2015-16 ECMS Robotics Club Application
By filling out and signing this application, students and parents agree that the following requirements are expected of the ECMS Robotics Club Team:
- 6th – 8th grade students who are in good academic standing, are eligible for the ECMS Robotics Club.
- Since space is limited, only a limited number of students can be chosen for the ECMS Robotics Club. Students will be chosen based on the quality of their application, experience, and recommendations from teachers.
- Students must attend regular club meetings and events. Students are allowed to attend club meetings during their track out.
Club meetings will take place every Tuesday from 2:20 – 4:00 p.m. We will meet in Room 212. The first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday September 8, 2015.
In order to maintain your spot in the club:
- Students must consistently attend club meetings.
- Students are attentive to the person talking.
- Students will maintain passing grades in all classes.
- Students receiving any major discipline referrals may lose their place on the robotics team.
- Students are expected to work diligently and collaboratively with the other members of the robotics club.
- Students must use care when using robotics equipment.
- Students/parents must provide their own transportation home from club meetings. Please ensure that your child is picked up no later than 4:15pm.
- Students should not receive more than 3 minor disciplinary referrals (parents will be contacted).
Club Sponsor(s):
If you need more information or have any questions regarding the ECMS Robotics Club, please contact our club sponsors.
Mrs. Paulina Seila Ms. Courtney Rudder
Mrs. Patsy Hester
A completed application and a letter by the student explaining why he/she is interested in the Robotics Club isdue: Friday, August 28, 2015(for all Tracks). Please turn in the application to Ms. McGrath, the receptionist in the front office. Teacher recommendation forms should be turned in by the recommending teacher and not the student.
2015-16 ECMS Robotics Club Application
Include student information below:
First Name:______Last Name______
Home Phone#______CellPhone#______
Student E-mail:______
Include parent/guardian information below:
Parent/Gaurdian #1
First Name:______Last Name______
Home Phone#______CellPhone#______
Work Phone #:______E-mail:______
I give my permission to the Robotics Club to share my e-mail with the other parents in the club. Yes No
(circle one)
Parent/Gaurdian #2
First Name:______Last Name______
Home Phone#______CellPhone#______
Work Phone #:______E-mail:______
Any known allergies? If yes, please explain:______
If applicable, list any student medical conditions: ______
List any other important information concerning your child: ______
I give my son/daughter permission to participate in the after-school ECMS Robotics Club. I understand that my child must follow all requirements to maintain their spot in the club.
Parent Signature:______Date:______
I, ______understand that I must maintain passing grades, not receive any major discipline referrals, work diligently and collaboratively with other club members, and use care with robotics equipments to maintain my spot in the ECMS Robotics Club.
Student Signature:______Date:______
2015-16 ECMS Robotics Club Application
Teacher Recommendation Form
Recommendation form for ______(student name) for consideration for the ECMS Robotics Club.
Teacher Name______Grade ______Subject______
How long have you known the student candidate______.
Please rank the student candidate on the following attributes by circling the appropriate number.
(1=poor, 2=below average, 3 = average, 4=good, 5=outstanding)
Attribute / RankResponsibility / 1 2 3 4 5
Persistence/Determination / 1 2 3 4 5
Cooperativeness / 1 2 3 4 5
Academic Ability / 1 2 3 4 5
Creativity / 1 2 3 4 5
Please describe the strengths and/or weaknesses this candidate would bring to the ECMS Robotics Club:
Teacher Signature:______Date:______
Please return this form to Mrs. Seila or Mrs. McGrath, either in a sealed envelope, or folded in half and stapled. Your recommendation will remain confidential. Please respond as accurately as possible.