General Membership Meeting 3/2/2016 6:00pmNEC 223



- Next bargaining date: 3/21

- Michael Moats cannot be in attendance

Where are we now?

- Denied Articles 2 & 12 flat out

- 23: denied increase min 12K, offered 400,000 toward min stipends (3/4 to PhD candidates) 1 time bonus, based on .5 FTE; take away 100% language for health care and cap at our current premium price

We have time to work through these before the 21st, will have a pre-bargaining meeting


- Accept 1-time bonus

- Increase amount to go toward raising minimum stipends (ex. 600,000)

- Still working toward decreasing the gap between masters and PhD students

- $500 bonus offered twice in a row; means they have 1.5 mil on hand – argue that they have the money to meet our demands

- Concede on summer appt status and tuition waiver language

- Don’t touch our healthcare

- Their concerns of how much health care is increasing not valid for future projections

IRS stipulation – employees cannot be considered students


- Open grievance is going to arbitration

- Influence on ability to concede tuition waiver language in bargaining, because we will now have the court to address this


- Opportunity to address our experiences bargaining, Communications Dept and reps from grad office and GAU

- Great to have the opportunity to in this dept, not always the same – some GAs may fear this type of conversation

- Keegan is incredible!

- If you have leverage and comraderie in your department, please use it and try to discuss more!

- Now organizing for 5th round

- Escalation: Bargaining 5 will coincide with timing to pay fees – let’s screenshot our “FEES” and how misleading they are

- If you have a specified ask, bring it up, even if we are conceding fee language, still useful

Try to make the proposed $500 bonus to read “toward fees”?

- up to legislature at this point


- Tax exempt status revoked in 2008?? No institutional memory for this

- We did not know we were supposed to have been filing since 2008

- Process re-filing, hopefully since our budget is low, will not be a huge burden


- Senate last weekend

- Great way to understand how our chapter, other unions and organizers/activists are working

- UFF gets overwhelming, important we show up as GAU

- Resolution passed: maintaining contact with adjuncts, once a term

- Resolution to review endorsement process for unions – current lack of democratic procedure (AFT/NEA support HC)

- FIU commuter/urban, very international campus – trying to organize new GAU chapter, mostly students from engineering

- Need to show support, but will also learn more about engineering issues – we have very little penetration in dept here at USF

Guest speaking about adjunct issues

- GAU 13 years ago

- Adjunct in TB area

- Recognizing that adjuncts here are not well organized

- SEIU working with various adjunct unions in US

- Healthcare for adjuncts

- Writing newsletter keeping up with different campus’ adjuncts

What can GAU do?

- How can we help?

- Distribute the newsletter?

- We’ve got knowledge and contacts, no money

- UFF has more access to cost-related help

- Bringing issues up with other GAs (“future adjuncts”)

- Social media / video collaboration?

- No repository where all this adjunct organizing info can be found – all working individually and not connected, huge problem

- Facebook page, serves as a way for all these articles and stories all over the US can be found in one place

- Where organizing IS happening, things are improving; elsewhere folks are getting fired for organizing

We need to identify how many people in our unit are adjuncts, because right now we do not know

- Can be catalyst for organizing

- More people will get involved if we know who to contact/organize

GAs in departments, we know adjuncts, if we find them, get contact info and let them know folks in TB are organizing

- collecting stories

- building cases and accountability

SURVEY – develop through Communications

- Are you and adjunct? Have you in the past year?

- Do you know an adjunct? Contact info

- How many classes? Etc etc

- Printing proposals from UFF

Stacy adjunct at USF


All-call for nominations will go out this next week

- Through mail-chimp list

- Stewards, help us get this out to interested folks not just entire unit

- 2 weeks deadline to return expression of interest

- Contested election: we need to *physically mail out to unit the choices since we cannot use univ resources

- Ballots // set up way for people to vote online

- APRIL GMM count votes, positions take effect end of April

- Timeline based on by-laws

Bargaining Chair

- potential chief negotiator

- supplemental/release appt


- procedures of filing grievances, protect our contract

- respond to complaints, spokesperson


- Planning and constructing organizing campaigns

- Processing new members

- Coordinating orientations and actions

- Socials

- St. Pete contact


- Send out all communications to unit

- Internal and external communications

- Web presence

- Newsletter, interviews


- chapter budget

- end of year essentials report

- filing taxes


- Keep minutes

- Data-minded toward unit

Chief Steward

- gets out communications


- Runs meetings

- Manages elections

- Spokesperson/liaison media and internal university

- Senate

- General liaison to other GAU

- Appts

9 Senate seats open

- twice a year weekend commitment

- meet with other UFF chapters in state, vote on budget, propose resolutions, special projects


- Temporary space, SVC

- Will affect all literature with address

- Stay vigilant!! Know your CBA

- Reprisals like this possible

- Possible action with all these boxes!