2014 Hawaii Area 17 Budget Assembly
Hosted by Tri-Island District 13
Saturday August 16, 2014
8:00 AM / Breakfast/Registration9:00 AM / Call to Order
- Serenity Prayer
- Host DCM Announcements
- Reading
- Welcome of Past Delegates and other Guests
- New GSR/DCM Intro & Assignments
- Birthdays
9:15 AM / Area Officer Reports/Introductions
- Area Secretary (Jim D.) Minutes accepted unanimously (Jeannie, Jon S)
- Area Treasurer (Kunane D.)
Budget Assembly
August 16, 2014
Aloha Panel 63 trusted servants,
As of July 31, 2014, the Hawaii Area funds are as follows:
Operating Funds / $13,122.52
Prudent Reserve / $5,003.60
Reserve for Computer Equipment / $1,032.65
Reserve for International Convention / $1,400.00
Total Cash in Bank / $20,555.97
As of July 31, 2014:
Total Contributions and Income / $23,420.65
Total Expenditures / $27,150.29
Net Income/Loss / -$3,729.64
As of the end of July, the Area has a deficit of $3,729.64. As we know from experience, the majority of the Area’s expenses come during the first 5 months of the year and for this year that period is extended with the Pacific Regional Forum and the Trustee visit. However, this has changed with the August deposits and we will be in the black. I wanted to thank you for your contributions and service to the Hawaii Area. I wanted to acknowledge the International Women’s Conference and HICYPAA for their generous contributions.
Today we will be voting on the proposed 2015 budget for Hawai’i Area. The finance committee (Steve N., Tami G., Colleen A., Alejandro/Ron A. and I) has worked very hard to present the budget to all districts during the last few months. I want to acknowledge the finance committee and thank them for their service. The process works. We are looking forward to passing the 2015 Hawaii Area Budget.
I continue to receive many requests for district mailing addresses. Currently, there is no where for the fellowship to find this information and it has been a challenge for me also. I sent an email out to all DCMs requesting this information and received a reply from only 4 DCMs. I would like to request that all DCMs see me during this assembly with this information. I will then ask the Webmaster add this information to your district’s page on the Area website.
Please continue to spread the word to ensure all home groups to use the current Area mailing address. The forwarding order for the old mailing address has expired. Mail being sent to the old address will be returned to the sender. We want to thank all groups and the fellowship for their continued support through your 7th tradition contributions.
Officers and standing committee chairs traveling to Puna for the October Elections assembly please book your flights now. As we experienced with this assembly, airfare prices increased quickly due to the long weekend. If you would like me to put your travel costs on the area debit card, please talk to me and we can do this together! Once the dates for the Budget Assembly and committee meeting to plan for the Budget Assembly are set, please book your tickets. Don’t forget to use the Area’s Hawaiian Airlines code. The Hawaiian Airlines Affiliate code is HAWAIIAREA. The term “Affiliate Program” does not imply that we are affiliated or endorsing Hawaiian Airlines. The name is their choice, not ours, and this is not something special they are offering us because we are Alcoholics Anonymous. Any group can become an affiliate group. Airline programs are used for many A.A. events, including the International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous.The earlier we book, the cheaper the tickets are. In the spirit of financial prudence and responsibility. More information regarding Air Travel can be found on the Area website,
Should you need any assistance and/or treasurer support such as a check between now and the elections assembly, please feel free to contact me through the Area email at . Have a safe and joyous holiday season.
- Area Registrar (Clifford S.)
As usual I continue to update our Hawaii Area 17 information on GSO’s FNV Database.
As of August 15, 2014 we have 596 total groups listed in Hawaii Area 17 and here is the breakdown:
Active: 228 (some are current for Panel 63 while others have old information)
Please remember that it cost our fellowship whenever GSO sends information to our Groups. So if the group’s information is incorrect this is an unnecessary expense.
So again please check that your Group’s contact information is accurate and up to date.
Unknown: 93 (no complete contact information is available)
Merged: 29
Inactive: 245 (closed groups)
Pending Inactive: 1
Feel free to stop by the Registrar’s Desk to check your group’s status.
- Alternate Delegate (Cheryl N.) – no written report
- Alternate Chair (Coleen A.)
October 18-19, 2014 Election Assembly
#12 Puna District, Big Island
DCM: Cynthia
January 17-18, 2015Orientation Assembly
#4 Windward District , Oahu
Feb/Mar 2015Committee Meeting
#1 Diamond Head District,Oahu
March/April 2015Inform the Delegate Assembly
#5 No Ka `Oi District, Maui
May/June 2015 Committee Meeting
#12 Puna District, Big Island
August 15-16, 2015Budget Assembly
#9 North Shore District, Oahu
Sunset Beach Recreational Center
October 2015Optional Committee Meeting
#11 Kihei District, Maui
November2015Optional Assembly
#2 Honolulu District, Oahu
Also in 2014:The Annual Hawaii Convention
October 30 – November 2, 2014 Annual Hawaii Convention, Oahu
Hawaii Convention Center/AlaMoana Hotel
As always, neighbor island participation is hoped for, so please register and let the convention committee know if you’d like to volunteer to help. Area 17 steering committee chairs, if you are going to the convention and want a display table there, please let us know. So far, The Mynah Bird, Archives and Grapevine Committees have requested tables.
Also, the convention steering committee hired a new secretary who will start in 2015, and appointed the chair for 2015.
As a member of the finance committee, I presented the draft budget to the 3 districts in Maui County, and to a few groups who asked me to attend their business/home group meeting.
- Area Chair (Bob H.)
I hope all of you, especially those from Hawaii Island, are in the process of recovering from Iselle. My heart went out to all my friends in the Fellowship, especially those in Puna and Hilo areas, as I watched the news and tracked the storm. I couldn't help but wonder if any meeting places were damaged and if meetings were being held, at least shortly after the crisis.
In cheerier news, since our last assembly I've been on the mend following a hip replacement operation in late April, in fact it was on my AA anniversary. That kept me out of the loop for a bit, though I was well enough to chair our May Committee Meeting in Waianae. Many mahalos to all who made that a great event.
The big highlight for me during this time was, of course, the Pacific Regional Forum held July 11-13 in Boise Idaho. Ken, Cheryl, and I all attended, as well as Daniel from Hawaii Island. This was my first forum and it was fascinating. Rather than report on it in this document, please read my efforts at blogging the event, as I have in the past, at:
We will be hosting the 2016 Pacific Regional Forum in Kona so this was a great opportunity for me to see "how it's done." I'm not sure what part I'll play in our 2016 Forum but you can be sure I'll be attending. I hope you do too!
Besides my trip to Boise I also travelled to Olympia Washington and Hawaii Island, both for weddings. On those trips I made sure I took a lot of Annual Hawaii Convention and WACYPAA 18 fliers and put them out where I could.
I'm looking forward to this, our penultimate assembly of Panel 63. We have a lot to do and I hope this assembly is rich and rewarding experience for all.
Area Delegate’s Report (Ken K.) See posted report on Area17aa.org
10:15 AM / Break
10:30 AM / Presentation and Vote on 2014 Budget
Positive comments from the floor.
Passed Unanimously.
11:15 AM / Pacific Regional Forum Reports - Ken, Cheryl, Bob& 2016 Pacific Regional Forum Update– With Information on Grapevine/La Vina/Big Book
11:45 AM / AFG Welcome and Report
Summary of 2014 Al-Anon World Service Conference
The 54th world service conference theme was world service conference are spiritual principles in action.
Focus on spiritual principles as contained in our three legacies of steps traditions and concepts.
Thought force: strategies on importance of a home group. Help current and new members understand the home group as a concept, helping people feel connected, and to have a sense of belonging.
"Service participation by members of Al-Anon family groups who are also members of Alcoholics Anonymous.” This was a revision to the service manual which didn't change the policy that was meant to clarify the spiritual principle behind the policy. It was the combination of a thought force on how to include dual members in service work while maintaining our policies and the task force peace with criteria to help service arms identify service jobs for dual members. Next was a universal understanding of recovery: "Family recovery is a process of healing and growth for family members affected by someone's drinking. This process helps these individuals make healthier life choices and develop relationships that are more positive and supportive."
WSC gave conceptual approval to develop a daily reader that reflects the diversity of our fellowship. It will possibly be published by 2019.
Computer use at the WSE was approved for note taking.
A task force was created to develop a workshop on principles versus procedures. Sharing is being sought for two topics: parents and grandparents of teens and young adults who are problem drinkers, and intimacy in alcoholic relationships. A big question for the Board of Trustees: how can we as service leaders anticipate the future and Al-Anon's place in it ensuring that the necessary resources are available with our spiritual principles as our guide?
There is a treatment facilities outreach project.
A task force was established to compile area guidelines for trusted servants not fulfilling responsibilities.
The policy on Memorial contributions by nonmembers is being reviewed.
12:00 PM / DCM Announcements/Prayer/Lunch/Finance Committee Meeting
1:00 PM / Presentation on Fundraising by Past Delegate, Vernon G
1:15 PM / Round Tables on Fundraising
2:15 PM / Round Table Reports
GSR #1
The group conscience is the ultimate authority.
Avoiding IRS issues is best.
Any sales can bring audit.
AA “get-togethers” are not meeting related.
Tax id #’s discussed; some have them.
GSR #2
Many ways to raise money.
Can change “splits” when need is obvious.
As leaders, we have to rely on the group conscience.
Why do we get so cheap when we sober up?
Central Offices and Intergroups need money to operate.
We need to encourage greater donations to 7th tradition, stressing the spiritual nature of our contributions.
Separate activities from the 7th tradition.
Special events have special rules; HICYPAA and IWC split all proceeds.
Should the groups have an IRS #?
At the group level, we decide if we want to participate.
Contribution vs. donation
Intention to self-support is important.
Fundraising; we can’t have non-AA’s donating to Alcoholics Anonymous.
Raffles and silent auctions- If they are not exclusively held for AA members, AA hould not receive the profits. Registration for events can help decide what percentage AA can accept for combined activates.
Some groups pass a second hat around for events like roundups.
We should be self supporting through our own members, not the selling of T-shirts and trinkets.
There are lots of grey areas. Dances and dinner events accept funds from non AA’s. For example, a group held a non AA’ event that was open to all. During the event a ‘gratitude meeting’ was held and a basket was passed. Later, profits were split between the districts and intergroup. Did we break Traditions by accepting it?
External v Internal/ contribution v donation
Separation of 7th tradition; pass a can for a picnic.
How much are our services worth?
There are varying levels of consciousness.
2:30 PM / Break
2:45 PM / DCM Reports (5 minutes) – in numerical order
#1 -- no written report
#2 -- Thank you to the women's conference for the donation. It has sparked discussion on what to do.
Thank you tri-island district for today.
We have worked with Diamondhead and Waikiki for report back. We are starting to plan a New Year's alkathon with the possibility of working with intergroup.
#3 -- Leeward District 3 is doing well. We have the regular participation of 3 GSRs, my treasurer and secretary. I also make sure that representatives from most of the meetings in my group are informed of what is taking place in the district and area. We had to postpone our July meeting because I was in Europe. The meetings there are Awesome. The district unanimously voted in favor of the budget. I believe this was due to the presentation by Kunane at our June meeting.
In May, we did a service workshop and Bob was one of our presenters on the levels of service in AA. In June, the District supported a service fair for PROJECT D.A.T.E. giving out literature and meeting schedules.
The district is very solvent since we received the donation from The International Women’s and we are planning a movie night. I will send everyone the flyer when we get the date and time nailed down. We did decide on a timeframe that would be mostly workable for those that have evening meetings to attend. We are planning on a potluck and looking at venues. But we haven’t decided on the movie to show. I am open to suggestions and taking a survey of what people would like to see.
We are also working with Waianae and Central Northshore Districts for the Delegate report back. This will take place on September 21, 2014; starting at 11:30 a.m.; St. Peter and Paul Mission in Waimea, Oahu.
I want to thank Tri-Island district for spoiling us with the air-conditioned room and excellent food. The rest of us will be hard put to compete with this.
#4 -- DCM Linda B. is out of state taking care of her daughter and new grandbaby.
Alternate DCM Mark P. Has been taken ill while here on Maui.
Aloha Hawaii Area 17 -
The Area's Orientation Assembly is set for January 17-18, 2015. Mark, our Alternate DCM has secured the Kokokahi YWCA, which we used last year. Our new regional Trustee will be visiting at that time, so with his scheduling demands in mind we arranged the event . However, due to availability, we will use Atherton Hall for the Saturday session and the Gymnasium for Sunday's session.
Ken mentioned his report back in September - no need to report.
District Events upcoming -
TYG HomeGroup Day October 4th, themed "Carnival"
Hangloose camp out November 14,15,16 see Marcus for more information.
Gripers new meeting time 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at St .Christophers
Mahalo for this opportunity to be of service.
#5 -- District 5 held a BBQ-fellowship-speaker event on July 19th at Kanaha Beach Park. 30 members attended (despite bad weather), and the event was well received. Clifford shared his experience in service. A gentleman who was drinking in the bushes nearby approached a member after the meeting and asked for information about AA.
District Elections will be held September 9 at 5:30pm at Kahului Union Church, Classroom 4. Clifford (area registrar) and Colleen (alt area chair) will facilitate the election.
We are planning a discussion around court cards - our goal is the help the groups make informed decisions around this issue within the framework of our traditions.
Our treatment committee has helped the women at Malama House start a Big Book study Monday evenings. Donations of literature for treatment continue to be strong from all over Maui. The AA panel Thursday evenings at Aloha House is going strong.
We cooperated with Kihei and Tri-Island districts in hosting our Delegate Ken for report back from the GSC at Waikapu community center on June 22. It was well attended and very informative.
#6--Aloha to all the District Officers, fellow DCM’s, Committee Chairs, GSR’s and other guests. I would like to say Mahalo to District 13 for hosting the Budget Assembly. It is an honor and a priveledge to be in service at any level in AA.
We currently have somewhere between 33- 35 groups on Kauai, some meet every day. The message of recovery is strong and participation in service is still a struggle, but with the help of our Higher Power we will see more involvement. I believe we have succeeded in getting the word out about being of service in AA, but we still have more work to be done to accomplish substantial unaminity.
We have had quite a few sponsored events on island and the participation from all areas of the island is encouraging.