

Connecting Consciousness
December 18, 2016– Q&A with Simon Parkes

Begins the show by looking at the ups and downs of 2016: Brexit; Trump being elected; Standing Rock situation; possible bail-ins in 2017, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena may be first; meeting in Antarctica between off planet entities and controllers of this planet; Earth governments/elites need to honor the choices made by their citizenry rather than disregard or invalidate them. Questions about impact of time, day, month on soul incarnation; walk-ins; will we automatically get our DNA upgraded if we dream we are on a spaceship? Answer: most likely not; role of the Knights Templar past and present; unicorns; the Cabal and their antics—dimensional traps, fake looping timelines, mindwiping entire communities—to escape Earth or stay in control; full moon possible cause of headaches; physical effects of shapeshifting; traveling between dimensions; the risk of harm from posting information nudging people to wake up; indigenous people of U.S. protecting water sources; calling on the name of Jesus to stop alien abduction; Cain slew/ate Abel, where are their bodies/souls now; reason for Olof Palme’s demise; Simon’s New Year’s message: go into the New Year bravely, cheerfully, and focused.

Show begins with snippets from Deck the Halls, O Tannenbaum, “but you got all those wonderful presents for Christmas, didn’t you get what you wanted...” and Alvin from the Chipmunks singing, All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth.

JayPee: Welcome to the Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness Show produced by Ever Beyond Radio and broadcast from Wolf Spirit Radio on the first and third Sundays of the month at 7:00 p.m. UK time. Simon actively encourages you to join the conversation by using the Ask Questions Menu Link at the top of the page at Please come early to ask your questions. Now on with the show. The next two hours will be full of debate, interview guests and up-to-date news. Please join Simon in playing an active role—Connecting Consciousness Show—you’re listening to Wolf Spirit Radio. There’s a Jingle Bell, so there you go, your very special Christmas jingle there Simon.

Simon Parkes: I’m glad it’s only once a year.

JP: So am I. It took hours; it took hours.

SP: Listen I want to thank you for that because when I said to you let’s have a Jingle for Christmas, I thought you would just, you know, forget it. So the fact that you did do that is brilliant so thank you very much.

JP: I had remembered it the other day. It was not, you know, it was not immediately like yesterday, but it was like oh hang on a second he did say something, so I put it together. I thought I’d pull some of the old memories. Do you remember the Chipmunks?

SP: Yes I do. It’s about... I remember those, yeah.

JP: They used to have that on the radio too when we were kids, you know, anyway so welcome to the final 2016 Connecting Consciousness Show.

SP: Yeah, we made it haven’t we. We have made it through another year.

JP: And what a year as, you know, you said it was going to be a rough ride at the beginning and damn you were right.

SP: Yes, yes. Okay let’s start.

JP: So yeah do you have, do you want to do some announcing?

SP: Yeah I will do, fine, obviously the end of the year in terms of the radio show, and although we did have a little look back two weeks ago, it’s probably quite good to just have another little look back and see how far we’ve come. It has been difficult but there have been some big movements and some strides forward, so yeah, I’ll do a little bit of that and then I’ll look to the next three months ahead. I know that, you know, it’s what we need. We need to have some idea of what is literally around the corner, and as I have, you know, a fairly good record of hitting it on the head as we say in Britain, hitting the nail on the head, I think it’s worth just, you know, talking a little bit about the next three months. Right before we do that let’s just talk about Connecting Consciousness and in the intro we always talk about join Simon and play an active role, and playing an active role is really important and we shouldn’t be surprised that we get lots of attacks regardless of who we are, providing we’re trying to do something positive on the planet in whatever shape or form, and I’m aware that certain people have been posting things on Facebook and there’s something doing the rounds which is there’s a book on sex magic purportedly written by our Simon Parkes, and I can assure you that’s not me. And if you want to look it up and look at the bio, the biography of the author and look at a picture of him you’ll see it’s not me, and anybody who is trying to suggest that that is me, you would have to ask yourself why are they attempting to bring disharmony to Connecting Consciousness. There are a number of people who would very much like to take Connecting Consciousness, take the database, take the individual people and then try and make a business out of that, and you know what, Connecting Consciousness is one of the few organizations that doesn’t ask people to pay a subscription, you know, to be a member of Connecting Consciousness you don’t have to pay to be in that, which is definitely something that I never intended, but watch out for people who want to get you off Connecting Consciousness and then start trying to make money from you, so whether coordinators who no longer sing the same tune that I sing, and I would ask individual members to elect your own coordinator. Elect your own coordinator from your group, and then that new person can Skype me and they can have a chat with me, so Connecting Consciousness is an organization where individuals develop and grow. I deliberately did it in a non-hierarchical way, but there are people who wish to become part of a hierarchy, to control and to dominate and to sow seeds of discord, and people should listen to my broadcasts. They should listen to me at conferences and then ask these coordinators, all right what actually is he saying that’s antihuman? What is he saying that’s antidevelopment, and this is the way we need to deal with it, so if there’s anybody who still is unsure, well you shouldn’t be in Connecting Consciousness anyway, because you ought to have enough spirituality to be able to see what is going on here. It’s an attempt to attack and destroy something that was created with only goodness in mind. All right that’s all I’m going to give the energy to that.

Now I want to thank people who have so kindly donated to me, as always, I don’t give the second name, but I want to thank Tom and Patrick and Chris and one here is quite nice, it’s Forest Creek Chapel, Robert, Laura, Bob, Cheryl, Mari or Marie, Gretchen, Oliver, Angelica, Nathan and Paul. There were others. I can’t mention all of you. I’ve just pulled these names out of the hat, didn’t matter what they paid, they just got pulled out of a hat. Thank you very much indeed, very kind of you.

Let’s look at the past. We had ups and downs right across the planet but we’ve had so many successes. I actually believe that Brexit vote was a success and I’m not becoming political, but I believe that Donald Trump winning was a success purely and simply because the alternative was horrendous, and although I’m not going to say Donald Trump is the wonderful thing, and the savior, I will say that had we, you know, seen another person vote which is Clinton, there would have been total disaster, so let’s give the American people some credit here. The American people actually went and voted for an option that was the best option on the table. It doesn’t mean that it was the one that they would choose straight away, but when they looked at what they had to vote on, they actually in the majority decision went for the least painful option, so well done to you guys for doing that. Let’s look at Standing Rock. We soon forget that Donald Trump has an important say in the companies that are on that and I can say that he did have a big part to play in pulling out some of the drive to make that happen. No doubt the people who were very brave and went and joined the indigenous populations and those indigenous people and those Westerners or other Asian people that came in and stood shoulder-to-shoulder with them, brought in the media that created something that these very greedy corporates couldn’t deal with, so you know, God bless them, well done. And when all the bison came and then the buffalo came to join the people, then that’s the planet acting, so that was great that the black snake has been stopped. However if it’s been stopped permanently, I’m not sure about the fact that that’s occurred now is a very positive ending.

We’ve got a time now between now and what we would call the holiday period, Christmas, where I do not expect any sudden disasters. The big corporates in the Western world make all their money now and nobody in the elite is going to rock the boat. Now there is a difference between a big corporation breaking even or going under, so the amount of money these people make in the Christmas period will keep them afloat, so all the elite have agreed that they want to keep the train running for this period of time, so that’s what we should expect to see. Come the new year, in January, 2017, they no longer have that focus. I’m not the only one, but I’m certainly one of the early declarers on this where January, February and March will see the much folded collapse that many people for many years have been trying to warn people about. I believe that the Paschi Banca in Italy will be the first one to perhaps call in what we call a bail-in. That’s where they raid people’s bank accounts. They say it’s quite legal; I think it’s stealing, but it’s called a bail-in. I think that’s what will happen. I think that we will see a collapse in Italy financially. I think we’ll see a financial collapse in the States, and I think we’ll see one in Britain. Now that could be anything from a devaluation of twenty percent to fifty percent of that currency, and what was really interesting was for British people online, that’s the online version of the Daily Express newspaper, which is not just an establishment newspaper. It’s an establishment newspaper very closely linked to the elite, and the guy who went and did a report on Adolf Hitler dying in 1945 had close links with both the Daily Express newspaper and the Mail newspaper, so it’s a mouthpiece for the elite and they carried a half a page article saying that there was a massive banking crash. Now they actually went for March. They have been agreeing. They said March of this year to come, there’ll be a huge financial collapse, half a page given to it and we have to ask ourselves why would the elite allow, and it wouldn’t go unless it was allowed, why would they allow such a statement to be made, which is the sort of statement that I would be making on the alternative news. Why is the establishment now actually copying it, and the reason is that they’re trying to slow down the stock exchange because the more the stock exchange expands between now and March, the greater the collapse. On this article in the Daily Express newspaper actually said it was a once-in-a-lifetime crash that was coming and it would be like 1929–1930, the Wall Street Crash, so here at last finally is an established newspaper printing something that I and others have been warning about and they’re actually agreeing. I’ve said always February to March, but they are actually coming out in March, so we have a situation where everyone’s agreeing now that there’s a collapse coming, so that’s for January, February, March. Please keep your eye on that.

In terms of what’s going on in Antarctica, we know that Buzz Aldrin, a very celebrated astronaut, went there and there was a tweet from him, whether that was him or someone else on his behalf. Basically the tweet said something along the lines that he’d been to Hollow Earth or Inner Earth for a meeting and it’s all evil down there, something along those lines. We know that the Vice President was actually dispatched to Iceland, and then from Iceland through to Antarctica, and also understand that he’d been part of a meeting as well, and we touched on this I think previously, where there has been a very important, call it a round table meeting between off planet entities and the controllers of the planet. That meeting has not gone well for the controllers of the planet, not gone well at all.

On the 19th of this month, I think that’s tomorrow, I might be right in saying that there’s a very important date for the Americans. I think that I don’t know the terminology, but where all the representatives from the different states come and then they vote in accordance to the way that the public voted, so that for instance, a particular American state might have four votes for Clinton and six votes for Trump, and so that’s the official way that it’s done, and I don’t know the terminology for that, but I understand that there’s going to be some form of again an English word, “skullduggery,” and the Clintons might attempt to try something. I think it’s very unlikely they can get away with it because when, like in Brexit, when the people vote for something if those in charge then say we disregard what you’ve said, then the citizenry will turn around and say then what is the point of having a government? What is the point of having a vote if you’re not going to listen to what we say or want, then we might as well reject all forms of authority, and it’s for that reason that the British government has to honor Brexit, and that’s why they have to honor the election of Donald Trump. No matter how much the elite dislike it or hate it, it has to go ahead, so I think we’re going to go into 2017 stronger than when we came into 2016. I think what we’ve seen is the human race saying we’ve had enough, and we’re beginning to show our, not displeasure, but the way we wish to see things going. We wish to see development, so I’m looking back on the year. JayPee is correct. It’s been quite rough. We’ve been saved from the brink several times but each time we’ve seen advances, and you know if the elite weren’t in a real pickle, they wouldn’t be fighting in the way they are, and the reason they’re fighting the way they are is because slowly but surely their fingernails are being clawed off holding on to the ship, so I’m positive. I don’t think it’s negative. I think it’s incredibly positive and we’re going into the new year with a lot of hope and a lot of love.

All right before we start with the questions, JayPee did pose me a question. It was very long and it was from Rose. I’m going to just deal with that question now because it’s really important. Rose was saying that she had an idea for helping poverty, for breaking people away from the trap of money and what she was saying in her question, it was more of a statement although there was a question at the end of it, was maybe if you arrested all the bad people in the Vatican and she mentioned the Bilderbergers and you took all the money off them, and then you had like a sort of a, not a credit card, but a debit card and then you could give money to the people who needed it, the ordinary people. In other words, use all this evil money to support society, and she was sort of asking and posing a question, well would this work or am I just dreaming this, you know, or could it have a basis in reality, and I wanted to make that public what she said, because I think it’s a wonderful statement and I just want to give my view on that. When money was created, a spell was put on it, so that it didn’t just act as a form of exchange, it was like a drug and it got into the system. It got into people’s lives and got into the psyche, and it really infected people like a virus. There will come a time when people who have done evil deeds will have to decide to apologize for that or go down fighting, one or the two, and the assets that they have should be distributed amongst those that most need it, but there’s a bigger thing than that, which is at the moment under the present system huge amounts, untold amounts of money are taken legitimately or illegitimately as taxes from the people are being used to maintain organizations and projects which the public (A) have no knowledge of generally and (B) would be disgusted if they did know, and when that stops there will be a massive amount of money suddenly that is left at the end of the year, which can be used. You know, why is it that so much of American infrastructure is crumbling, bridges falling, municipal buildings in terrible state, the sidewalks with holes, and the roads with holes, and the street lights not working, and yet money is going to secret space programs. Money is going to gang stalking of individuals, surveillance technology and the most incredible amounts of money being taken away from taxpayers without their agreement, without their knowledge, and used for no other aspect than to control the citizens of those respective countries, and that has got to stop. So if you can stop that, and we can then get this money that’s been brought in or gained by very evil means, if that can then be purified and that becomes good money if you like, and can be used for good, but that’s only part of the problem. Money is the problem and this as far as I know and as far as I’m concerned from my own personal experience, this is the only planet in the multiverse that I am aware of that actually uses money. Every other civilization that I have had experience of uses barter and trade; they do not use money, and [I’ll] give an example here. Let’s say for instance I have a statue, and I got two of these statues and I don’t want it. So I say I’ll exchange this statue and you’ve got something that I want, but maybe what you want and what I want doesn’t equally balance in terms of energy, so maybe you’d want two statues, but I’ve only got one, that I’m prepared to trade, so I would be required to give you something extra on top of that statue, so what I might do is say, you know, under the present system is okay, well I’ve got pounds or dollars and I’ll make the extra up like that, but we need to get away from that. So what we need to be able to do is to say well I’ve got this that I can do for you or I can bring this about for you. Now, you know, it could be quite simple like I’m a doctor, dentist, and I’ll do some dental treatment, but we’re not all doctors and dentists, so there may be other things in terms of energy that we can bring, and so this exchange system, which we had on this planet, that’s how it was all done until the Annunaki and those prior to them came here and started to control the population by introducing a monetized exchange system, and we need as a planet urgently to get away from the money system and move to a barter and trade system like every other planet. So that’s really what I wanted to say and just to say to everyone, because I know at the end we always run out of time, but it’s been an absolute privilege to have the opportunity through JayPee’s really wonderful radio station to have spent this year speaking to people, talking to people and we are so lucky that the elite haven’t pulled the plug on this. I know for a fact that in America at the moment [they are] seriously looking at curtailing anything that is an alternative view to the official. They’ve always talked about it, but I know it’s really on the table now. Hillary Clinton has been saying that it lost her the election. Well, that’s nonsense, but nevertheless that’s what she’s saying, and, you know, that’s what they’d like to do is to close every radio station down that was giving the truth and just have their own, so I’m so grateful that I have the opportunity to speak to people. I’m so grateful that I’ve been allowed to give the information that I’ve been able to give and I’m so grateful [to] people for being so human, so strong, so clear thinking and loving, and no matter what these evil people throw at us, we know that we can make it. We can actually get through and we can do it, but we can do it together. If we work as individuals, it’s not as effective, so we need to understand the tricks that the other side use and we need to work together so that it’s so with that JayPee let’s go on with the questions.