B. PERSONAL DATA: Home Address: 7600 West Coal Mine Avenue, Unit “A”

Littleton, Colorado 80123

Telephone: (303) 972-3428

C. CURRENT POSITION: Full (Tenured) Professor,

Human Performance and Sport Department,

Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado,


EARNED DEGREES: Ed.D. Degree College of Education, University of Houston (Higher Education Administration) August 1977

Ed.S. Degree College of Education, University of Bridgeport, Connecticut

(Specialist Degree in Public School Administration and

Supervision) August 1972

M.S. Degree Arnold College of Physical Education, University of Bridgeport, Connecticut (Physical Education and Health)

August 1970

B.S. Degree Southern Connecticut State College (Physical Education and Health) June 1969

CERTIFICATION: Board Certified Forensic Examiner, American Board of Forensic Examiners,

Diplomate 1994

Fellow American College of Forensic Examiners, March 1996

Safety Certified USA Gymnastics Association, 1985 – 2010



Full (Tenured) Professor

Human Performance and Sport (formerly Physical Education and Recreation) Department, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, Promoted, September 1984 – Present

Chair, Human Performance and Sport Department, Metropolitan State College of Denver, October 2003 to June 2006

Associate Professor

Physical Education and Recreation Department, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, September 1980 – August 1984 (Assistant Professor, 1977 – 1980)

Chair Human Performance, Sport and Leisure Studies (formerly Physical Education and Recreation) Department, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, August 1986 – August 1992

Interim Associate Dean

School of Professional Studies, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, August 1989 – June 1990 (on leave from Chair position)

Visiting Professorship

Sport Law, Graduate School, East Stroudsburg University, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, Summer Sessions 1985, 1987

Adjunct Graduate Faculty & Program Advisor

Chapman University, Denver Campus (M.S. in Sports Medicine), 1986 – 1996

Adjunct Graduate Faculty

University of Northern Colorado, 1987 – Present

Doctoral Committee Member

University of New Mexico, December 1990 – August 1991

Director, Men’s Athletics

Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado,

1977 – 1982 (Assistant Men’s Gymnastic Coach)

Assistant Professor

Physical Education and Recreation, Saint Leo College,

Saint Leo, Florida, 1973 – 1977

Director, Intramural Activities, Head Gymnastic & Swimming Coach

Saint Leo College, Saint Leo, Florida, 1973 – 1977

(1976 – 1977 Administrative Leave)

Swimming & Diving Coach

Trumbull High School, Trumbull, Connecticut, 1973 Season

Instructor and Head Gymnastic Coach

Physical Education, Arnold College, University of Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1970 – 1973


Educational Specialist

Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology, October 1994 – Present

National Spokesperson

Product Liability Sports (National Coalition for Tort Reform to Save Sport in America) North Palm Beach, Florida,

October 1987 – October 1988

President Rabinoff Consulting Services, Inc., Sport and Fitness Liability Consultants, Denver, Colorado, 1986 – Present

Senior Consultant, Fitness Risk Management, Inc. 1990-1993

Territory Sales Manager

Ross Pharmaceutical Company, Newark, New Jersey,

March 1973 – August 1973


Symposium Director

Furman Griffis Symposium on: Legal Liability of the Human Performance and Leisure Professional, Denver, Colorado, November 12, 1993 (written proceedings and video tape available)

National Safety Certifier

USGF National Gymnastics Safety Certification Course, February 1986 – December 1990

National Safety Certifier

United States Gymnastics Safety Association, Washington, D.C., 1987

Associate Content Editor

USGF Technique Magazine, 1985 – 1989

Associate Content Editor

USGF Magazine, 1985 – 1989

National Conference Chairman

SMARTS IV, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 29 –

July 1, 1983 (Sports Management Art & Science Society)

Meet Director National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Men’s Gymnastic National Championships, Denver, Colorado, March 11-12, 1983

President Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), 1982 – 1983

President Elect Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), 1981 – 1982

Convention Manager

State Convention, Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), Denver, Colorado, September 1980 and September 1981

Chairman-Elect, General Division for Physical Education

Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), Denver, Colorado,

1978 – 1979

Chairman – Boys’ and Girls’ Athletics

Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), Denver, Colorado,

1978 – 1979

Director International Gymnastics Camps, Leesburg, Florida, 1976

Director Certification Clinic for National Gymnastic Judges Association, Miami, Florida, 1974 – 1975

Past President Connecticut Gymnastic Judges Association, 1970 – 1972


1. PUBLICATIONS: (Journals, Books and College Monographs)

(Non-Referred) The Dark Side of Sports: “Think Twice Before You Write-Overcoaching??” Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine, July/August 2009

(Non-Refereed) The Dark Side of Sports: “The Cost of Cutting Corners-You Can’t Bypass Safety When Training Athletes”, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine, May/June 2009

(Refereed Book) “The Dark Side of Sports: Book One”, with Kim Goss, Published by Bigger Faster Stronger, January 2009

(Refereed) “Position Paper on Safety and Liability in Sports”, One of a Series of Position Papers by Bigger Faster Stronger, January/February 2009

(Referred) “Bigger Faster Stronger: The Proven System for Building Athletes”, by Greg Shepard, published by Human Kinetics, January 2009 (My work in Chapter 15 and 16 “Safety in the Weight Room”)

(Non-Refereed) “The Dark Side of Sport: Pom Poms and Broken Necks”, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine, Sept/Oct, 2008

(Non –Refereed) “The Dark Side of Sport: “A Legal Dictionary for Coaches part 2”, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine, July/August 2008

(Non-Refereed) “The Dark Side of Sport:” A Legal Dictionary for Coaches part 1”, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine. May /June 2008

(Non-Refereed) “The Dark Side of Sport;” Working Out During Class”, Bigger Faster Stronger

Magazine, November/December 2007

(Non-Refereed) “The Dark Side of Sport: “Playing Doctor”, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine

September/October, 2007

(Non-Refereed) “The Dark Side of Sport: “Liability in the Weight Room for Physical

Educators”, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine, June 2007

(Non-Refereed) “The Dark Side of Sport: “Supervision Issues”, Bigger Faster Stronger

Magazine, March/April 2007

(Non-Refereed) “Safety and Liability: “How to Prevent Weight Room Lawsuits”, Bigger,

Faster, Stronger Magazine, January 2007

(Refereed) “On the Stand: Experts Share their Strategies”, The Forensic Expert Journal,

ACFE, Winter, 2006

Non-refereed) “The Coach and the Courts: Weight Training for Kids”. Bigger, Faster, Stronger

Magazine, Sept/Oct 2006

(Refereed) “The Next Level of Weight Room safety, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine,

May/June 2006

(Refereed) “The Business of Forensic Consulting,” The Forensic Examiner, Summer 2005

(Non-refereed) “Lawsuits: Give Yourself a Sporting Chance”, Bigger, Faster Stronger

Magazine, Sept/Oct. 2004

(Refereed) Planning and Preparedness Help Prevent Injuries and Costly Litigation for

Physical Educators,” Colorado Association for HPERD Journal, Vol. 27,

Number 1, Fall 2002

(Refereed) “Should Sports Management Program be in School of Business or Human

Performance Departments?” Journal of HPERD, March 2000

(Refereed) “Physical Educator on Trial: The Issues,” Colorado Association for HPERD

Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1, Fall 2000

(Non-Refereed) “Dr. Rabinoff 24-Point Check List for Evaluating Fitness Infomercials,”

www.totalgym.com, November 1999

(Refereed) “Pounds of Prevention,” Athletic Business Magazine, July 1998

(Refereed) “The Value of Professional Continuing Education: An Interview with Marc

Rabinoff,” American College of Forensic Examiners Journal, March 1998

(Refereed) Chapter Author in “Sport Facility Management,” edited by Walker and Stotlar,

“Risk Management and Litigation,” Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1997

(Refereed) “The Forensic Expert’s Guide to Litigation: The Anatomy of a Lawsuit,” by

Marc A. Rabinoff and Stephen Holmes, Esq., published by LRP Publications,

Horsham, Pennsylvania, October 1996

(Non-Refereed) “Exertional Rhahdomyolysis: A Potential Killer of Athletes and Exercising

Adults,” CAHPERD State Journal, November 1996

(Refereed) “Fitness Instructor Certification, Licensure, and Dare I Say A College Degree,”

Opinions, Observations and Predictions,” The Exercise Standards and

Malpractice Reporter, December 1994

(Refereed) “Equipment Manufactures Showing Muscle in Fitness Industry Litigation,” The

Exercise Standards and Malpractice Reporter, pg. 27-38, June 1994

(Refereed) “Thirty Two Reasons for the Strength, Conditioning and Exercise Professional

to Understand the Litigation Process,” NSCA Journal, April 1994

(Refereed) “Our Legal System and the Insurance Industry: The Two Most Effective Facets

of Society Affecting Sports, Fitness & Recreation in American 1977 – 1991,”

chapter in Operational and Theoretical Aspects of Sports Business, Wm. C.

Brown Publishing, January 1994

(Non-Refereed) “Deliberate Indifference: The I Don’t Care Defense,” The Expert Witness

Journal, November 1993

(Refereed) “Weight Room Litigations: What’s It All About,” The Sports, Parks and

Recreation Law Reporter, June 1993, The Exercise Standards and Malpractice

Reporter, July 1993, The Sport Medicine Standards, October 1993 and reprinted

in the Journal of the NSCA, April 1994

(Refereed) “Winter Sports Injuries and Lawsuits,” Journal of Sport/Fitness Risk

Management, part 1 and part 2, Winter 1993 and Spring 1993

(Refereed) Textbook review of ACSM’s Health/Fitness Industry Standards and Guidelines,

1992 Edition, JOHERD, February 1993

(Refereed) Textbook review of ACSM’s Health/Fitness Industry Standards and Guidelines,

Journal of Sport/Fitness Risk Management, Fall 1992 (October)

(Refereed) “Continuous Employee Training: The Keys to a Safe & Successful Hotel/Resort

Recreation & Fitness Program,” co-authored with Herb Creswell, Journal of

Sport/Fitness Risk Management, Summer 1992

(Refereed) “Risk Management” chapter in Facilities Planning for Physical Education,

Recreation and Athletics, American Alliance for HPERD, January 1993

(Non-Refereed) “Can You Be Sued? You bet your career you can!”, American Heart

Association of Colorado, Nutrition & Exercise Publication, Fall 1991

(Refereed) “Warning: High School Athletics May Kill You,” The Journal of Fitness Risk

Management, Vol. 1, No. 8, November 1991

(Refereed) “Using Warning Signs,” The Journal of Fitness Risk Management,

Vol. 1, No. 5, August 1991

(Non-Refereed) “A Conversation With A Liability Expert: A sound risk-management program

is the key to a better future,” Aqua Magazine, June 1991

(Non-Refereed) “Safety Audits and Risk Management,” co-authored with Cody Bartlett,

Journal of the National Employees Services and Recreation Association,

May/June 1991

(Refereed) “Offering Safe Aerobics Programs,” Journal of Fitness Risk Management,

May 1991

(Non-Refereed) “Americans with Disabilities Act,” co-authored with Cody Bartlett, Journal of

the National Employees Services and Recreation Association, February 1991

(Refereed) “Nutrition Advice to Members by Professionals Only,” co-authored with Donna

Poiak, Journal of Fitness Risk Management, February 1991

(Refereed) Editor, Certification Manuals for Aerobics/Conditioning, Personal Fitness

Trainers and Weight Training for the National Health Club Association’s

National Education and Certification Program, anticipated publication date late


(Non-Refereed) “The Myth of Retailer’s Non-Liability,” co-authored with Cody Bartlett,

Fitness Equipment Dealer Magazine, October 1990

(Refereed) “An Examination of Four Recent Cases Against Fitness Instructors,” The

Exercise Standards and Malpractice Reporter, Vol. 2, No. 3, May 1988

(Non-Refereed) “The Weight Room: Don’t Leave It Alone,” co-authored with Cindy Shaw,

Looking Fit Magazine, October 1987

(Non-Refereed) “Fitness On The Road,” Looking Fit Magazine, July 1987

(Non-Refereed) “Who Can Stop the High Cost of Insurance?” Looking Fit Magazine,

March 1987

(Non-Refereed) “Precautions for Aerobic Fitness Activities,” Looking Fit Magazine,

October 1986

(Refereed) “Instructors Guide for USGF National Safety Certifiers,” for use with USGF

Safety Manual and Certification Courses, April 1986 – 1990

(Non-Refereed) Contributor to USGF Safety Newsletter Quarterly Publication,

August 1986 – 1988

(Refereed) “Size Up Your Fitness Programs Safety Factors – Aerobic Dance,” Sports

Fitness Magazine, January 1986

(Non-Refereed) “Will The Real Fitness Professional Please Stand Up?”, Proceedings

Publication, Symposium on Aerobics and Sports Medicine, Denver, Colorado,

September 27-28, 1985

(Refereed) “The Effective Design and Upkeep of Gymnastics Facilities,” chapter in Law

and Sport: Contemporary Issues, edited by Dr. Herb Appenzeller,

published by Bobbs-Michie, publish date October 1985

(Refereed) “Safety Awareness in Gymnastics,” chapter 3 in USGF Gymnastics Safety

Manual, edited by Dr. Jerry George, publish date 1985 (book)

(Non-Refereed) “What’s Happening in Your State Professional Organization,” Colorado Journal

of HPERD, Fall 1983

(Refereed) “The SAID Principal of Weight Training,” chapter (pg. 67) in Dance

Aerobics II, by Polley, Anderson World Books, Inc., April 1983

(Non-Refereed) “The Teaching of Management in Athletics: A New Course Concept,”

Colorado Journal of HPERD, Spring 1983 (CJOHPERD)

(Non-Refereed) “Physical Education, Recreation and Dance for the 1980’s and Beyond,”

Colorado Journal of HPERD, Vol. 9, No. 2, Winter 1983

(Non-Refereed) Law and Sport Anthology Readings, 1982 – 1994 (Vol. 1–13),

Metropolitan State College of Denver, required readings for law and sport


(Non-Refereed) “Weight Training for Women,” articles, anthology for presentation at

President’s Council on Physical Fitness, Denver, Colorado,

November 24, 1981

(Non-Refereed) “A Workbook for Management of Interpersonal Relations for Athletic

Administrators,” published by Metropolitan State College of Denver,

Denver, Colorado, January 1981

(Non-Refereed) “The Management of Aggression in Youth Sports: A Practical Approach Based

on the Dynamics of Personality,” Colorado Journal of HPERD, August 1980

(Non-Refereed) “Managing Interpersonal Relations: A Systems Approach for Athletic

Administrators,” published by Metropolitan State College of Denver,

Denver, Colorado, January 1980

(Non-Refereed) “Budget Making and Financial Accountability for Physical Education

Programs,” ERIC Documentation #ED 162091 (Cited in the April 1979

Resources in Education)

(Non-Refereed) “Sportsmanship and Leadership Development in American Sport – Fact or

Fantasy,” Colorado Journal of HPERD, Spring 1979

(Refereed) “An Accountability Model for Intercollegiate Athletics,” Athletic

Administration Journal (NACDA), Winter 1978

(Non-Refereed) “Intrinsic Perception: An Aid in Mainstreaming the Atypical Child,”

Colorado Journal of HPERD, December 1978

(Non-Refereed) “The Collective Bargaining Movement in Higher Education: A Chronological

Analysis and Review of the Factors, Consequences and Trends, 1961 – 1977,”

ERIC Document #ED 153567 (Cited in September 1978 Resources in


(Non-Refereed) “The Value of Competition and Cooperation Development in American Sport,”

Colorado Journal of HPERD, Spring 1978

(Non-Refereed) “The Subtleties of Teaching Gymnastics,” Colorado Journal of HPERD,

September 1977

(Non-Refereed) Compiled the first Intramural Sports Handbook, Saint Leo College, distributed