2014 Homira Behbahani Ph.D, Associates Professor

Curriculum vitae

Full name: Homira Behbahani

Date of Birth: 1963-03-21

Nationality: Swedish

Work address: Dep. of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS), Center for AlzheimerResearch, Div of Neurogeriatrics, Novum 5th floor, 141 86, Stockholm

Telephone:+46 8 58583624

Mobile:+46 704332091

Fax: +468 58583610


1.Higher education degree

1984-1987: Graphic Design, Tehran University Tehran/Iran.

1994-1997: Biomedicine, KarolinskaInstitutet, Stockholm.

2. Doctoral degree

Year: 2002-05-17

Discipline: Experimental Medicine at Inst. of Medicine, Div. of Centre for infectious Medicine (CIM), KarolinskaInstitutet

Thesis title:Immune Dysregulation in HIV-1 Infected Lymphoid Tissue

Supervisors: Professor, PhD, MD, Anna-Lena Spetz and Professor Jan Andersson (MD, PhD)

3. Postdoctoral positions

2002Maj- 2003Sep: Dep. of Medicine, Center for infectious Medicine (CIM), KarolinskaInstitutet

2003Sep- 2006:Dep. of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS), Alzheimer Disease Research Center (KI-ADRC), KarolinskaInstitutet Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma Alzheimer Center(KASPAC),KarolinskaInstitutet

4. Docent competence

2011-04-26, Neurobiology

5. Special examination


6. Present Position

Senior Researcher, Permanent position, Group leaderat Dep. of NVS,Center for Alzheimer Research, Div of Neurogeriatrics,KarolinskaInstitutet.Working 50% at Dep. of NVS, Center for Alzheimer Research, Div of Neurogeriatricsand 50% at Div. of Clinical Geriatrics.

7. Previous positions and periods of appointments

2006-2010: Senior researcher, NVS, (KASPAC), KarolinskaInstitutet

1998-2002: PhD student at KarolinskaInstitutet, Dep. of Medicine, CIM.

1997- Scholarship from Institution for Immunology, Microbiology, Pathology and Infections Disease (IMPI), KarolinskaInstitutet, HuddingeUniversity Hospital

1996 – Graduation examination, supervised byProfessor Ralf Morgenstern (IMM, KI)

1996- Scholarship from NVV, Committee board from Vårdvetenskap, “Microsomal glutathione transferase polymorphism and gene expression” supervised by Professor. Ralf Morgenstern, Institute for Environmental Medicine (IMM), KarolinskaInstitutet


Main supervisor:PhD student: Mahmod Panahi, 2014-2018.

Co-supervisor: Louise Hedskog at Dep. of NVS, KI-ADRC, dissertation September/2012.

PostDoc:Nodi Dehvari (defended: 2009-01-30),Time: 2009-02-15 - 2009-08-01.

Supervision of candidate PhD student:Johanna Persson: Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH), 26 weeks, Time: 2008-06-10 - 2009-02-30.

Supervision of master students from: Bergen University, Stockholm University and Lund University.

Mentorship: Mentor for Katharina Klöditz, IMM, 2013-present.

Academic distinctions

Virology price 2002:Chosen by Sven GardStiftelse for the best thesis in virology area.

Scholarships 2001 and 2006:Keystone Symposia as invited speaker.

KID-founding 2008-2012: for one PhD student from KI. Total: 1432 000 kr.

KID-founding 2013-2017: for one PhD student from KI. Total: 1 300 000 kr.

Other Merits

2007: Pedagogy for Teachers at Universities part I, KI

2009: Supervisor Course 1, KI

2010: Pedagogy for Teachers at Universities, Assessment course, KI

2013-2014: Project Leadership for Research Group Leader (PFL), invited by NVS institution

2014-present: Leadership, higher Education for supervisor course at LIME, KI

Course for postgraduate education

• Responsible for post graduate course at KI under title: Mitochondria in Health and Disease, course no: 2185, 2008.

Teaching experience

• More than 240 teaching hours for undergraduate and postgraduate students

• Supervised students from high school, graduate and postgraduate since 1998, supervision for at least 10 master students, national and international

• Course organizer at NVS “ÄldreDemens”, 2012

Scientific production

•More than 26 scientific papers published in highly sophisticated journals within HIV-1, Alzheimer and Parkinson Disease field.

•Involved in several international Congress as invited speaker.

•Main responsible for Internal and External research grants 1999-2014.

  • 2007-present: Abstract reviewer for IAS Conference for HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and prevention and AIDS conference”.

•2009- present:Responsible for PhD seminars and Center for Alzheimer Research, at NVS.

•2006-present:Reviewer for scientific articles since.


2001-2003: Representative safety officer in Div. of Infections’ disease laboratory, Huddinge University Hospital F-82.

2007-2008: Involved in issues regarding discrimination and equality at NVS.

2010-Nominated and involved assuppleant from NVS for selection of rektor at Karolinska Institute.

2011-present: “Ombud for lika villkor” at NVS.

2011-present: member of department council and work environment councilat NVS.