Fall 2012
Deana Shewmaker, Family & Consumer Sciences Educator
8:10 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Foods and Nutrition:
This course is designed to assist students in making critical decisions about food, which contributes to health and well-being. Laboratory instruction is included as an application process. Practical problems addressed relate to attitude toward food, nutrition facts, special health concerns and diets, management of food resources, preparation skills and careers in nutrition and food service. Leadership development will be provided through the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America.
Course Objective:
Students will be able to make healthful food selections, be able to prepare basic foods using correct techniques and sanitization practices, plan menus, make grocery lists, carry out plans for a special event.
A fee of $15 will be collected. This fee will help offset the cost of food that will be used. A fee waiver will be provided for those on free or reduce lunch (please see the teacher). All waivers or payment must be paid before Oct.1. Failure to do so will lose the privilege of lab work and will be given an written assignment.
Required materials:
Notebook, paper, pen (blue or black ink) or pencil
Food for Today, Servsafe, cookbooks, Internet, magazines, and
Grades are based upon total points. The school grading scale is used:
A (100-90)
B (89-80)
C (79-70)
D (69-60)
F (59-0)
Class Expectations:
1. Be on time and follow class rules.
2. Be ready to work and turn all work in
3. Use good employability skills
4. Work cooperatively with others
5. Taste a variety of foods
Assignments are expected at the end of the class in your period’s box, unless otherwise specified. There are 10 points off for every day late. After ten days it is a zero and you cannot make it up!
· Daily work (points will be designated when assigned)
· Labs - 100 points
· Bell work – 100 points – While teacher is taking attendance, a short assignment
o Will be on the board to do, this will be turned in at the end of the 9 weeks
· Planning and carrying out of special event – 550 points
· Tests – 100 points
Class rules:
1. Have a positive attitude and treat everyone with respect!
2. All school rules will be enforced (ex. Cell phones, drugs, cheating, dress code, public display of affection, etc.)
3. Do not talk while teacher is talking, raise hand if have a question.
4. Do not ask to go to restroom, library or anywhere else.
5. Once the bell rings, no food or drinks except on designated lab days.
6. Be on time! Before tardy bell rings, you need to be in assigned seat, and immediately complete your bell work.
7. Do not apply makeup or comb hair- this is a foods lab!
8. Do not sit on counter tops or stoves.
9. Do not play with kitchen equipment, refrain from cabinets, refrigerators, and freezers.
10. Do not eat, drink or touch anything that does not belong to you.
11. Put trash in trashcans. Food items in large trash cans
12. Stay in your seat until the bell rings. Do not leave until I dismiss you.
13. You may use the stapler, hole punch and scissors.
14. No cheating on any assignments or tests.
Classroom Discipline:
1. Personal warning
2. Stay after class for 1 minute
3. A call is placed to your parent
4. referred to After school detention
5. referred to office for further discipline