A Member of Bowls England.
Minutes of Delegates meeting 08.10.14
At Whitminster Village Hall
President Anne Beaven opened the meeting at 1.30p.m by welcoming everyone. She then held a minutes silence for Past President of EWBA and European President Jean Tait. GCWBA Past President Pat Oliver (1997). Wendy Slatter – Caer Glow and Dorothy Worsley Olveston.
Thirty-six clubs sent representatives and seven clubs sent apologies. Fifteen officers and officials were in attendance, five sent their apologies.
1. Apologies. List of apologies are recorded on file.
2. Minutes dated 23.07.14 were signed as a true record.
3. Matters arising - none
4. Correspondence. A list of correspondence was distributed to all members present.
5. President Anne’s end of season address.
Due to rule changes by the GBA Executive Committee there will not be an opportunity for me to report at the Joint Council Meeting in November.
My thanks go to the Executive Committee and Management Committee for their hard work this year. Also to all others involved in administration of the County – selectors, delegates and competition secretaries who give up their precious time in the interest of Gloucestershire County Bowls.
Although 2014 had not been our most successful season development must be the way forward, we have to embrace change as success does not happen overnight.
Congratulations to those ladies that qualifies for Leamington 2014. It was good to see some new face alongside the regulars on the green. I was very impressed with those who played through the thunder storm and torrential rain, soaked to the skin they carried on regardless.
A very special thank you for the generous donations to my charity. I have sent the grand sum of £563.90 to the Gloucestershire Chest Fund.
As we no longer have a ladies’ AGM in November I’d like to take this opportunity to wish Gill an enjoyable and successful 2015 season. I know I will be placing the chain in very capable hands.As Immediate Past President I intend to give Gill my full support.
Margaret stepping down as Women’s Division Secretary and GBA Administrator in October has come a little sooner than we expected. She has worked tirelessly on our behalf – no mean task and is leaving County in extremely good order. I know I speak for everyone when I say we are going to miss her tremendously. Our thanks and very good wishes go with her.
Finally I have enjoyed immensely my term as Ladies’ President. It has been my absolute pleasure to represent you in 2014 and I thank you most sincerely for your support.
6. County Secretary’s Report
Contents of envelopes:
Annual divisional accounts, voting slips, nomination sheets, confirmed competition dates, B.E directive re comp day/dates mandatory from 2016, letter from Tony .Allcock. Baseball cap order form. B.E - Additions to Reg 9, B.E delegate’s report and Benevolent Secretary’s report.
At GBA Executive’s last meeting on 10.9.14, it was acknowledged the current rules dictate that divisional secretary’s term of office terminates at the October divisional meeting, once the 2015 nominations are accepted and officers are elected so this is my last meeting.
To date we have a total of sixty-two affiliated clubs, five of which are men only and two are ladies only clubs. There are twenty clubs in Bristol area, thirteen each in both Cheltenham and Gloucester sections and eleven in Stroud area. We have a total of 1,262 declared affiliated ladies of which 147 are on the County players register.
Delegates meeting dates for 2015: 25.3.15 15.7.15 and 07.10.15.
Joint Council meeting venue Pineholt B.C 10.00a.m on 15.11.14
AGM venue Dowty Sports Centre 10.30a.m on 10.01.15.
Updates - World Bowls - New laws of the sport crystal mark 3rd edition will be available 2015. President of World Bowls is John Bell. Chairman of B.E David Mitchell-Gears has been awarded MBE in Queen’s honour’s list. B.E 2015 handbook will have a new format.
All club secretaries were sent the 2015 National Competitions Club Entry form for Top Club, Tony Allcock Trophy & Women’s National Champ of champ. This form is also available on B.E website. Club entries must be in by 1st February accompanied by appropriate fee.
B.E competitions form – open or regional preference – we need to send back to B.E our views. I hope you have returned your form today stating which you prefer.
Reg 9 – Please ensure the addition to Regulation 9 sheet in your envelope is added to your paperwork for future as reference. If any club suspends a member this action must be notified to GBA Executive via divisional secretary. Term of suspension must be dated. Page 17 – 22 of mauve booklet are there to support clubs. It is important that these booklets are used as a reference.
Tournament issues have come up this year please refer to Regulation 10 page 64.
We have received enquiries from clubs about format for visiting other counties. Permission to visit other counties should be made out of courtesy.
Looking to the future whilst being mindful of the past, we have had to make changes to keep abreast of legislation, changes made within our sport and restructuring of bowls within our County.
It needs to be acknowledged that club committees are volunteers now running small businesses, constantly dealing with changes in legislation, they need our positive, constructive support. County is an even larger business run by volunteers with heavier responsibilities and are accountable to affiliated members.
As you are all aware we have no SVP or JVP the men’s section is in the same situation. President’s main duties in the Women’s Division is to host the matches, chair the meetings and oversee pastoral care. The smooth running of the County now has developed into administration and falls on the shoulders of Management Committee with heaviest responsibilities born by Treasurer, Match Secretary and Secretary – they are the key post holders of the County. Allowances for the key workers need to be in line with that of the GBA men’s division. Our Treasurer has worked out a formula for these key post holders which she will outline in her report.
Since 2008 our division has restructured itself with support from you the delegates and your clubs. You have benefited from hard working officers & officials, recommending change in a business-like and transparent manner. It is you that has supported their efforts. The competition and selection committees have guidelines that can be annually reviewed and updated. No longer are things set in stone. We now have a handbook to be proud of and a website. The skills of our Treasurer have helped make decisions for the future seasons. Our Fixture Secretary has made very good contacts in other counties, this is a great help with arranging matches at halfway venues and getting the support of clubs to host home games. We still have a long way to go to achieve full unification but the County will get there. The sad thing is not having a junior squad but perhaps that will change in the future.
As this is my last meeting standing before you as Divisional Secretary and County Administrator I want to thank all serving officers for their support since I came into post. I thank all club secretaries and delegates and hope our efforts have developed a closer relationship. Please continue to support your County officers in a positive way, like you they are volunteers. We should be mindful of the past but we all need to embrace future changes.
7. Treasurer’s Report.
In your envelopes you have the Profit & Loss accounts for 1st October 2013 to 30th September 2014, plus summaries for matches & competitions. These accounts are currently with Kingsly Accounting being examined & are, therefore, subject to their findings.
In spite of now giving handbooks free of charge to county competition entrants, those ladies on the county selection register, & Club Delegates and/or Secretaries, we have still managed to make a surplus for the year of £1414.49.*
Notable points are:-
1. Affiliations fees were down by over £200. We cannot stress how important it is that ALL club bowling members are affiliated, & that I am notified of any additions or deletions during the year. As we have now registered with Data Protection, if our records are shown to be incorrect, we could be in trouble. Also, anyone playing bowls that is NOT registered on the data base is NOT insured to play by Bowls England.
2. Competition income was down by £155, but expenditure was also down by £300. The analysis shows a surplus for the year of just under £400. This is partly due to an increase in subsidy from Bowls England, & also the reduction in competition expenses for 2014. *However, I have carried forward to next year’s accounts £300 for the repair or replacement of shields or cups which are in dire need.
3. Match income was down by £165 in spite of an increase in player’s fees, but again, match costs were down by £216. A surplus on matches for the year of £108 was better than expected, but selectors & other expenses increased by £250 on last year, resulting in an overall loss, including cost of stickers & score cards of £500, against a loss of £350 last year. We shall not need so many coaches next year, so matters should improve in 2015.
1. Our affiliation levy paid to GBA2010 increased by £110. i.e. 1198 X 25p per affiliated member.
2. Stationery costs increased by £200. This includes paper, ink cartridges, postage & photocopying. They say computers save paper – they must be joking!! Now that most things are done by email, we bear the cost of printing the documents sent to us, as well as the many things that require printing day by day. None of your Management Committee claim for telephone calls or emailing costs.
3. Now that players will order their uniforms direct from Zapkam, there will not be any further costs to bear. I will say more about uniforms later in my report.
Our balance sheet shows £20669.77 carried forward to 2014-15. This includes stock of badges, shirts etc at just over £1000, new score cards costing £111, & stocks of envelopes & stamps totally £68.
The prize money of £875 will be paid to recipients at the luncheon on 12th October, & £406 is for 2014-15 competition money received early.
NOTE: £20669.77 is the equivalent of £17.25 per affiliated member registered as at 1st January 2014.
It was reported that once again, that many of your officers & officials do not claim their allowance or expenses, which contributes greatly towards the Women’s Division healthy status.
Myra & I are continually seeking venues for matches where the cost of teas and/or match fees is kept as low as possible. Similarly, we check coach quotes to ensure we are not paying over the odds, & substitute coaches with travel expenses where out of county venues are within reasonable reach.
Postage costs have reduced considerably since as many items as possible are emailed, but please keep your information with us up-to-date – we are not mind readers. Please also check your emails regularly, especially if you are on the county register, as you may have an invitation waiting for you. When I am trying to juggle payments for anything up to 5 fixtures at a time, it is frustrating & time consuming when replies are not received because recipients have not checked their email, & have to be ‘chased up’!
Your Management Committee have decided to look around at alternatives to our present Examiner, & a decision will be made at the AGM in January.
It was with regret that the Management Committee decided that players should order their own uniforms in future. Jenny & I tried hard to instill in everyone that they must order by measurements & not by size 12, 14, 16 etc., but we have ended up with a stock of uniforms where incorrect sizes were ordered by players. I have a list of items which we shall endeavour to sell at the beginning of next season at reduced prices. However, after that, any unsold items may have to be disposed of, as I cannot store them indefinitely.
It is very easy to access the website to order uniform items. The website is (NOTE: case sensitive)
Click on the garment you require ie shirt or jacket etc.
Click on the LADIES size you think you may require ie size 14. Then check the measurements in the size guide next to the size you have selected. If it does not suit your requirements, chose an alternative size until you find the correct measurements as near as possible.
Then order the size that corresponds with the measurements you require.
Payment must be made with order & items cannot be returned unless faulty, so it is important to order the right sizes.
CAPS – some players have asked about a uniform cap, so Margaret had 3 samples made up. We shall have to order 30 at a cost each of £9 each if you wish to go ahead. A ballot was organised but the result of the vote was to reject the baseball cap as part of the County uniform.
(Secretary’s note: Since the meeting some County players not at the meeting felt it unfair that they were not asked about the above and requested their opinions are sought at a future Management Meeting.)
Finally, your Management Committee has recommended that the Women’s Division Officers allowances should be increased, in line with the Men’s Division allowances, & having worked out a formula which could be used, based on the Men’s current allowances, but adjusted by the respective affiliated members in each division, your Management Committee recommends the following:-