Chp 10 Test Review/Scavenger Hunt
1. Article I of the Constitution directs Congress to______the seats in the House after each census.
2. The Senate is known as a______because only a third of its seats are up for election at the same time.
3.The______of congressional committees allows them to check on agencies in the executive branch.
4. Under the Constitution, seats in the House are to be ______among the States according to their individual populations.
5.When ______elections are conducted, all voters in a State choose from the same pool of candidates.
6. The Constitution gives the President the power to______a session of Congress only if the two houses cannot agree on a date.
7. Lawmakers who vote as ______believe that each question they face should be decided on its own merits and not based on personal feelings or the beliefs of their constituents.
8. Why did the Framers of the Constitution favor a bicameral legislature? (Historical and Practical Reasons)
9. Which group has generally used its power to gerrymander congressional districts?
10. What are qualifications for a senator?
11. What is the length of term for the House of Representatives and Senate?
12. When must congressional elections be held?
13. What is the size of the House of Representatives and Senate?
14. The fact that all congressional districts in a State must have about the same number of people so that one person's vote is equal to another's, is due to what Supreme Court case?
15. Before the 17th Amendment was adopted, how were senators’ chosen?
16. Is compensation for senators the same as representatives?
17. What is the minimum number of seats in the House of Representatives a state can have?
18. Why is the Senate called the “upper house?” (Two reasons)
Chp 10
19. Congress must meet formally at least twice during each ______to carry out the business of lawmaking.
20. Voters choose among candidates running exclusively in their districts under the ____ system of election.
21. An emergency may prompt the President to call a ____ of Congress.
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22. The implied powers are based on the ______, giving Congress the ability to carry out its expressed powers.
23. A _____ would argue for a narrow interpretation of the powers of Congress.
24. The ______authorizes Congress to regulate all commercial interactions between the States.
25. A ______favors a broad interpretation of the Constitution, which would extend the powers of Congress.
26. Some country doctors once accepted livestock as payment for medical bills, but most creditors today demand to be paid in ______.
27. A is a monetary sum first paid by one person and then passed on to another.
28. What power did the Supreme Court ruling Gibbsonsv. Ogden expand? Pg. 297-8
29. Under the Constitution, does Congress have the sole power to declare war?
30. All treaties must be approved by a two-thirds vote of whom?
31. Why did the farmers include the Necessary and Proper Clause in the Constitution?
32. According to the Constitution, who has the sole power to impeach the President?
33. Under the 25th Amendment, the President nominates a ______to the Vice President.
34. The Federal Government has often relied on ______to pay for wars or social programs.
35. What power did McCulloch v. Maryland gave Congress the ability to use?
36. Which house of Congress uses its nonlegislative power to approve or reject Presidential appointments?