcg/2 ml

Case Scenario #4

DCFS hot line 24/7 – 1-800-25- Abuse (1-800-252-2873

Group Practice #1

13 year-old – 90 pounds

BVM rate to assist ventilations –

Medication dosing:

Narcan –

Lidocaine DAI –

Lidocaine for IO pain control (packaged as 100 mg/5ml)

Group Practice #2

5 year-old; 45 pounds

Medication dosing:

Lidocaine for IO pain control (packaged as 100 mg/5ml)

Group Practice #3

2 year-old; 23 pounds

Medication dosing:

Epinephrine 1:10,000




Group Practice #4

8 year-old; 60 pounds

Medication dosing:


Group Practice #5

15 year-old; 128 pounds

Medication dosing:




File: CE, EMS; CE Packets; 2015: May Handout Peds