2016-2017 Officials Report
Submitted by Sheldon Revet
This year saw a large number of PeeWee age kids go to the fall clinic to begin their careers as hockey officials. It is always exciting to have lots of youth get into this part of hockey. Several of them were busy with their own hockey teams, but were still able to get out and do some games and begin their learning. It is certainly a different game when you put on the stripes!
Our mandate is to support officials, especially at the Grassroots level. With this mandate in mind, this year we conducted a couple on-ice sessions. Attendance was excellent at these. One session was conducted in conjunction with a minor hockey team so that we could do actual game play simulations. The young referees really enjoyed this.
Further to supporting young officials, we have been trying to increase the number of mentorship opportunities (game evaluations). A group of senior officials in North Battleford have been observing BMHA officials (specifically the younger ones) to help develop relationships and help build confidence. Reffing can be a lonely task, so any encouragement we can give them off of the ice helps. The mentorship program has been fully supported by our Zone 7 rep Philip McGee--his efforts have been immense and several young officials have benefited from his hours at the rinks.
For next year, we will continue to focus on the growth, support, and guidance of our young officials. Our goal is increase our mentorships. BMHA has graciously agreed to have NO hockey during the time of our fall clinic (Oct. 1) so that all of our officials are able to attend. Further, the board has agreed to give us ice time on the afternoon of Oct. 1 so we can do an on-ice clinic for our referees while all the concepts are still fresh in their minds! From an assigning standpoint, there will be a major emphasis on official development by giving them several opportunities to ref games at the caliber of hockey they are most successful in. Again, the BMHA has been a huge support--they have worked hard to have Novice and Atom home tournaments earlier in the year so that we can get more young people on the ice reffing at these levels sooner in the year. This is especially important, as this coming year may see fewer opportunities for on-ice sessions due to the Winter Games.
I want to thank all of the parents who have gotten up early to bring their young referees to the arena on weekends--your support is huge for them. And for those parents who stayed to watch their child ref a game, you know how difficult that can be! We look forward to another great season up ahead.