Minutes of the Meeting of
The Worship and Spirituality Commission
May 7, 2015
Attendees: Deacon Dennis, Anne Hines, Chris LeHay, Dottie Stackpole, Ron Siviski, Bill Stanbro, Helen Stanbro, Ted Walsh, Sharyl Webster
The opening prayer was led by Deacon Dennis.
Old Business
Parish Retreat: Helen reported on her efforts to identify a leader for a parish retreat. Several of the Commission members questioned whether a retreat would really be desirable. The decision was made to postpone consideration of a retreat until we had more evidence that people in the parish wanted a retreat as opposed to an alternative activity.
Church linens: Steps are being taken to replace worn linens at Sacred Heart. The need for new linens at other churches is also being addressed.
Parish Feast Day: Ron lead a discussion of possible events to draw attention to the parish feast day on the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood (this year on June 7.) He will have discussions with Fr. Greenleaf.
Budget Items: It was decided that anyone needing funds from the parish for Commission activities will e-mail the particulars to Bill who will put together a consolidated budget proposal.
New Business
Susan McKenny has offered to lead a “33 Day to Morning Glory” Retreat at the parish. The Commission felt this was a good idea. Bill will take this to Fr. Greenleaf and will communicate with Susan.
Plan for Next Year’s Activities: This is part of the effort to put together a parish plan for the next year (2015-2016.) The Commission felt that we needed more clarification on how we fit in with the parish calender. Bill will discuss this with Fr. Greenleaf.
Teleconferencing: Bill and Deacon Dennis informed the Commission of the parish’s plan to have teleconferencing facilities at each of the churches in the parish to facilitate communications between the various churches.
Next Meeting
Even though we are entering the summer vacation period, it was felt that we should have at least one more meeting before the summer break in order to respond to the request for input to the Parish Calender. Bill will schedule a date and venue for this meeting
Bill lead the closing prayer.