Positive Behavioral

Support Systems (PBSS)

Summer 2011 Training Information

School Counselor Edition

Register Immediately at CPS University! Click Here to Register!

For more information about the PBSS summer trainings, please visit the OSES webpage at or email Tatiana Carter at


PLEASE NOTE: All non-52 week CPS employees will receive their flat stipend rate for their attendance in any of the

PBSS summer trainings as long as they arrive on time and stay the entire time.

Anger Coping/Think First / Will prepare elementary and high school clinicians to provide small group cognitive behavioral interventions to students demonstrating difficulties managing their anger in appropriate ways. Clinicians will learn how to help students who need additional skills in managing their emotions, problem solving conflicts, and developing appropriate ways of demonstrating and frustration. / Elementary and High School Social Workers, Psychologists, and Counselors, & community agency partners / July 13-15
CPSU Search Term:Combined ACTF
Evidence-Based Behavioral Strategies for Individual Students (EBBS) / Provides school staff with the tools to design, implement, and evaluate customized individual interventions in the classroom setting.Participants will learn simple strategies to address both common student behavioural distractions & challenging and disruptive behaviours using classroom-based interventions for students. Participants will learn about variety of data collection tools as well. / Counselors, psychologists, nurses, social workers, community partners, area/district coaches, specialists, SSAs, SPED teachers, and other personnel who assist teachers on the development and implementation of classroom-based behavioral intervention strategies / July: 6-7, 18-19, 20-21, 26-27
August: 1-2, 18-19, 22-23, 24-25
CPSU Search Term: EBBS
Intensive Interventions for Challenging Students / This three day training will lead participants in the development of a successful classroom instructional program for students with intensive social, emotional, and behavioural needs. Participants will gain a deep understanding of research based strategies, systems, and processes that work in concert to allow both teachers and students to be successful. / Special education teachers, SSAs, Counselors, teachers and administrators of self-contained programs for students with extremely challenging behavior or for teachers of students in alternative educational placements / June 29-July 1(Elementary)
July 6-8 (High School)
July 18-20 (Elementary)
July 27-29 (Elementary)
August 22-24(High School)
CPSU Search Term:Intensive Interventions
PBIS/PBIS Experienced
An administratorPBIS/Leadership from a school must be signed up for one of these trainings. It is mandatory that they attend these trainings with their school staff! / This school team training provides a small set of staff from a school with the tools to successfully train their colleagues on and support the implementation of PBIS strategies. Participants will learn the systems, data and practices imbedded in PBIS implementation. The team will draft school-wide behavioural expectations, create a behavioural matrix, and plan for school wide roll out. Participants also will develop an acknowledgement plan; create achart of office-managed versus classroom-managed behaviours and creating a system for effective meetings. / Administrator, external and internal coaches, regular education teachers that represent most or all grade levels, special education teacher, social worker and/or psychologist, student support staff (e.g., Counselor), a specials teacher, disciplinarian/dean or a lead security staff person / July 19-20 (Elementary)
July 21-22 (Elementary)
July 26-27 (High School)
July 28-29 (High School)
CPSU Search Term: PBIS Experienced
PBIS Coaching
An administrator & PBIS/Leadership from a school must be signed up for one of these trainings. It is mandatory that they attend these trainings with their school staff! / This series of professional development will provide coaches with an in-depth understanding of PBIS, a review the role of coaches in the PBIS framework, and provide area and school-based coaches with tools, on-going technical assistance, and strategies to supportschools in the implementation of PBIS. / Area and district coaches, specialists, school-based coaches, and other educational personnel who will be supporting the implementation of PBIS in a specific school or set of schools. / May 27
June 9
July 18 (Elementary)
July 25 (Elem & HS)
CPSU Search Term: PBIS Coaching
A school counselor should only attend as part of a school team.

**Making recommendations to your schools who you feel would benefit from any of the School-Wide and Classroom Management strategies is highly encouraged.

A school counselor should only attend as part of a school team.
An administrator from a school must be signed up for one of these trainings but it is not mandated that they attend with their school staff. / Provides research-based tools, strategies and structures to enhance the flow and delivery of classroom instruction throughout and between instructional tasks. This training will help attendees identify effective aspects of their current practice and strengthen other elements so that any teacher can manage student behaviour more positively, proactively and effectively. It will also ensure enhanced design of instructional flow, tasks, activities and transitions to increase student engagement in and benefit from classroom-based instruction. / Elementary school administrators, teachers, classroom based educational support personnel, & Counselors / June: 8-9, 23-23, 23-24, 27-28, 29-30
July: 6-7, 7-8, 11-12, 13-14, 18-19, 19-20, 20-21, 25-26
August: 3-4, 8-9, 10-11, 15-16, 16-17, 17-8
Discipline in the Secondary Classroom (DSC)
An administrator from a school must be signed up for one of these trainings but it is not mandated that they attend with their school staff / Provides research-based tools, strategies and structures to enhance the flow and delivery of classroom instruction throughout and between instructional tasks.This training will help attendees better address classroom-based discipline issues and lack of motivation among secondary students using proactive, positive strategies for curbing misbehaviour. / High School administrators, teachers, classroom based educational support personnel, & Counselors / June 20-21, 27-28, 29-30
July 7-8, 11-12, 13-14, 27-28, 28-29
August 1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 8-9, 10-11
CPSU Search Term: DSC
Coaching Classroom Management
An administrator from a school must be signed up for one of these trainings but it is not mandated that they attend with their school staff / Provides individuals with the skills to provide coaching on research-based classroom management in school buildings. Participants will learn to provide collaborative coaching and support for school staff on their implementation of classroom management strategies (i.e., CHAMPS or DSC). In addition, skills of the coaching process will be taught, strategies for working for teachers will be shared, and a set of tools to provide targeted feedback will be reviewed. Attendance at a CHAMPS or DSCtraining is a pre-requisite. / Area and district coaches, school-based coaches (administrators and/or ILT members), SSAs, specialists, and other educational personnel who will be supporting the implementation of classroom management strategies at a school or schools / July 18-19 (Elementary)
July 20-21 (High Schools)
August 22-23 (Elementary)
August 24-25(High Schools)
CPSU Search Term: Coaching Classroom Management

**Making recommendations to your schools who you feel would benefit from any of the School-Wide and Classroom Management strategies is highly encouraged.